Ghosts And The Spirit World

Orbs And Spirits – I Need To Know What Is Happening

When I was around 3 years old, I have always had contact with ghosts and spirits. Now I’m in my late teens and I still see shadows and even see things move, but I guess I’m kinda used to it.

A while back, my friend and I were just messing around and recording ourselves around my room. When we played back the footage we saw this huge white orb fly up across my room behind me. For the first time in a while I was slightly freaked out. I’ve done my research and nothing has happened since.

Lately, I have been seeing these shadow figures. Some even appear to be like animals. One time my mom was driving me home when I saw this thing race across the street. I screamed because I thought she hit someone but no one was there. I’m not sure what to do. And I’m very cautious to spirits because I know they could be good or bad.

Just need to know what’s happening here because it’s messing with my head haha. Thanks to anyone who has answers.

Asked by Anna

Ghosts And The Spirit World

What Is My Spirit Visitor Trying To Tell Me?

I’m not really sure if I was awake or falling asleep when this experience took place, but I was lying in bed with my eyes closed when I felt a cold wet nose touch mine. I open my eyes quickly expecting one of my two dogs to be standing over me wanting to go out. They were both asleep on the other side of my bed, but I could still feel tho tickling sensation on the tip of my nose. I rubbed it away wondering what it was then I distinctly smelled and felt the fuzzy kitten who used to curl up under my chin, and wake me up with kisses on my nose. As the thought entered my mind, it was Mischief, I felt the kneading and purring of a cat next to my head on my pillow.

I know two things, I was wide awake from the moment after the initial touch, and this was the spirit of my old cat, Mischief. The strange thing is, I didn’t even know she had died. I had to give her up when she became ill with ovarian cyst and I couldn’t afford to pay for vet. A good friend at the time had found another friend willing to take on a new cat and the expense of her vet bills. Since then I never saw her and the friendship dissolved for unrelated reasons, but I’m certain it was her who visited me because she was the only cat who ever slept on my pillow with me. And the scent was so unmistakeably fuzzy kitten.

I wonder why she would suddenly come to me after over 15 years, and what could she be trying to tell me? Does anyone have any ideas or insight?

Asked by Barbara

Ghosts And The Spirit World

Animal Ghosts?

Can Cats or Dogs still stay around after they are gone?

I’m sure that my cat still lays at the foot of my bed like she did for 18 years.

Asked by Virginia