General Questions

Feeling A Tug On My Shirt From Behind

This has been on my mind for quite sometime and have shared this with only a couple of friends. But I am curious. In the past 7 years I have experiened the following only 3 times.

Once I was on my deck at night speaking with a friend. I clearly felt what I can best describe as a hand or a solid air mass sweep my back from around the back of my neck down towards my waist. I wasn’t afraid but my friend noticed that I turned quickly and asked if I was ok. I explained what I felt.

The other time I was at a Church service and felt a tug on my shirt from behind. I turned and the closest people were a couple of rows behind me. No one in the row directly behind me.

The more recent was in July of this year, I was leaned over on an island in my kitchen reading something. I was alone and it was night as well. I, without question, clearly felt a tug on my shirt from behind, upper right by my shoulder blade. A short solid quick tug.

In both occasions I did not feel threatened nor fear. I slowly turned to see who had tugged me. No one. No one was at my residence that night.

I’m curious if anyone has had any experiences like this and/or know what this is? Thank you in advance.

Asked by Pete

169 replies on “Feeling A Tug On My Shirt From Behind”

Hi Pete,

Sounds like a ghost or two trying to get your attention. I’ve had tugs, taps, my hair pulled, air blow on my neck, my name called multitudes of times in very strange locations, my hands held, all very friendly .. been rocked on my feet, shoved, tickled, irritated by movements out of the corner of my eye .. mildly annoying.

What I usually do is ask my angels to ‘find’ whomever is tugging me and ‘take’ them into healing (or heaven). It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in angels or heaven, because they believe in us .. and it works.

Next time it happens ask for help for your ‘tugger’, it will be appreciated.

Love & Peace

I have felt like something tugged on my shirt a few times what do it mean

Hi James,

When do you feel the tug? At the same time, or the same place (location) each time? Does anything else happen that’s a bit strange?

Love & Peace

The tugging on the back of my shirt started when I was little ..around 12 years old I’m 28 now.It always happens in a kitchen , no matter whose it is I will be turned around doing something and things will get extremely quiet and I will feel a noticeable tug on the back of my shirt .If I don’t turn around right away it will contue .I know for a fact I’m not going crazy because I’m like if I didn’t feel a tug then why am I turned around looking for something that tugged my bottom part of my shirt …even if other people are In front of me…Cannot explain!!!!

Hi Mario,

Have you asked the entity not to tug you? Is it always at the same time of day? It is a way of getting your attention, so are you doing the same sort of activities when it happens?

Otherwise .. I suggest you ask Archangel Michael to “FIND the entity tugging your shirt and TAKE it into healing”. That’s the simple version of the Michael Invocation at the bottom of this page. That should give the entity more than enough attention, and stop the tugging.

Love & Peace

I had my shirt tugged twice around 3 months ago,and again last week.
All instances occurred in my kitchen,and were identical, a Sharp tug at the base of my shirt/T shirt. On the most recent occasion I did actually say “PLEASE don’t do that” and I’m just hoping that whoever/whatever is doing it takes notice. Fingers crossed!!

I have had the same thing happen to me. This has happened many times over the years. Probably starting in my early twenties. It does seem to happen mostly in he kitchen. I feel a tug on my shirt from behind me. It is very noticeable and I always turn around. Nobody there at all. I don’t understand it but I feel something is trying to get my attention. I hope this is my guardian angel.

Hi, A tugging sensation at my collar started two weeks ago for the first time.Its happening now? I’m a shy medium anyways…I just went searching for symptoms and ended up here! Hummm it could very well-be…?

Hi Frank,

It could very well be … fairies. It could be a ghost, or a spirit. Have you had anyone die recently, that might want to get your attention? Have you been ghost hunting in the last three weeks? Even the supermarket can be a pick-up point for ghosts, rather than spirits. Either way, tell whomever is tugging your collar that they can stop now. If you are a medium, you might be able to hear what they are saying – and if so, either the message will be for you, or for someone that you know .. otherwise .. scroll down to the bottom of this webpage and follow the link to the Michael Invocation and use it to send whomever is bothering you Home. It’s best for both of you, in the long run.

Love & Peace

I have had tugging on the back of my shirt many times. It used to happen in the garage and backyard I lived in and only at night when I was alone. It hasn’t happened for about a year and a half. I moved to another city to a brand new house and haven’t felt any tugging until recently. Always in the back yard when I go out for a smoke. I usually don’t turn around but the other day I felt a tug from the middle of the back of my shirt and this time seemed to pull up a bit and held it for a second or two so I turned and said I don’t want this and shook my head no. It’s getting to where I’m expecting it now when I go out in the back yard.. usually light multiple tugs from the bottom of my shirt or sweater. I should mention when I was a kid I was smacked in the face while sleeping one morning and when I opened my eyes there was nobody there. Also when I was about 21 something unlocked a deadbolt, turned a doorknob and opened the front door for me while I was reaching to open It. Again there was nobody there. Am I just susceptible to seeing and feeling these things? Do you think it’s the same spirit doing all these things? I tried the Michael invocation tonight, hopefully that will help both me and the spirits. Thank you for posting this, so far no tugs tonight.

Hi Al,

It’s good you cleared yourself with the Invocation. I hope you also used it on your home, just to be sure. That should take care of any problems.

Love & Peace

Hi,my boyfriend and I were standing in our bedroom when I seen a dark shadow move across the wall towards my boyfriend,suddenly his shirt from the bottom side lifted up and was tugged twice very quickly then his shirt fell back down to his side and the shadow shot of quickly right out of our bedroom! It’s was an amazing site to see! Dishes get thrown and broken, jackets hung in the closet get zipped up! Loud banging noises very close to us at any given time but mostly in the evening when we’re trying to sleep!

Hi Heather,

I do not put up with destructive ghosts. It’s better for them to be crossed into heaven and stop using the living for food and entertainment. (They drain our energy from us and can leave people feeling very sick, angry or depressed, or emotions like fear and jealousy that they would not normally feel.)

I would suggest you scroll to the bottom of this webpage and follow the link through to the Michael Invocation and use it to clear your home and yourself, and get your boyfriend to say it too – just as it is. That should get rid of your irritating ‘visitor’.

I doubt you’d let one of your relatives or friends wreck your home, so why allow a ghost?

Love & Peace

Thank you for your response Ama! Both myself and boyfriend have casted these demons out on numerous occasions! No matter what we do they return! This has been happening for many years through different homes! Doesn’t matter if I move there are always paranormal activities happening! We have taken recordings “EVP” tand the demon or devil speaks in real time responding to our conversations! He refers to himself as the terrible one! And he warns my boyfriend that he better not leave me alone! We stopped all recordings years ago because they were terrible horrible things and sounds that would cause a non believer to run from our home! I spoke with a psycic who tells me I’m a light in the darkness and I have to learn to controll my gift or they will never leave me alone! I’m constantly under negative feelings because I’m so sensitive to them! I feel there hopelessness, and despair! I pray for them tell them to go to the light and encourage them to pray for forgiveness.I have been usingredients the michael invocation more times than I can count! They say we are legion we are many and for every one demon I cast out they will return with 10 more 10x stronger! I feel like I’m losing my mind and don’t know what else to do! Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated!

Hi Heather,

To start with a ghost is not a demon, but I am sure you know that. The Michael Invocation linked below was created to remove demons, daemon and ghosts. Ghosts, once removed by it, do not return .. but that doesn’t mean a lot more come to ‘visit’. Our house is like a railway station some nights, spooks coming and going .. mostly going, when they come to my attention. They don’t return.

After using the Michael Invocation you should have a some peace.

I agree you should learn to control your gift, if you have not already done so. Is there a medium’s training circle, or a psychic protection group anywhere near where you live? They could help. Otherwise, also listed below, is a link to White Light Shields which are easy to learn, easy to use, and very effective. There’s both the personal and the house shield. Learn them and use them.

The term ‘light in darkness’ could mean that you, like me, are a beacon that attracts all sorts of weirdness, or you could be a redeemed fallen angel .. in which case, the dark don’t like to let go of what they used to own .. so yes, you will be harassed all your life. That’s why the shields and the Invocation are very important. They help separate your from other people’s, and being’s, negative energy. If you want to know more about that write to me privately .. a link to my website is also listed below. You can also ask me to clear your home for you ..

Love & Peace

Hi. I recently experienced something great when I was in the hospital for about month. I was in constant pain, the drugs used for pain relief didn’t last even an hour so I stopped taking the morphine, and I was pretty much fasting for about a month since anything I ate and drank I would vomit. Two days out of the month I felt complete relief in body and in mind…I felt no regret of the past and no fear of the future. I felt completely in the moment. I was crying from joy and sorrow at the same time….it felt totally weird. Since then I became more spiritual. I went back to church after being a self proclaimed atheist for about 10 years. I’m practicing yoga and not just for the body but for the mind. I practice Chan meditation and stay at the temple to listen to the lectures. I even practice mantras. I’m trying to reconstruct my brain from a view of pessimism and at times extreme nihilism. I been feeling great, experiencing some very spiritual things, and just been acting totally out of my element from before. I even prayed for the thief who stole my 2k$ bike. It didn’t even bother me that the bike was stolen but I still reminisce about the act of cycling. I was at a bookstore one day debating on getting a book on yogananda or one that talks about the 7 chakras called wheels of life. I was leaning on the wheels of life one and then I felt a tug on my shirt and turned around. No one was near me and the cashier just stared at me…she didn’t even give me an awkward look lol. So I got the wheels of life book. Since then till today I been getting tugs on my shirt and no one is around. Today I was at a book sale and got a tug on my shirt…low and behold I found a good set of books by yogananda called the royal science of god-realization…only for 10$! Also bought other books by the dahlai lama and the prophet by Gibran. A few hours ago I was walking out the door with my books on my way to work and then something whispered in my ear…I have no idea what the language was but the tone of voice wasn’t harsh and I didn’t feel any fear. Just caught me off guard. I don’t feel fear about these experiences but should I take any precautions? If their is something I could learn from this via “spiritual goodness”, I guess, I don’t want to chase it away. The more I try to increase my spirituality how much further will this extend and will I have to worry about malevolent forces? Thank you in advance.

Hi John,

I know a number of followers of the teachings by Yogananda, they are lovely people. I loved The Prophet by Kalil Gibran. And truthfully, I often hear a voice in my ear, or in my mind – they vary from my angels to ghosts and elementals, so it makes sense to take care of your energy while you go through this lovely spurt of spiritual growth. Expect trials and challenges, with lovely flashes of peace and joy, and you’ll do well.

It is wise to test any being that starts speaking to you in your mind/ear. You can ask it ‘do you come to me in then name of Jesus Christ?’ They will answer ‘Yes, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ’. Don’t accept anything less, and don’t let them get away with any excuses for not answering in that way. You might get ‘we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ’ because the angels are a collective consciousness and speak of themselves in plural, even when there is only one.

Do not accept anything that feels like a lie. There are also many tricksters in the spiritual planes that will connect themselves to new searchers .. so I recommend you take a copy of the Michael Invocation (link below on this webpage) and the White Light Shields, and use them as you feel appropriate. They are useful tools.

And don’t expect the spiritual journey to last forever. We do it in stages. Fast learning, painful lessons, long breaks when nothing seems to happen, times when we go off on tangents but finally come back to the ‘path’.. its all normal, and wonderful.

Happy journey,
Love & Peace

p.s. I forgot, the tug on your shirt is obviously a way to make you look carefully around you. Mine is to hear my name called, usually in unexpected places. Or it could be a ghost? Ghosts are not guides, nor are demons or other negative entities, regardless of what they tell you.

I used to live in another state. While i lived there, i felt a tug on my shirt at work. The first time it freaked me out a little. The second time i just said to the ghost “yeah i know youre there”. And it never happened again. Once i was in bed, and it felt like someone sat on the bed at my feet. Turned on the lights but nobody there.

I just experienced about 3 mega tugs of my coat!!? Like behind my neck between my shoulders!!? I’m SO weirded out! It was So much real pulling on me!!? the first one, I just froze…but then there were two more. I turned, instantly thinking it was my husband (who had been inside…and then dreading the thought it was one of my boys!!?)…no one????..I am super tripped out. 😳. My dad passed 6 yrs ago tragically….. I’m always looking for a sign that he is out there somehow… but totally not religious or expecting anything…. idk, but that was really really crazy!!!

I kinda really want it to happen again!? I wasn’t scared or anything, just wanting to see whi are was tugging on my coat!!

My experiences happened about 4 years ago. Both times at work. I was standing in front of my computer. I felt a tug on the back of my shirt. I turned around, nobody there. I just thought my shirt got caught on something. The second time was i think about a year later. I was working in a new area. I was standing looking over the process area when i felt the same kind of tug.i actually felt some sort of presence with me. I wasnt scared, i just said outloud “yeah i know your there.” And it never happened again.

About 2 days ago, felt a different type tug on my back. This time i was at parents house and it felt like someone twisted like a pinch on my back. I did acknoledge it but did not say anything because i was eating dinner with my folks and i did not want to alarm them. What does this mean?. Is this a ghost of a family member who has passed.i did not feel threatened. I’m just curious why does this happen, and as i read other stories like this, why always on the back. Why not the front. Is it more fun for the ghost to do it from the back. Kind of like a little kid playing tricks. I have always been very open to the thought of ghosts, but not sure if they are people who have passed on or something else. Ama “do you believe in shadow people, or have you ever heard a wierd clicking noise in your home.

Hi Tom

As you suggested, there’s a game we play, when we sneak up behind someone and poke them and run away again. Probably every child has played something like it over the years. It’s very hard to sneak up in front of a person, even if you are invisible, because a person’s senses are finely tuned to be more aware in front of them than behind. I would suggest you or your parents clear them home, since ghosts are not good to have around the living, nor should they be trapped outside heaven. The Michael Invocation, below, is useful for that.

Yes, I believe in shadow people. My husband can see them, and often comments on those around, and a shadow vortex in our lounge room ceiling .. which I cannot see or sense. Given that I can ‘see’ and ‘sense’ incredibly negative energy and entities, I have never found shadow people to fit into this category, so I don’t worry about any around the house .. but if I feel spooked, I just tell ‘everyone’ to ‘go outside’ and visit someone else .. or I clear the energy of my home, which kicks anyone who is a ghost into heaven, and anything negative outside.

As to a weird clicking noise .. you’d have to describe it better. I hear all sorts of strange noises very frequently, to the point of regularly having my hearing checked, and clicking and tinkling, and buzzing and radio frequencies shifting .. its all normal to me, and I do not have tinnitus. I just am capable of hearing ‘clairaudiently’ (clear hearing).

Love & Peace

Ama, thankyou for your response. I have had lots of odd experiences. Whats really amazing is after something happens to me, i find out later that other people have had these same things happen to them. I’ve seen strange lights in the sky and take pictures of the moon when its full. Sometimes when i turn around i see something move away just for a split second. If i feel a presence in a room, i speak out loud and say ” is there somebody here”. And sometimes i get a strong chill down my back. I have a shadow person experience that kinda scared me, so not sure if i’m ready to talk about it. As for the Michael invocation, not sure if i want to do that. I kinda like the fact that maybe i have some sort of gift. What do you think?

Hi Tom,

The Michael Invocation only removes negative entities from around you, not spirits playing games. Nor does it stop you being able to sense and experience the weird and the wonderful. Ghosts, being people without bodies who are trapped outside of a place of peace and healing, with all their negative emotions driving them, should really just be crossed over – and then they can come back anytime they like.

If your tugging visitor is a family friend (in spirit) just dropped in for a while, they will still be there.

Love & Peace

Hi Ama, hope im not being a pain, but i like talking to you. Um, a very close family member died over thirty years ago. It was my brother. We were not very close and i have recently talked to another family member about it. He took his own life and someone once told me, that when that happens the deceased have trouble passing over. I’ve never had much belief in heaven or hell or all the things written in the bible. Although i guess im a bit of a hypocrit because the part in genesis about the fallen angels who came down and created the giant nephilem interests me. Could my ghost tugger be my brother after all these years?.
When my brother passed away, i can remember being mad at him and yelling at him and God for hurting everyone. Years later i forgave him and understood why he did it. I think we all get hurt inside and have trouble talking about it.

Hi Tom,

No you are not being a pain. I was given this site especially so that people could come and share their experiences, ask questions and get help if needed.

I am very sorry to hear about your brother. Occasionally people who commit suicide have problems crossing over, not because of the actual act, but because of the emotional or physical pain that caused them to make that choice in the first place.

I don’t believe in hell the way its described in the bible either. I do, however, believe in heaven, a place of love and healing, that everyone goes to after they die .. which is why I’ve spent over 30 years helping lost souls cross over.

You are not hypocritical in being fascinated by the nephilim. Do you know that archeologists have uncovered a few really tall skeletons over the years. Given the average height of people during the height of Egypt’s rule (Exodus in the Bible) .. well, they were very short, so a giant would stand out quite clearly. I’m actually a theologian, a person who studies the bible, and I have always found it, and them, fascinating.

Sorry, gone right off topic .. its not hypocritical to think that one part of the bible is true and another is not, its just a fact. LOL

Could the tugger be your brother? Is it an anniversary, a birthday, is there a problem in the family, is someone ill – whether you know or not? There has to be a good reason for a spirit to return to the family and try and get your attention. Is anyone else in the family experiencing the tugging? If yes, it might be him .. if no, it could simply be some passing ghost trying to get your attention for reasons of his/her own.

And yes, we all get hurt inside, and for some people it is very hard to talk about .. so perhaps he’s come back to tell you he’s just fine now .. you could ask him to tell you this answer in your dreams. Sit down on your bed just before you lie down and ask him to come into your dreams with the message. Do this three nights in a row, and then you might get an answer to that question.

In the meantime, if the tugging continues, and you are not comfortable with it .. the Michael Invocation is wonderful for helping people cross into healing – a place we all go to after each lifetime.

Love & Peace

Hi Ama,
I see nobody has added an experience since me. Why?. Anyway i dont know if any of my family have been tugged,i didnt ask. They probably think im crazy already. Have u ever seen a UFO?. I have seen strange lights in the sky at night. And have pics of some. I did ask my father (the scepticle one) once and he saw a light in the sky off the back of a cruise ship, that moved in a strange way. I think i see things that most people dont because i look for them and believe that alot of things are possible. Could it be that i still like a child have a strong imagination. Or am i really seeing and having supernatural experiences?.
I will tell you about my shadow person experience next time. Time for bed, goodnite. Tom.

Hi Tom,

People tend to read the messages on the webpage and find their answers there, or if they don’t, they ask more questions.

I have seen something far away in the distance, that looked like a tiny cigar-shaped something that shot off out of site at a 45% angle, that ‘might’ have been a space ship, or might have been something else, but the angel it was travelling was unusual. I was standing on a hill, with my daughter and a friend, in Lismore NSW, just as the sun started going down, to watch the bats come out of the caves there. That sight was spectacular, and the friend told me she had seen objects like that many times before, some even closer.

Being able to see what others don’t, or can’t, is a gift. I know plenty of people who are very observant and desperately search for the weird and unusual, and yet have never experienced it .. and then there’s me grumbling because the last thing I had seen ‘float’ was a plate, a few years before, so the large wardrobe door went out of its way to be very noticeable as it slowly opened itself .. and we got it on video .. another adventure from many years ago in a haunted house. Would it have happened if someone else had been in the room, either by themselves, or with me .. we shall never know. The house was sold and is no longer a Bed & Breakfast .. but I know quite a few of us had weird and wonderful experiences there. 🙂

Enjoy yourself, appreciate your gifts, and take care,
Love & Peace

Hi Ama,
Me again. Funny you said what you saw in the sky flew off at a 45 degree angle. The one i saw happened when i was driving home from work at 1130p. I saw a very bright light hovering in the sky. It was shaped like a squatted square. I couldnt take my eyes off of it. I ruled out airplane, but at first thought helicopter. Until it shot straight up about 500 feet and stopped suddenly. As i approached my exit, i then saw it turn on a 45 and shoot up into the heavens and disappear. Later i read that alot of people saw it as well.
As for my shadow person experience. First off i did not know anything about this sort of being. Until it happened and i researched it on the web. I was layin on my livingroom sofa, about to drop off asleep watching tv. When in my perifual (bad speller) vision i felt something watching me. As i quickly turned my head to get a better look, what i saw was not really a shadow but a black mass shape of a torso, arm and hand, and a head, but no face. It quickly retreated into my kitchen. Well i freaked out. Jumped off the couch, ran into the kitchen and yelled at it to get the h… out of my house. I found nothing, and after checking all the doors and closets i went cack to bed.i never saw it again.
Alot of people think we never went to the moon or that there is an alien base there. How do you feel about that matter.

Hi Tom,

Shadow people are flat, one dimensional beings, that people see move along the wall, floor, ceiling, etc, they have no depth to their shape. This is how my husband, and many other people describe them. And then there are ghosts, who think they are shadows and ‘look’ like them because they believe this. We can also see them out of our peripheral vision. The difference between shadow people and ghosts is that ghosts are generally aware of living people, and shadow people aren’t.

As far as the moon and aliens are concerned – I think humanity did go there. I wonder why they stopped going, the possibility of them being warned off by aliens .. is just that. It could be they ran out of money, which is probably more likely. But I do believe that humans of lots of different types and varieties exist on other planets .. if the notion of interbreeding is possible, we have to share the same DNA .. which makes us all either human or alien, depending on what planet you come from. Personally, I think the scientists, and every other person, should focus on saving our own planet rather than racing off into space to find a new home when we have completely wrecked this one ..

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
You said that people go to heaven after each lifetime. So am i right in saying that you believe in re-incarnation?. And when people have dejavu, is it because they may have experienced something simalar in another life?.
Off topic, i sense by your story about watching the bats in Lismore, that you live in Australia. It must be wonderful to see all that wildlife. Have you ever seen kangaroos or koalas in the wild?. I love wildlife and walking through the woods to see what i can find. I’m sure you have to be careful there with all the crocodiles. I looked up Lismore on googlemaps and came across Lord Howe island. If you look off the east side in the ocean. You will see what looks like a volcanic eruption coming out of the water.
Anyway back to the odd stuff, my clicking noise story is quite strange. I will tell about that another time. Tom.

Hi Tom,

Yes, I believe in reincarnation and the unconditional Love of a God who has many names.

Deja vu is possibly connected to past life experiences, it can also be connected to astral travelling, or precognitive experiences, the former can happen if you are worried about visiting some place (or person) and project yourself out of your body when you are sleeping, to check out the scene. Then when you arrive while awake, you get a feeling you’ve been there, or done that, all before.

The gift of being precognitive is that you can sense, or see, the future, and might actually dream of an event, or place, that they happens.

Past lives – on my first trip to England I gave street directions to a young couple, to a place/street I had never heard of in this lifetime. Thankfully the friend I was with at the time told me I had the directions correct. And England, and Scotland, really did feel familiar. I knew I had lived in Edinburgh the moment I drove into town .. the ‘at home’ feeling was so strong. I’ve also had that feeling in Luxor and the Giza Plateau .. not so much in Cairo, it had changed far too much from when I remembered it. I remember standing under the Great Pyramid and thinking how short it was LOL. Not sure of my ‘bird’s eye view’ on that one, but Egypt is, or was, definitely an interesting place to visit.

I do live in Australia. How wild do you mean? There was the koala who strolled across the paddock across the road, terrifying the six woolly sheep into one corner, until he reached the tree and ascended quickly. I was just getting into my car, parked out the front of our house, and couldn’t work out whether he was a koala or a wombat, until he reached the tree. Then there was the koala sitting by the water bowl in our front yard. She was a very sad story, kidney failure is a real problem for koalas. We had ‘Wires’ (wild animal protection group) come and get her but she couldn’t be saved. As for kangaroos, there was the wallaby (smaller version) that took out the postman one slightly misty morning early last year. John likes to deliver the mail between 5.30am and 6.00am, because he always has a busy day, and he says the happy hopper came out of nowhere and he and postie-bike parted company, and he ended up in hospital for a checkup, having landed on his face .. thankfully he was wearing a helmet. You see, the wallabies have a colony about half a mile from here, and when they are thirsty they will come down to the ‘never fail spring’ in our Botanic Gardens (30,000 years and still flowing). They live on the side of the dormant volcano I can see from the study window. And then there was the interesting morning I was driving from Roxby Downs, South Australia, to Woomera, about an hour, and slowed down for the fox, eagle and two kangaroos appearing to be having a conversation in the middle of the highway. They scattered as I got closer, but then the daft hoppers decided they were not satisfied with the side of the road they were on and shot across in front of me .. from either side. And if I want to see some more kangaroos, I can take a quick drive anywhere with a 20 kms radius of here (its all bush) at dusk and you can play ‘dodge the kangaroo’. Oh yes, and then there is the echidna who decided that, when I had finished taking photos of her as she wandered through our front garden, she was going to check out my foot .. she waddled right up to me, sniffed a bit, then looked up at me .. tipped her hat (a petal caught on one of her spines right in the middle of her forehead) at me, and waddled off to fall asleep tucked up under the wheel of my husband’s car. I have the photos. 🙂

I don’t live in the city. We live in a small rural town in Western Victoria. Our view is dominated by the Mt Rouse Volcano .. which rattles and shakes once in a quiet while, often for weeks on end. We are told its unlikely it will erupt, because of its previous activities, about 300,000+ years ago. There are other, more recent volcanos around us, which is part of the aboriginal history of our region. Interesting place to live, full of wild animals, some of them human. LOL

If you want crocodiles you’ll have to go far north from here, we are at the bottom end of Oz. And yes, you have to be very careful, because they see us as food. My mother has been to Lord Howe Island, I have been been to Norfolk, which is off Sydney, by about 1000kms I think. I’ve also been to New Zealand, but that doesn’t belong to Australia. Very interesting place to visit, including active volcanoes.

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
I recently returned to the place i once lived.i did not see anything or have any feeling of past experiences. Maybe they have moved on. And no new ones where i live now.i do have strange dreams but i feel our minds during dreams get all mixed up and not sure if they have any real meaning. I sometimes know im dreaming because something doesnt make sense and i know i can end the dream by simply waking up. How do you feel about dreams. I have had dreams where i see someone who has died and usually wake up when i realize that.
Ok, this is what happened one night when i lived in my old house. Hope you dont think i’m nuts. Before i start i just told a friend about it and he said he believed me. He admitted to seeing a ghost in his basement and thinks it was the previous dead owner of his house. So i felt more comfortable telling him what i saw. I mentioned before that i heard wierd cicking noises. Well, the night i heard this noise, it sounded like it was in my attick or outside. It was a pattern of clickity clicks, kind of like the noise when you turn on the heat in a house that has oil heat. Only thing is i didnt have oil heat in that house. Just writing this is giving me the chills. Well i was too curious to ignore the sound, so i looked around the house and found nothing. My attick i did not use because it had no floor boards and was hard to access. It was night outside and very dark out, so i took a flashlight with me and walked around my house. I could not find anything but still heard this odd clicking noise. Heres where it gets nuts, i shined my light to my garage roof and saw what looked kind of like a person on all fours. We stared at eachother for a moment and then it scampered up the roof and behind the chimney. It was hard to tell if it had on clothes and i dont remember seeing eyes on it but it did turn its head toward me. Well i got really spooked and went into the house. I never saw it again. As scary as the experience was at the time,i was able to let it go and not let it bother me. What are your thoughts on this?
On a different note, did you see the solar eclipse? I saw a partial of it when i was traveling. It was really something to see. Well i got stuff to do, have a good day. Tom

Hi Tom,

Yes, this site is still active, managed, but not owned, by me. I am also busy studying at university (mid semester right now), which takes up a lot of my time, among the many other projects I have, so I don’t get here as often as I should, but I do take a day to catch up as often as I can. Today.. well, tonight, as its nearly bedtime for me here in Australia, will not be it.

I’ll try and answer all the questions tomorrow.

Love & Peace

I dont want to move onto a different website because i am very pleased with this one. I understand that you cant devote all your time to answering back right away. We all have a life to lead. I guess i’m just on edge and impatient,i appoligise. You seem very down to earth and personable by your answers and i thankyou for that. Get when you can. Tom

Hi Tom,

I can have some really strange dreams at times. Otherwise, our dreams are made up of all our life experiences, whether we remember events or not, and everything we watch on the tv, read in books, from the movies etc. Sometimes our dreams are our minds trying to sort through a problem for us. Sometimes they are actually visits from people we love who have crossed into heaven. Sometimes we have ‘lucid dreams’, which happens when we take control of the dream and make it go the way we want it to. Some people dream of a strange city, and keep going back for years and years .. who’s to say it isn’t them visiting a different dimension when they sleep, or even heaven in some form. I know its very real for them.

I saw the solar eclipse on the tv. It wasn’t visible from Australia.

The character on the roof. Did it have long arms and legs? Could it have been a large possum? Could it have been an escaped monkey? It might have been a nature spirit, called ‘elementals’ .. since they are more visible to some people these days. Might sound a bit weird, but I have had conversations with a few of them over the years, but not on my roof. 🙂

Were the clicking sounds like crickets? If there were elementals around, it could be the way they communicate.

Love & Peace

Hi Ama,
The creature on my roof did appear to have long and skinny arms and legs. I was amazed how fast it went up my roof. It was definetly not an animal as it had what i would say humanlike characteristics. It was easy though to walk up there as i have as well. I used to sit on it to watch fireworks from shows in the next town. I looked up elementals on the net and i guess thats possible. They’re depicted as a myth, but so are ghosts and aliens for that matter. So who knows what it was.
On a different subject, my one friend totally believes in Bigfoot. I am not a big believer in it. I would think that one would have been found dead by now. Unless there existence is kept secret to not have the public go into mass hysteria. How do you feel on Bigfoot? Do you have any legends on strange creatures where you live. Then theres mothman,the chicago phantom and the lock ness monster, the list goes on and on. Sorry i got carried away.
I remember what you said that some people who are very observant can’t see the things i or others like you can. Thats very true, i have a family member who is in the military and although wants tosee things,can’t.

Hi Tom

I was watching a tv program about bigfoot last night. It was supposed to be on the Lakota lands in Dakota. The description matches other types in other states of America, and also in the Himalayas, although they are said to be white furred, which, given natural adaptions, would be logical. In Australia we have legends of the yowie that live by lakes. I have never seen one, though I have experienced things like the Min Min Lights in the desert on the road between Woomera and Roxby Downs, in South Australia, a few times. I lived in Roxby for 10 years and travelled at night to a writer’s group in Woomera once in a while.

As to Lochness. I know the scientists don’t find things, but I still consider them to be plesiosaurs, that might have finally died out sometimes after the people last saw them. We have other dinosaurs all around us, without us really recognising them .. whales, celocaths, and one long necked legend in South America, but I can’t remember its name. As to Mothman, I have no idea.

I think humanity does not know as much about the being on this planet that they think they do .. I will keep an open mind.

Love & Peace

Hey Ama,
What’s shakin? Sorry just being funny, hope no volcanos are shakin the ground there. LOL. Sometimes i see in my peripheral ( the spelling right this time)vision something move and wonder, could it be its just me getting tired?,or am i really seeing something wierd and wonderful as you put it. You said that you study the Bible. Well i have to ask you your opinion on how old do you think the Earth and the universe is?. Scientists claim it to be millions of years old and the bible and christians depict it to be only about 7 thousand years old. Then there is the dinosaurs. Some say humans and them co-existed and science say they didnt. The public school systems teach us to believe in the millions of years theory while most religions believe the other. What is your belief on how humanity got its start? Did Darwin get it right or did we start as Adam and Eve?. Some of my christian friends call me an athiest because i question the bible. I do believe in a higher power, i’m just not ready to believe all that is written in the bible. Do you believe in Jesus and that there will be a second coming?.
On a different note, the net has been buzzing about this new discovery. A planet called Nibiru, and that in its orbit it could bring large meteors that could destroy Earth. Any thoughts on that? Well you know the web always has something crazy going on,sometimes i dont know what to believe. Thats all for now, til next time, have a good nite. Tom

Hello Ama,
Looking back there has been so many stories of this planet coming to an end. For instance the mayan calender and before that the year 2000. Now its this planet Nibiru with its coming distruction thats supposed to happen Sept. 23 2017. Any thought on this matter. Well i guess we will find out in 10 days. Also there is talk of a major polar shift or like a wobble in our planet and that is why we have had so many extreme weather events like earthquakes and catagory 5 hurricanes.
Oh by the way, i got a tug yesterday while i was sitting down in a crowded place. When it happened, i did turn and of course saw nothing. I just smiled and chuckled a little. Also saw a shadow of some sort move in my bedroom last nite. It went from a dimly lit area to a darker area. I turned on lights and saw nothing. You said previously that you’ve seen plates float and doors opening, i don’t know if i can handle that yet.
And one more note, I think most people dont realize that there are lots of pyramids on the earth. The latest confirmed one i know of is in the ocean off the coast of Portugal. I always wonder what the earth looked like long ago. Obviously there was no water there when it was built. But again like the ones in Egypt, who built them? Maybe it was the Nephilim. Any thoughts on all this?. Tom

Hi Tom,

I think the weather is more due to El Nino and climate change. The world has had a wobble for a very long time.

If the planet Niburu was going to wipe us out, it would be all over the internet now, on astrophysics sites, not just new age nonsense sites. Also on the news. They do love reporting disasters.

I’ve been seeing various cats around here the last few days, semi-transparent, and fast on their feet. I don’t mind. 🙂

The Nephilim were probably not the offspring of fallen angels and humans, but they might have been a very tall race of people, or from another planet, we really don’t know. There ‘were’ giants ‘in those days’, it seems we dig up their bones from time to time ‘these days’. 🙂

Love & Peace

Had some interesting things happen to me at home recently in the past week. Nobody that I’m aware of has died recently, so I ruled this out. I’m an inituive, claircognizant and clairaudient, not an empath or medium. I was up around 2:30 in the morning and I was sitting on my couch doing some stuff and I get what feels like a thumb pushed up against my right ear lobe from the back and it was flicked. I knew right away it was a spirit and not a negative entity. I told it to stop and then I felt it’s energy dissipate. Then at 3 am this morning I was at my computer and I had a sharp quick tug in the back of my shirt, didn’t hurt. I asked what it wanted and that I acknowledged it’s presence. Problem being, I never got an answer.

Many years ago I did what people call ghost hunting with a highly trained team, which was more about the actual paranormal research and I got answers back then but for some reason, I’m not getting answers now. I don’t know if they’re afraid to tell me something or what it is.

I welcome their brief communication with me whatever it may be and go in peace, back into the light. Sometimes the invocation of Arch Angel Michael doesn’t work as some of the spirits and entities I’ve dealt with has no effect on them, they’re older than the Christianity and Judiasm.

I’m what is known as a banisher (cleared negative energy, spirits, demons and other entities out of homes and businesses) as opposed to the summoners or conjurers. I close gateways between worlds and send the entities packing, so to speak. Some leave on their own accord while others aren’t too nice; that’s putting it lightly.

Getting back to what’s happened, it’s disturbing that it happened but it’s not threatening as of right now. More like I have some wisenheimer spirit up for a good laugh at my expense. Both times I’ve told them that’s not cool and that they need to stop, to leave and I used the invocation every time. I’ve checked myself for recent attachments, bonds and other problems, I don’t detect anything.

What do you make of these incidents?

I’ve now discovered the identity of spirit who was playing tricks on me. It was a celebrity that was dying at the time, doing astral travel and projection. The reason why I couldn’t hear this person is because they didn’t know how to communicate in an audible way but could manipulate matter via telekinesis, a form of psychokinesis.

The spirit who visited was Hugh Marston Hefner, this was his effort was to explain to me he was leaving this realm and saying his good byes. He has gone into the light, with no issues. I’m happy he’s a peace with himself and went where he was supposed to go. No further issue on my end, things are normal again.

I do believe I’ve learned something valuable from this experience and do need to continue paranormal research at a later date.

Hello Ama,
Just a quick note. First off no new occurances. For some time now, i have been hearing odd sounds on my roof at night. What sounds like someone running acrossed it. I would hear it around 3am, but never investigated it. With all my past ghostly type experiences, my mind can sometimes race. Well no alien or ghost this time, as i caught with my spot light a racoon climb up a tree and plop onto the roof. Haha he got me. Have a good nite, Tom.

You know what always fascinates me, Lex, is how many ordinary people are visited by ghosts they believe to be someone famous who just died. Michael Jackson was incredibly popular with all his fans. If he had visited as many as he had while living, he’d still not be in heaven. Some of them he even had sex with over the years. That was usually people who never knew him in person, nor been to his concert .. so he had little or no way of knowing who they were when he as alive. Problem is, it wasn’t him, but there are entities out there who will pretend to be anyone you like, as long as people continue to do whatever the ghost, or other entity, asks. Spirits, the light bright ones, don’t do this – only the lost do.

In the meantime, I am very happy to hear that Hugh passed over safely. Did you know him personally? Why do you think he came to you to say goodbye?

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
Nothing new, but i remember 2 things that happened to me in the past. I dated this girl a while back who had a father who died while we were dating. I always felt he didnt like me, because i was so much younger than her. About 6 months after he died (and i never told anyone this), i saw a car like his and when i pulled up next to him, i swore it was him driving. We got seperated by a traffic light and i never him again.
This other thing happened to me, about 7 years ago. I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. When what felt like a person sit at the foot of my bed. I did have a cat, but too much pressure on the bed as it went down could not have been the cat. I turned on the lights and saw nothing. Someone at my work told me he has had the same thing happen to him in his bed. Have you ever felt anything like these things happen to you? Hope you have a Merry Christmas, Tom.

Hi there,
Was happy to find this site! We have recently moved into a124 year old converted church. I have always felt a peaceful feeling in the home, right from the day we looked at it. It’s never felt spooky to me. But I have felt on more than 3 occasions a small tug on the hem of my shirt. It’s usually while working in the kitchen. I have also felt it in the hall as well. My pets seem to notice something here and there. My dog randomly barks at nothing. Today it was very strong. I always look directly behind me immediately, knowing full well I am alone. To me it feels like a someone brushing their hand across my sweater near the small of my back. Or maybe a child tugging sometimes. Glad to hear others have felt this too. Thanks:)

Hello Ama,
Lately i’ve been having dreams of relatives who have passed on. Mostly my grandfather on my dads side. Just short dreams and we never speak to each other. Some of these dreams are of past pets. Just normal things like feeding my cat, or helping my grandfather on his farm. I do suffer from depression alot, and kind of veg out once in a while. I’ve been asking for my dead brother to come into my dreams, but he never does. Someone once told me that if you have alot of dreams that involve dead relatives, that it means your gonna die soon. Is that true?

Are you afraid to answer, or just dont know? Yesterday i had a new experience. I was’nt tugged. I was laying on my bed on my side, and supporting myself up with my right elbow. When all of a sudden i felt someone or something slap the back of my arm, knocking me down to a layed out flat position. Nothing else happened. Then this morning had very strong dream of my cat that passed. In my dream she jumped on my bed and walked acrossed it. Even in my dream i knew she was dead. I called to her because i miss her and was glad to see her. But she never turned to me and when i called to her again, she disappeared and then i woke up. What could this mean?. Tom.

Ama, still waiting on your response. Please talk to me. I have a very bad headache tonite. I need to hear from you. Have you ended this site, or just too busy to get back to me. If you dont answer soon, i will figure you dont care anymore. The only thing new i have is i have been hearing alot of strange booms at night. My father hears them too, and the web has reported these sounds all over the world. Something strange is happening and i fear something is coming soon. Any thoughts? Goodbye Ama. Tom

Hi Tom, you asked to write to me privately, so I said yes and sent you my email address. You did not reply.

Right now I am far away from home at residential schools for my university course. As I have told the owner of this site, I do not have as much free time now, to check the site.

So .. to go back to your first question .. no, dreaming of dead relatives does not mean you are going to die soon. It just might be an anniversary of someone’s, or a birthday, or a new baby coming into your family, so those on the spirit side will be closer for a while. It can sometimes act as a warning, but those sorts of dreams usually have some explanation within them, not just faces of people who went before you.

As to your grandfather visiting, perhaps he is worried about your emotional/mental state, since you said you suffer from depression. Are you on medication, and are you taking it, to help you get some balance in your life?

I am sorry your brother does not visit on demand, but then, did he do anything else that you asked him to do? My brother doesn’t, he’s living. My father doesn’t. He died when I was 33, over 22 years ago. My grandmother, who died 8 years before I was born, flashed in for a visit in about 2001, after staying in my life until I was 29 .. she was a ‘ghost’ who watched over me for a long time, though no one would believe that I saw her. Not being believed when I was a child doesn’t matter now, but it did when I was growing up. Seeing, hearing and sensing what I did then was very frightening at times, and very ordinary these days. My children were raised with an awareness that there is more to the world than we can see with our five senses.

Ah dreams of much missed pets .. perhaps s/he was also just visiting for a moment. You are obviously very sensitive to the unseen, so all sorts of people and pets could visit.

I am not sure what the sound is you are hearing, but since your father hears them too, they might be quite ordinary, and have some physical cause. Have you told your father about your clairvoyant abilities, and that there’s a ghost in the house literally pushing you around? He might be feeling/seeing/sensing it too, and the rest of your family might as well. It’s good to talk to about this if your family is supportive.

In the meantime, did you use the Michael Invocation to clear your home? You could ask your father to do it, if he’s open to the idea. It does help. You might have to do this regularly, the way my husband and I do when the house is being haunted. I often think we are like a railway station at times, ghosts coming and going on a regular basis, either seeing and interacting with us, or seemingly oblivious to our presence. We cross over as many as we can, or step aside, to save being chilled as they pass through (us).

Ok, back to the study of psychology and theology.
Be happy.
Love & Peace


Are you referring to something that looks and sounds like this clip on YouTube?

Look up the following search term in YouTube:

SOUND of HAARP WEAPON IN ACTION !!! SCARY Lights & Noise!! 2011


H.A.A.R.P. is a technology and capability that other 1st and 2nd world countries have and are currently using. Russia has two operational units like this and a third one being built.

They operate within the Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) waveband. It’s official use is to communicate with war time units across the world, however, that is a minor capacity as it’s really meant for something much different.

The groans / howls you hear are two densities (not dimensions) rubbing up against each other. These people are doing some really dangerous sh*t with that equipment.

The rumbling is the scalar waves manipulating the weather, among other things. This types of action can cause people to get violently ill, disoriented and at the very least a headache.

I can’t say for certain that this is what you’re encountering or experiencing.

Tugs are from entities; good or bad.

The booms? Could be as Ama described or something from the physical realm that has a more sinister purpose. Also, the booms could be something as simple as bad structural problems in the house. As your neighbors if they hear strange unaccounted for noises and booms. If they do, have them ask other neighbors to see how far it goes on the block. If they don’t hear it, it’s more than localized in your house. It’s a possibility you have an open door / portal to the other side or density and it need to be closed immediately. Good and neutral entities will wait for you to contact them for assistance, negative entities will do what ever they want, when they want, also will demand to be brought through the chasm or similar.

The sound is like an explosion. I have talked to several neighbors that have heard it as well. Nobody knows what it is. Even live local news stations have talked about it. Its a mystery. Theses sounds are usually heard at night but sometimes during the day. I have yet to call the police, but according to the internet, it does no good. Tom.

If neighbors are hearing this. This could be plates underground that are shifting but not enough to cause an earthquake. Also, underground mining or digging can cause those sounds. You should call your city council and ask if there is a company tunneling deep underground in your neighborhood.

Also, this is a rare sign that there are sinkhole in the neighborhood, you should ask to have the neighborhood checked for hollow ground. If that’s the case, what’s happening with the booming is, that pocket of hallow ground are being compressed and sudden giving way. I must say, this is very rare.

Ask people in the city government if they hear the same sounds you do. If they do, then contact the local library and see if there is historical record to see how far back this has been happening.

This is an interesting problem you have.

Hello Ama,
Just found out last nite that my sister, who lives in an old house by herself has had ghostly experiences too. I told her about all mine. We were talking about our brother who passed over thirty years ago and it just all came out. Wow and i thought i was the only one in our family who had these. She totally believes its our brother and sometimes she will talk to him. Im not sure, maybe sometimes it is him, but not always. I feeled relieved to know i wasnt going nuts and just imagining all this. More later gotta go, have a good day. Tom.

Hi Ama,
My sister told me that sometimes she feels something like a hand touch her face. On a different note i worked with a guy who used to do drywall work on the side for extra income. He told me that one time he was working at this place called Bobby Mackays (its a niteclub in Kentucky). It was in the summertime and very hot there. As he worked he suddenly felt very cold sensation in the room. I have never felt the cold effects of ghostly experiences. Is this common for some. I have been to the niteclub, and while there is a sign on the door stating enter at your own risk because of paranormal entities, i didnt experience any myself. There is a long story and history about it on the internet, you might be interested in it. Back to my stuff. I have told my father about most of my happenings, but never about being touched in his house. My father is a very science minded, like me has trouble excepting biblical history. He believes there must be life somewhere outside our planet, but has a hard time believing they have ever been here. He does not believe in ghosts, because of he has never seen one. Tom

Hi Tom,

For the past four days my husband Tom and I have been hosting an Art Exhibition in our Town Hall. Tom has been sleeping overnight, because there is some idiot who has stolen one of the keys and lets himself in and then leaves a variety of doors open ‘just for fun’. Tom actually saw him, night before last, but couldn’t catch him when he ran away.

While Tom has been sleeping over in the Hall he’s been playing with the ghosts, or they have been playing with him. There was one who had fun, yesterday afternoon, walking through my body and making my head spin madly .. vertigo is not fun, particularly when you are standing on a firm wooden floor in the middle of the main part of the hall, in the bright afternoon sunlight, with a painting held carefully in your hands, or half leaning on the table writing notes, when you arms wobble because the inside of your head has done a backflip. Tom just gets cold spots that follow him around, the sound of children giggling, footsteps across the hall, through the paintings on their easels, and kids playing on the stage, about 2.30AM .. so, sometimes he turned on the light, and sometimes, he didn’t. Ghosts don’t bother him at all .. but I did bring a ‘lady’ home with me one of the evenings. I sent her into healing once I realised she was still next to me as I entered the house. The building has become a lot more active than last year when we had the 2017 Exhibition there.

I am also science minded, although I’ve had so many paranormal experiences, since I was a child, that I happily combine to two together. And as to biblical history .. some of it is fiction, some of it is fact. I like it when archeologists dig up ‘facts’ about the stories in the bible, real facts, not just ones that people choose to apply to what they want to believe. The bible is also a great book of myths and mystery, even the theology and ministry teachers say that now. 🙂

I also believe that humanity is seeded across the solar system, if not the whole universe .. and I don’t need to see any. I have enough to do with the humans on this planet, to keep me busy. LOL But there was the lady ghost who followed me how, and the two in the kitchen yesterday even when we dropped in for a moment, to get the names of our winners for their certificates. They glared at me, but I got the impression they love my husband. LOL We had fun. 🙂

You can be a scientist and still believe in things that are often difficult to explain .. gives you projects to work on when you have spare time.

Love & Peace

Hi Ama,
Just one quick question ” Do you think those orbs caught on video and digital cameras could possibly be ghosts, or paranormal entities?. Or are they just dust or electrical static?. Anyone willing to field this, please make a comment. Thanks, Tom.

Hi Tom,

There’s a number of PQA sites answering this question. My opinion is, if the orb caught on camera, has a hard line around the outside and its own internal glow, then its likely to be some form of spiritual being, whether human, angelic or elemental. If the orb is just soft focus, no matter what its size, then its probably either dust or water vapour. I’ve never heard of them as electrical static. I’ve seen flashes of colours zig-zagging across pictures that might be static, but then, I think they are elemental energy beings, particularly around the fire.

Love & Peace

The static electricity, if present would need to have an extremely fast shutter speed to be selected to get it in action; to have an clarity in the picture that is.

Electrical element (entities with a neutral reason for being there), are attracted to fire because it ionizes the air a little bit, as does falling water, like waterfalls or shower heads. Unlike fire, water will ground electricity. Electrical elementals know to avoid water unless they’re seeking to go elsewhere.

I’ve seen a handful of fire elementals and I think I saw an electrical elemental once from a distance, it was about fifty feet away. What ever it was, we saw each other and it disappeared.

However, the zigzagging colors remind me of fairies and phoenix. There’s one guy you could talk to that knows quite a bit more about those two.

Google, Gary Leigh Empath, it will be listed as, “thephoenixarchives”, go to that site and introduce yourself to him, tell Gary, Alex (Lex) Barringer sent you. Then ask your question about the zigzaggers and flashes of light.

Hello Ama,
This will be brief. I recently had an experience i did not like. Im a bit of an artist. I like to sculpt things out of clay or soap and i used to draw alot at a younger age. I never took it seriously, it was mostly just a hobby. A few people have told me they would buy my work. Anyway one day i was at my drawing table, just doodling when i heard in my right ear someone say ” Would you like to flip a coin”. Is’nt that strange. I was alone in the house and it kind of freaked me out. It was said in an odd voice. For the first time i am considering the Michael invocation. Any thoughts on this. Tom.


Yes, do use both Michael Invocations, the second one is known as, “Heart of Fire”. Use the second invocation first, it’s shorter and it gets the point across in a hurry, that you mean business. Then, use the first invocation.
Don’t answer the flipping of the coin ruse, that goes from bad to worse really quickly, if you do.

Also, don’t be afraid, say these invocations with some authority, know that you’re doing the right thing. Negative spirits and entities feed on negative thoughts, actions and emotions, just be aware of that.

Thanks for the input Lex. I performed both invocations and will continue to do so. It gave me strong shivers as i did it the first time. What i find amazing is i just watched the movie Michael, who was said to be an arch angel. I realise the movie is just fictional, but wow what a co-incodence.

I have been going to this pub for years, and I have this thing like someone is pulling my jumper, it has happened a lot of times but when I turned around there is no one there, it seems mad,?


Sometimes they’re not mad, just trying to get your attention. Could be a lady spirit that’s being a bit mischievous. Are you the only person it’s happening to? Talk to the bartender about this and do you always sit in the same spot.

Happen at the same time of day or night?

I was in front of the bathroom sink with my friends at school one day. All of a sudden I feel a cold finger slowly pulling up my sweater. I wasn’t scared at the moment because I thought it was one of my friends but it wasnt. I have also had other paranormal occurrences in my home. I was once in my room with my door closed. My family was downstairs while I was upstairs. All of a sudden my doorknob starts moving like if someone was trying to get in even though it was unlocked. I also hear footsteps in the stairs and hallways a lot during the night. I sometimes think there’s actually someone in the hallways when there isn’t and everyone else is asleep. Also I was looking for my Vaseline the other day and I checked in all my backpack pockets. A few days later I found it in my backpack where I had looked for it. Is a ghost or some sort of spirit haunting me and what can I do?


What’s happening to you isn’t a friendly thing, it’s rather creepy and disturbing. Use the Michael Invocation found down below in the “Pages” section.

Say it without fear and mean business.

Hi Karina,
Ama is your expert here and Lex has given me good advice as well. Look up Michael Invocation. And recite it out loud. Do this several times in a row, and say it with confidence. It has helped me alot. God bless, Tom.

Hi Karina,

Sounds like you have a ghost. Might be male. Might just be a child playing games. Kids continue to play games, even after they die. The problem with ghosts is they have to steal energy from living people to continue their existence, but the truth is, they are trapped between the planes of earth and spirit, and should really be crossed over so that they can find peace and healing.

Lex and Tom have given you good advice. The Michael Invocation will clear your home, and you can use it to clear your own energy, so that this entity will not bother you again. It’s handy to have around if you find yourself have paranormal experiences quite often.

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
Do you believe that there are no co-incidences. Lots of times i feel or seem to remember things ive thought about after they really happen. Sometimes something will happen to me when i am all alone. And later i will get a comment from someone who wasnt there about it. Or i will see it written. Sorry, its hard to explain. A couple days ago i decided to visit my sister at her workplace. She didnt know i was coming. She works in a facility for people who are elderly or bedridden. I didnt know why at the time, i folded a new dollar and put it seperately in my pocket. I had never been to my sisters work and didnt know what to expect.
While there, i met the staff and alot of the patients. I was very moved by what these people were going through. I am told that i am a people person. I can usually pick up on what they are feeling and have no trouble talking to them. Anyway as i met this one elderly lady, she asked my sister for a dollar. I pulled out the one from my pocket, gave it to her. It made her smile and me as well. Did i somehow fore see this ?. Hope this is ok, not a ghost story. Tom.

We don’t always need ghost stories around here, Tom, and we can always use a smile. You are precognitive .. which means ‘knowing about something before it happens’. You might not be conscious of this, but do keep a diary and write down that event, and any others, and stray thoughts that seem a bit unusual, or just pop into your mind .. so that you can look up what you wrote later, to eliminate the ‘I think I knew this would happen feeling’ when our minds decide we ‘knew’ something, but we actually just decided we did. Getting into a habit of writing things like this down can be very helpful, particularly if you develop images in your mind one jigsaw puzzle piece at a time .. which I sometimes do.

Love & Peace

Well i have never seen doors opening or plates floating by themselves. Last night while watching tv, the volume bar showed up on the screen and the sound went all the way down. I wasnt sitting on the remote, it was on my nitestand. So that was wierd.

I would tell the silly blighter to turn the volume back to what it was and not play with the remote anymore, and then clear the house. There’s a link to White Light Shields here below, which are very helpful.

Love & Peace


Now that you are aware of the spiritual realm and that you have some abilities, the ghosts (as Ama would call them) or Earth-bound spirits as I call them or other entities will come to, “visit” you. Some are good, some are neutral and some are pains in the arse negative entities.

Follow what Ama has suggested, clearing the house and property as a whole, is a must to keep your sanctuary (your dwelling / home) safe.

On a humorous note, Tom. Did the ghost turn down the volume on a commercial instead of a show or movie? I’ve had that happen to me quite a few times, even ghosts / spirits hate commercials.

Hello Lex,
I was watching an old rerun to the show “Highway to Heaven”.i can live with the tugs on my shirt and funny little antics. But i dont like when they physically touch me, shove me, or talk to me. I did once see an aspirition fly over me while i was in bed, like something from a movie. It startled me, but it was too quick for me to get scared.

Hello Tom,

What you do is write down on a piece of part rough ideas what you want them not to do, then when you’ve done your final version, take the old rough version of it and burn it. I know burning your old thoughts on paper seems extreme but what that’s doing is letting them (whomever is disturbing you at the time) that only the newest final copy (Rules & Regulations) on contact with you is to be followed. That’s call setting boundaries to us but to them, it’s a “CONTRACT” that they must follow and abide by. Keep this in a safe place like a separate fire box, with a mini-crucifix or cross or a star of David in the box with it. You can then use the Michael #1 invocation and instead of protecting yourself you can use it to protect the box and contents inside of the box. This is to make it extra tough to screw with you, because negative entities will try to find loopholes or will try to take or destroy your contract. Just a little heads up as to what could happen (note: this extremely rare).

You can start out by invoking Archangel Michael & Archangel Mattatron (Metatron in Latin, Mattatron is Hebrew). As them to protect you in the name of God (whether it’s Jesus Christ or Elohim or what ever deity seems right to you). That you want all entities and spirits to abide by the following. You state, “#1”, then you state the rule. Then, “#2”, the next rule, keep numbering them and stating the rules of the contract until you finish. End it by saying these are my rules of contact, it cannot be undone anyone or anything else; only by me, not under duress or force and it must be written.

Archangel Michael and Archangel Mattatron enforce this contract for me in the name of God (or Elohim) and Jesus Christ, now. Thank you!

Also, use the Michael invocation #2, then #1 after that.

When you state the rules, just like the other invocations, say it without fear and do it with authority.

Hope this helps, Tom.

I dont want to offend Lex, but i started with you on all that has been happening to me. And as you can see he has written me some advice. Does this idea make sense to you. I’m not sure if i will do all the things that you or Lex has advised me to do. I dont need any negative entities in my life. I have enough negative thoughts on my own. I have started writing down my strange dreams. Not going into all that now. I have decided to go visit my brothers grave today. Its a bit of a drive, but thats ok, i like the area. My grandfather and his siblings use to live in that area and i miss going to his farm. My brother would have been 56 this month, he was 24 when he passed. I think my biggest problem is i live life in the past.
I felt a presense with me last nite, not sure who it was. Thankyou for everyones concern for me. One question to both of you: How did you get into your ghostly matters and how do you know you are doing the right things. Do you have older relatives in this sort of thing. Sorry i guess thats more then one question. Thanks, Tom.

Hi Tom,

I doubt you will offend Lex and I. How did I get into this work .. I was born with a gift for seeing paranormal entities, and spiritual ones like angels. I learned through trial and error how to solve paranormal problems. When I had tons of experience, and the learning never stops, I started to help people with paranormal problems. That was over 25 or more years ago .. though its more like 30. The first ghost I ever cleared on my own was my own father, after that its been all sorts of negative entities, with the occasional visit from spirits and angels. I am either called a ‘gatekeeper’ or a ‘spirit rescuer’ (ghostbuster is cuter but the name is copyrighted LOL). It really doesn’t matter. I am also a demonologist, meaning I get rid of them, or try to. We don’t always succeed in that case.

As to always having negative entities around you .. we all do. Mostly they have nothing to do with us, or are not ‘about’ us, its simply that some humans when they die choose not to go into heaven. These days we can have them ‘escorted’, which is what the various Michael Invocations were create to help with. And yes, I wrote both of them, with some help from friends, all their experiences and wisdom, and a great need to find a solution to the problems many years ago.

It’s good for you to visit your brother’s grave, if it gives you peace. My father doesn’t have one, nor will I. I prefer that someone go sit under a tree and talk to me, but you can do that too .. talk to your brother there. If he’s a spirit, he’ll hear every word you say, and all that is in your heart .. they always know. They love us profoundly, as do all spiritual beings.

Be happy.
Love & Peace
Ama (signing off for the night and going away for 2 days.)


My instructions are on how to help guard yourself against malicious ghosts (Earthbound spirits), demons and shadows on a physical and mental side. While,
I can get into the metaphysical and I do have psychic abilities. I look at it from a religious, spiritual and physical side at the same time.

As Ama points out, the dark ones have always been there and they’re attracted to a free meal (your energy). The more in tune you are with yourself the more energy you output, which is why spirits and otherwise come to you. Not all spirits are bad, mind you.

I would go learn more about your abilities and how to control them, as well as learn to ground and shield yourself, that will help you immensely. The instructions for you are for the here and now.

Creating boundaries for the living, the previously living and the ones who seek to dwell within those who are alive is always a smart move, if you’re under attack or being bothered.

When you create the master list, when you say it or think it while it’s in the physical form, you are transferring it from mental into psychic and astral planes.

You might have heard of an attachment. What is an attachment really?


An energetic binding / conduit between you and another. Could be a person; live or dead, could be a animal live or dead, could be another entity that is not human, such as an elemental, demon or shadow. Attachments are for communication, control and energy manipulation / draining.

An attachment connects to you via the astral plane to your aura. Your aura is a quantum electromagnetic field around your body. The contract you create, instructs your real self, the soul / spirit to only accept certain kinds of action and communication.

Negative entities don’t follow the rules in the spiritual world. If they see free food they’ll go for it for as long as the person or animal is unsuspecting or doesn’t know how to defend his / her / themselves from a psychic attack, in which an attachment is a form of it.

The contract you create defines that attachments may not form and if they attempt to do it, there will be dire consequences for the one who does it.

The contract you create is your own rules; you’re not making a contract with the devil or anything like that. You are making the rules that others must abide by, nothing more.

My nephew wants to go to a medium, to contact his dead grandmother. Is this possible?


Yes, this is possible. However, not ever person that claims to be a medium actually is. He should stick to the more well known mediums. Not TV psychics or corner shops, most of them are frauds.

Funnily enough, Lex, many famous tv mediums began as corner shop psychics.

Tom, mediumship is a gift that can be developed if the person has the capacity to see ghosts and spirits etc, otherwise it won’t happen. It would be just as easy for your nephew to hand write a short letter, or just a question, to his grandmother and sleep with it under his pillow for three night and ask her to come into his dreams to answer it, and that he’ll remember the event. That works for many people. It really depends on why he wants to contact her.

Love & Peace

Are Ouija boards real. I mean do they really work. Is the pointer being controlled by a spirit or is it just our ideomotors at work. If it is controlled by a spirit, why do people have to touch the pointer?. If spirits can touch us and touch things here in the physical world, then to me we would not have to touch it. Thats why i think they are fake. Tom.

Yes ouijas work .. but only to connect people to the Void, the place where lost souls, and other nastier entities, live. Leave them alone.

As to how they work .. the entities generally require energy to move things, so when one or more willing person deliberately seeks the dead, or undead, they feed energy into the planchette .. which is the name of the pointer .. which the ghost, or whatever, then uses to make it move.

Love & Peace

Ever since i have been sharing my experiences with you, it seems more and more keep coming. Have i invited them to me? Last nite while laying in my bed i felt something sharp on the bottom of my toes. Like a toothpick jabbing me. It kept waking me up. Maybe if i just stop sharing it will all go away. Will it? Tom.

I dont know why you chose not to post my last entry.maybe it wasnt your decision. All i know is my horrible nightmares have horrible i cannot write about them. Please pray for me. Tom.

Hi Tom,

I have many other activities in the real world and do not get to this site every day, so I approve comments in batches as often as I can.

I am sorry you are struggling. It might be good to take a break from focusing on the paranormal and go out into the world and do normal things, if you aren’t already. Continue using the Invocations, they do help, and if you are taking medication keep taking it, because it can help too.

We will pray for you,
Love & Peace


Did you create “the contract” yet? If you didn’t communicating your wishes, will be for only one entity, not all who enter your sacred space. You’re not inviting them to you from just typing on here. You’ve subconsciously done so, given the go ahead to continue to interact with you. The subconscious is where your real self resides, your soul, if you will.

Besides, this was happening to you before you came to this site but it got worse. What this is telling me is they feel threatened by you reaching out for help. If this is the case, they do need to go. In other words, they’re not there for your benefit in any shape or form of the word.

You’ll have to reenvoking the Michael prayers, both of them. Tom, it’s up to you how you want to proceed. If you don’t want to write the rules of interaction with you. How are they to know what your wishes are? They attach to your aura, which is the electromagnetic field around your body, that is created by your soul / real-self. By using the prayers and your contract, you’re essentially souring the milk so the hangers on let go.

At the same time, it gives you peace of mind and it raises your vibration, too, which will bring you closer to the light beings / entities, some call them angel; such as Arch Angel Michael or Metatron (Mattatron). Sure, we’ll pray for you but it’s you that needs to lay the rules down for your home, your space and your mind / body / soul.

One thing about negative entities; they never ask for permission before they attack you but if you the contract and it’s written correctly, they have to follow it. Most people are wide open on the side of the soul, which makes it easy pickings and they’ve set no ground rules on interaction because they’re unaware that they can do this. Good and neutral entities will never interface with your or your aura without your explicit permission first. This is something you need to remember, Tom.

Also, negative entities are attracted to people with drug addiction (including alcohol), mental disorders, stressed individuals or the mentally retarded. It sounds like you’re stressed, Tom, it could be what is attracting them to you.

I had a vivid dream that an old lady was knocking at my door. It woke me up, when I went downstairs just to double check, no one was there. I then went to the bathroom and someone/something tugged on my collar it gave me goosebumps from head to toes never been spooked like this. I checked the time and it was a few minutes before midnight. What could this mean?

Hi Lucy,

It could mean you were haunted by an old lady who wanted your attention, who might have moved on to another household, or could still be hanging around. I suggest you scroll down to the link to the Michael Invocation and use it to clear your own energy, and that of your home. That should take care of any uninvited visitors.

Love & Peace

Hello all,
Having a good day today. I recently started a new job. Its going ok. I also started going to a support group and its helping me to be more positive. Funny, as i was laying in bed watching tv at about 3am, something pulled on my collar as well. Lucy, listen to Ama. She knows the biz. I dont mind the tugs. It will keep happening if you dont tell them to stop. Everyone have a goodnite/morning. Tom.

Hello Ama,
No events of any kind since my last entry. Not sure why. Been thinking about what you said about ouija boards. I have no interest in using them. You said the entities need our energy and touch to make the pointer move. But then you’ve said you have seen doors open and plates fly, all by themself. How does this make any sense. I still think they dont work, but i will leave them alone for now. Why rock the boat. Tom.

The why is probably because you told the world you were staying away from the subject, which is a very good idea.

Entities use human energy to make things move. If a person has been dead, and is a ghost, for a very long time, they are better at this than someone newly dead, and there’s no guarantee that the entity that opened the cupboard was had been human, the energy felt very strange in comparison to every ghost I’ve ever ‘felt’, seen or had a conversation with. With the ouija each person puts one finger on the planchet and feeds it a little energy, which helps it be moved by whatever is doing the communicating. That’s why its easy for most people to use, and why they develop a connection, or obsession, with communication. It’s fascinating, and can be terrifying, to communicate with unseen entities, particularly if people have no idea what they are doing. Better to stay right away from the thing.

Love & Peace

One more thing. Toy companies make the boards like a game for kids. So are all these innocent children unknowingly playing with fire. It’s like the companies either dont believe they actually work, or dont care and just want to make a buck. Your thoughts? Again i will stay away from them, game or not.

Hey folks,
Guess all is calm in the paranormal world these days. Had a ghost or something whisper my name in my ear the other day. Maybe the Michael Invocations worked for me. Nothing else new. Hope you all are doing well. Tom.

Do ghosts or entities feed on our negative thoughts. And do our negative thoughts invite or draw these beings to us? Its just that i was lightly tugged last nite. And lately i have been down in the dumps.


Some do, some do not. Negative entities or ghosts / spirits do feed on negative thoughts, which in essence is energy. They can also attempt to induce negative feelings, thoughts and emotions too, to extract more negative energy from you.

Let them know that tugging isn’t allow, they aren’t allowed to do this to you. Stand up for yourself, Tom, use both Michael invocations.

Tom, the reason why they keep coming back to you is that you’re allowing to happen and you have a gift. Learn about this gift, learn how to control and use it to your best advantage. Learn how to mask it when you don’t want to be bothered, interfaced with or tugged / spoken to by entities. This by far is the most challenging part, psychic self-defense.

Be well and take care of yourself, Tom.

Hello Ama and Lex,
When i came home from work last nite i felt a strong presence in my living room. I asked aloud is someone here?. I did not hear anything but had very cold feeling throughout my body. Later i went to bed, but had a hard time sleeping. So stayed up to watch tv. As i was in bed with the tv on i could see something moving on my left. Ive asked it to leave and demanded it to leave my house. I recited the invocations and they are still here. It scares me, but also is making me mad. I found out something very strange and too much to be a mere co-incodence, something in relation to ouija boards. I have not used one, but found out a story that may relate to me. I dont want to post that part here, but may be willing to talk to you or email it. Dont want my personal name here for all to see. Now getting bad headache. Please pray for me, thanks, tom.

The headaches you have are because of an attachment they’ve made to you. The ones that are there for a nefarious purpose don’t want to answer because you’d have power over them. If it’s a demon, it has two names, first the common name aka it’s purpose name and the second is the second name, which is it’s real name.

Works a bit like this;

1. Most experts aren’t really experts because they call the demon by it’s purpose name; that’s dangerous!

2. The purpose name is what it’s to do in this world.

3. People that evoke them or try to interface and get rid of them using their purpose name only make things worse. The demon will use that power over the unwary.

4. The real name is the only way for someone with the correct skill to bind and get rid of a demon, not in a temporary way. Exorcism is a temporary act to unbind and cut attachments from a person but not a location. So, if a new person arrives at a said location where a demon is located, they too can be attacked and attached to.

My question is this.

Do these things follow you around during the day and night or is it just at your home?

Because, if it’s just at that home, what could be going on is they might be trying to assert ownership of the property and get rid of the current tenant (you, in other words). This what the demons do, they try to assert dominance, then attempt to assert ownership of a property and anything that is put there on or in the property becomes theirs, they attach to it; that includes people.

This is where Christianity gets things wrong; unfortunately.

If this doesn’t happen anywhere else. You might want to try getting away for a couple of days to a hotel and see if they follow. If they don’t your location needs to be cleansed thoroughly and bound. All people that live there must because blessed as well.

Been quiet for a few days, i hope it stays that way for awhile. In one of my past entries here, i mentioned loud booms in or close to my neighborhood. The local news started covering it again and said they found out that someone was setting off dynomite. This doesnt explain why this is being heard across the U.S. i think its a coverup. Tom.

In one of your past entries, you stated that i need to write up a contract and that the bad entities would have to follow it. This sounds silly to me. Why would they have to. Who made up these rules. What would happen if they broke these rules. Where do you get your information on how to deal with the paranormal. I dont mean to offend, but are you just making these rules up, or are they written somewhere authentic like the dead sea scrolls.
I have always questioned the writings in the bible, but i do believe there is some sort of higher power. Nobody has influenced me on my belief of this, its just a feeling. Tom.

Hello Lex,
I hope i have not upset you. If i have, i appoligise. It was not intentional. I just wonder how people get info on telling me how to handle things. Please post an entry in response to my last. How is it you know these things. Is it written somewhere or did someone mentor you in dealing with entities. I just want to make sure i do the right things with my situations. Thanks, tom.

Hello Tom,

You didn’t offend me at all, it’s practically impossible to do that. Tom, I’m a clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant all are forms of psychic abilities.
I have been a part of several paranormal investigative teams in the past as well as going solo on some projects.

You may have heard of the phrase, “Making a deal with the Devil”. That is someone making a pact/deal/contract with something they know they can never win. Demons (bad angels and their minions) go by contracts, usually they’re the ones issuing it, however, they don’t expect humans to do it and don’t want that to happen.

The good angels don’t have contracts, they have a strict non-interference clause they need to follow unless you ask them specifically to intervene on your behalf. It all has to do with the free will we were given as a gift as well as our life and time this Earth.

Tom, it’s through experience. Not all demons react the same way to holy relics and prayers. An example of that is a demon from times much older than Christianity or even my religion, Judaism. Trying to wrangle a demon that comes from Babylon with prayers to Arch Angel Michael make work for a time but they do come back.

What people call angels, they all come from different realms, some are from the same order that Michael is from and others not. There are entities that even good angels have trouble getting rid of. These entities aren’t from the abyss, Tom. Ama’s work is based on demonology, which is quite good and very extensive but doesn’t cover the entities that aren’t demons but are far worse; that’s where I come in.

You choose to do whatever you want, Tom. We can only give you so much support if you’re not willing to follow through on our suggestions. I will leave this situation in Ama’s hands now, Tom.

My suggestion to you, Tom, still stands. Learn about your abilities. Learn how to harness and utilizes them. GOD gave you these abilities for a reason, my advice to you is to stop fighting it.

As a note when I was a teenager, I fought my gifts that were given to me by GOD, thought it was evil and that I was drawing evil in. Then an Archangel visited me, Archangel Mattatrox (known as Metatron in Latin) also seen as Enoch, the author of what is now known as the “Book of Enoch”, which describe the Watcher class of angels and some people call them fallen angels.

I hope you’re a voracious reader, Tom. There is much to be gained from knowing thy first energy; yourself. Then read about watchers and why they’re really here.

Each holy text has a specific view and beliefs as to why they’re here and what they’re names are. The hidden books or sacred texts, not in the Bible or Torah tell of how to bind and get rid of entities that are proving to be troublesome. They’re left out of the holy texts because, for the uninitiated, it can lead to more trouble down the line, it was best to leave that out but left for only the most learned and determined. Such as myself and Ama or others like us.

Tom, perhaps you should ask for guidance from Archangel Michael and/or Mattatron. Not just asking them to rid you of a particular problem at the current time. They can help aid you in your spiritual and psychic development.

Be well, Tom, may GOD and the rest of the good angels bless and guide you in your trying time.


I will make this “contract” thing as easy to understand as possible.

The contract is nothing more than organized and aligned energy. When you have a contract, you first have it with your higher self. Stating what you will allow or disallow to occur. Think of the contract as a software firewall on a computer. It acts similar to that.

Most people are wide open for attack at the astral and psychic level, which is where your real higher self resides, specifically the astral level and has an
interface, if you well on the psychic level, for which your psychic abilities can work this interface, it’s bi-directional. Meaning you can send stuff out and receive it, too.

Your soul is part of the astral plane, as is mine, Ama’s and everyone else’s. All entities, humans and other races are connected together via the astral level. People who are aware of their presence on the astral and psychic level learn to control how others interact with them at those two levels. It’s harder to ascertain for many if they’re being attacked at those levels. Except for the feeling of uneasiness, nausea, etc.

What happens to your astral level body can happen to your physical body, if you’re attacked there it will translate into injury, short or long term injury/sickness.

Here’s a selected article I would like you to read, Tom, take it however you see fit.


To get a handle on your current problem, is to get a handle on the past problem that you thought was resolved but just morphed into a different form.
Tom, I struggled with this one for quite a while, too.


Are you referring to the loud booms her around the USA and Canada? That, unfortunately, can’t ascertain what that is. Some people say it’s scalar waves that the government and other countries are experimenting with as a form of mind control. I can’t confirm nor deny it because I don’t have any background in that particular problem.

Although, when it was raining one day, there was continuous rolling thunder-
like sound, in the clouds and I thought that was, well, odd. Lots of people said stuff about this in the news but nobody had any answers, not even the weather newscasters. I won’t speculate in regards to this issue because I don’t have enough personal experience with it. It was the first time I’ve encountered it, myself.

Is that the question you wanted an answer to? I’m sorry I could have been more helpful on this one. I just don’t know.

My questions were, why would the ghosts or entities have to abide by the rules?. What would happen if they broke the rules? and where did you get your information on how to deal with them?. Were you mentored by someone else or did you just make all this up?. As far as the booms they have all stopped for a reason i dont know. Tom.

Hi Tom,

Ghosts abide by certain rules because they are human spirits and, although they are lost souls, they still have to abide by the rules. Karma affects all human spirits.

Other entities .. you’d have to be specific. Demons are driven by ego and emotions, much like humans, they are selfish, self-centred and basically frightened of annihilation, which is ‘ceasing to exist’. They enjoy creating harm. They must never to be underestimated. You can stop a demon but you cannot destroy a true one, only those created after the first ‘fall’. They are returned to the energy from which they were created.

All beings will return to the Creator, including them, and like many humans, they do not want to go.

Love & Peace
Ama (who is glad the booms have stopped).


I’m going to be stepping back for a while. I make it easier for you to understand. When you ask another to act on your behalf, such as an angel, through a prayer. You must understand that, even though it’s a prayer, that is an oral contract. Written contracts take precedence when they are protected correctly. Although using both well defined and pointed oral and written contracts helps immensely.

I learned this via experience talking with various entities, that includes angels while doing paranormal research at haunted locations. It’s funny, even the trickster demons all said the same thing as good archangels. Prayers are a contract. That’s how I got this information.

I also learned why demons from the demons themselves and the good angel (even demons are still angels but fallen) what their real purpose is. The good angels act as guides while the demons or fallen angels test us to see which direction we are going to go with our new found knowledge. Many people go out of control with it, the demons step in, that’s their job. However, they too state, that it’s up to you to get away from them and pick a path that is, “more safe” or the good angels call, “the correct path” or “you’re calling” (same thing).

Ama’s correct path is this forum and doing Paranormal investigation, which she knows it’s “her calling”.

Tom. Remember… You don’t believe in any of this stuff, nor the bible. So… What difference does it make?

Here’s the thing, if you don’t have confidence in what you are saying to these beings or entities, they will sense your insecurity and just play along with you for a time, then come back. They understand human psychology like you wouldn’t believe. They pick things that they know you’re afraid of or are unsure about.

The best thing you could do is learn about your abilities, how they work, how to disable them or at the very least tune them out so the entities won’t bother you. That’s higher-self work though, it’s called “shadow work”, which has nothing to do with shadows/shades (a type of negative entity but not demons nor human spirits).

I can’t offer you a roadmap on how to go about shadow-work, it’s different for everyone with psychic abilities. Even twins are different from each other in that regard.

Sometimes things don’t make sense because you don’t want them to. Everyone’s higher-self does not fear nor gets agitated, it does not question, it just knows and is. What I mean by that is, most people are disconnected from their calling and their higher-self. Once you become acquainted with your higher-self and purge out the garbage from your lower-self. Your situation will begin to change. You’ll understand more of what both Ama and I are talking about, so much so, you’ll see a whole new dimension to it, that you’re not currently open to right now. Tom, I take no issue with it, you’re not the first and surely won’t be the last.

I only offer the information. What you do with it, is up to you. Ama and I are here for your benefit as well as everyone else that posts stuff on here. As I said before, I’m stepping back now, I’ve got stuff in real life that I must attend to, not sure how long it will take either.


Thank you for that wonderful explanation to Tom as to what’s going on.

Thankyou for your responses. Its not that i dont believe in your abilities, i just am not sure how to deal with my paranormal activity. And like i said before i dont mean to offend you, i just want to be sent on the right path. Its like some preachers who say they can heal people, maybe some can, but we know there are fakes out there too.
Its been a little quiet for me lately, a few slight tugs nothing more. Maybe like you said, they are just backing off for now. If i didnt believe i wouldnt be posting here with you. I dont believe in all that is written in the bible. I think the truth has been stretched some. I know this will sound bad, but i do believe some churches dont care if you believe, as long as you put money in the plate.
When i first came to this site, things were calm. Just a few light tugs and i wanted to know what it was. I had some weird things happen and i saw some weird things. And i just wanted it all to stop. Then more stuff happened and i got scared a little. That maybe by talking about it made more things happen.
I have another family member who i have talked to about my beliefs, and she says she just puts it out of her mind, then nothing happens to her. I cant do that because i totally believe there is something. I believe in ghosts and such, im just not sure what they are. Are they the dead, angels, aliens, God,??? I dont know. I know you are trying to help and i thankyou for that. Tom.

I was laying on my side and I felt a hand press on my shoulder then 3 tugs… I could not turn over but my eyes were semi-opened, I was afraid and it lasted about 5 minutes… 2nd time in 3.5 years

I pray….


Hi Cassandra,
Know that you are not alone in your experience. There are people here to guide you and comfort you. Just be confident and strong as you deal with your situation. Tom.

Hello Ama,
I wish more people would have the courage to write in here. I’m sure there are lots of others who have these same experiences. Have not had any tugs lately, but heres something interesting. About a month ago i found a feather in my back yard. I researched it and it is a tail feather from a Great horned owl. I have heard its hoots, but have never seen it. I stuck it firmly into a straw hat that hangs from a mirror in my bedroom. A few days ago it was completely turned around. I didnt see it happen, and no one else touched it. I turned it back around, and so far it has not been moved. Any thoughts on this. Tom.

Hello Ama,
How are you? I have had absolutely no tugs at all and it has been very calm. I am going to try something and i hope i dont regret it. You have not answered my question so i will try to make contact with the ghosts. I did recently have a dream of someone who passed many years ago. In my dream he, the ghost introduced me to his son. To my knowledge his wife never got pregnant with a boy. It is possible she could have miscarried or had an abortion. Could it be possible for an unborn child to have a soul? And could this unborn child be trying to reach out to me? I’ll let you know how it goes if you want. Tom

Hi Tom,

It’s up to you whether you choose to talk to ghosts or not. Having talked to ghosts myself the last 50+ years, I can’t decide for you. I don’t regret any of the, usually pointless, conversations, but its quiet around here now, which is lovely.

I know quite a number of people who have children ‘in spirit’, including myself, who have different mothers or fathers than the person they are married to now. Sex makes babies, not marriage, so your friend could well introduce you to his son, from a different partner than the wife he had when he died.

Basically the soul and spirit are the same energy, so yes, every single person has a soul, whether they are living or now dead. Some might act like they don’t, but anyone with a spirit has a soul, regardless of living people trying to divide the two into different items.

As to the human fetus before it is born, some people believe that the soul enters the body at conception, and others believe it is at the first breath, either way it doesn’t matter, because the spirit remains ‘alive’ forever, even if the body they might have inhabited at that time does not get delivered in the normal way, at the right time. There’s a spiritual understanding that we choose our parents, our birth time, our gender, or sexual orientation, and everything else, including whether we are born with a healthy or disabled body. I read a great quote once ‘some people need a lesson in life, and some people ‘are’ the lesson’. We can learn a lot about ourselves and other people by having to take care of those people, in our family, or around us, when they are disabled.

As to whether the father or son was trying to contact you, only you can tell us.

Love & Peace

Good morning Tom,

From my experience, smudging with White Sage will help clear negative energy for a time, but unless negative ‘spirits’ are crossed over you could think of it as them stepping ‘outside’ for a while, or simply moving on to haunt someone/somewhere else. Because most negative energy is created by living people, they can just as easily build that energy up again and the spooks come back.

For the dead, healing is the best place, and for the living, working out why we are creating that energy within ourselves and doing something to stop/change that (like going to a counselor or psychologist, or learning to forgive everyone, including ourselves), is the best answer.

Love & Peace

Been having some activity lately. Seeing shadows and a strong presence with me. They are now playing with my computer volume. I feel something bad is coming.

Hello Ama,
Still feeling a strong presence with me, but nothing has happened. Aside from your abilities, i feel you are a strong person. I like you. Hpoe all is well with you,

Everything is fine, Tom. I am just very very busy writing my last two assignments for university .. 8000 words in total.

I constantly feel strong presences with me, mostly angels. LOL If whomever is hanging around doesn’t bother you, don’t worry about it. It’s the angels work to keep an eye on us, all through our lives.

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
Got tugged a couple days ago. Was at work alone in the breakroom. Was tugged on the back of my pants cuff. Of course turned and saw nothing. I wonder Ama, will i ever turn and see the entity? I kind of want to, to confirm all this is real, but will i be able to handle it. Tom.

Hi Ama, nothing new here. I was wondering, have you actually seen a ghostly figure, looked into its eyes and talked with them? I’m not sure i can handle that. Please respond. And did it make you feel afraid? Tom.

Good morning Tom,

Yes, I have seen far too many ghosts, looked them in the eye, and sometimes I’ve given them lectures, or just laughed at their antics, or told them to stop whatever it was they were doing .. to get my attention .. ‘because its working’. Often they would walk behind me, here in the study, and I would see them reflected in the night-dark windows, and so I would have a chat with them that way (looking at their faces reflected in the glass). I once followed a pair of trousers and boots down the street, but waited a minute before I entered the same house (then a computer shop) .. mainly because there was no top half to that walking body. LOL. People (ghosts) still appear as they think they should after they die, particularly ghosts, because it might be their untimely deaths that have trapped them outside of heaven. And no, I haven’t felt afraid since I was a small child too scared to cover my face at night, because often, when I uncovered to check if ‘someone’ was there, I would find a scary face waiting for me to do so. Better just to look quickly through my half opened eyes.

I’ve seen ghosts all my life. They are just people without bodies. If they liked to play games as a living person, they will continue to do so after they die.

Love & Peace

Hi Tom,

Ghosts only know what is happening to them. Until they go into heaven they have no idea what happens in the spiritual planes. The answers ghosts give generally relate to what they are experiencing within whatever emotion or event trapped them outside of peace.

Love & Peace

That reply sounds like a newspaper horoscope. Do they know they are physically dead? Or like a dream, does it seam like nothing final like death has happened?

Hi Tom,

Its not a generic answer, its simple facts. To save us both some time, I suggest you look up ‘Ama Nazra Victorian Paranormal Connection’ and that will take you through to my website that is designed to answer as many questions about ghosts as I could think of when I wrote it, including the ones you wrote.

Have a wonderful Christmas,
Love & Peace

I’ve had the same experience today. Something pulled the back of my collar upwards. I looked back and no one was there.

I have had the same ‘a human’. One lady ghost had fun playing with my hair. Its just a way of getting attention. Nothing to be worried about.

Love & Peace

Nothing new, i’ve always wondered. When we die, do we see past loved ones or pets that have died? Or is that impossible because our body parts including our eyes are dead as well. And is all that just Hollywood stuff. Tom

We see who we want to see Tom, that includes our pets as well as family or people we love, and if we are not sure, at the very least we see angels in many forms. Even though your physical body has ceased to function, your spirit is eternal. It never dies.

Love & Peace

A close friend of mine was shot in the back at close range many years ago. He was in a coma for 3 months, he is ok now.During that time he basicaly died several times and was brought back to life by the doctors at the hospital. I asked him if he ever saw god, angels, a light, anything. He said no he never saw anything and that now he has lost some faith in his belief in the afterlife and god. Is he wrong for feeling this way? Tom.

Hi Tom,

He might have chosen not to remember anything he saw when his body was dying. Just because absolutely everyone who dies and is brought back doesn’t have an NDE doesn’t mean there is no God or afterlife. Faith is not about proof, its about believing anyway and living a good life. If your friend can no longer believe, that’s his choice. There is no right or wrong in that decision, it is distinctly his own and he has every right to feel that way. Truthfully, I think it would be lovely if God would pop into people’s lives more often. We could certainly use a dose of unconditional love .. but then we would believe because we ‘know’ and not because we choose to believe anyway. There’s a lot more strength and courage in continuing to choose to believe, even in the fact of disappointments such as his.

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
Not much new as far as ghosts, but heres something. I dont know how you feel about co-incodences. I mean well do you believe in them. Well the other day i was watching an episode of highway to heavin. It was season 3 episode 16. A girl in the show reminded me of a new friend of mine, well actually i am a bit attracted to her. Thats not what got me wondering. It was the original air date of the show. 1/21/87. Thats the exact day my brother died. Am i reading too much into something, or was it meant to be. Tom.

Hello Ama,
Still nothing new. No tugs or anything for quite awhile. As i read over again what you wrote to me about God. I disagree. At least i feel the world needs some absolute proof that he exists. Faith is a wonderful thing but for some its not enough. In the time when Jesus walked the earth, was put to death, and then came back to life, those people witnessed his power. They didnt need faith, they had proof. And so i feel that if he does truly exist, then its time for his return. (A second coming) In some prayers and texts ” i fear God ” is written in different forms. But to me i believe most people dont really fear God. But if they had absolute proof, people would not sin so much and maybe we could all live in harmony. I’d love to hear from anyone including you Ama on this. Hope all is well, Tom.

Hi Tom

Nice to know that nothing new has happened around you. Can’t say the same here. My Tom (husband) came home from the Penshurst Men’s Shed last night and told me of the dangerous growl he heard from on top of the storeroom ceiling (there’s a large gap between it and the roof line) at the back of the Shed, and the feeling of dread and being watched that he felt the whole day he was there. The deep growl came after he turned out the lights to leave. The switch is at the back of the workroom (which makes no sense, because you then have to dodge various tool work stations to get to the door to the social room in the middle of the Shed) and that the sense of dread didn’t stop until he locked the outside door (the same distance from the social room doors) behind him and went to his car.

At home things are quiet, which is fine. We get the occasional stray ‘visitor’ but I just make sure they cross over, or leave ..

I agree that faith can not be enough, and it would be lovely if Jesus, or God, turned up on the local television, or in my lounge room, for that matter, but then they would probably have to be resurrected from the dead after an assasin’s bullet kills them, just to ‘prove’ that they have ‘power over death’ – and still people would not believe what happened was real, but were simply the myths and legends created over the millennia since that ‘updated’ version (2019 version) of the ‘bible’ was written.

As to a second coming .. in my opinion the spirit of God (aka Holy Spirit) never left, and since that energy was what turned Jesus the man into Jesus the Christ, it can’t come back because its still here. But we can shut it out of our lives with our frustrations, fears and anger, because we have Free Will, which is the right to say ‘I don’t believe in a God that won’t turn up to PROVE to me that s/he is real to my satisfaction’. Under those circumstances, I wouldn’t turn up either. If we are made in the image of God/s, then they have egos too. Who wants to be doubted all the time .. in a timeless creation, where the beginning was a moment a go, and the end a moment from now .. billions of moments in the human experience, or I hope so.

Faith is an act of courage and trust. It is empowering, if we let it be. If we want to turn our backs on Jesus’ teaching, and not love others as God loves us .. well, no problem. We are still loved. We are still believed in. If we weren’t, we’d cease to exist. God loves us, we’ve just forgetton how to love ourselves – which allows the entities that growl in the dark far too much power over humanity.

Love & Peace

Still quiet for me except for medical issues. My nephews wife is having ghostly occurances in there home, only when she is alone. Doors slamming and knocks at the front and back door. I will tell her about the Michael invocation. Will it help if i go to there home and recite it as well or does it have to come only from her. Tom

Not that I know of, Tom. I am deep in the land of ‘end of financial year’ paperwork
for a variety of ‘not for profit’ associations that I volunteer for.

It would help if you went to the house and said the Invocation in two ways, first to clear the energy and the second to help the lady feel safer and stronger, because you believe in the Invocation.

Love & Peace

I hope you can help me on this. As i told you about my brother that passed. Well since its a sin to take a life, is he now in hell because he took his own. Or is it possible that he is in limbo because he is afraid that if he goes into the light that he will be judged and then go to hell. Sometimes i talk to him and tell him that we all love him and miss him. Its now been over 32 years since he left us, well physically that is. I dont know if he is still around us, but talking to him helps me feel better that maybe he is ok. Should i tell him to move on. ??? Tom.

Hi Tom,

A person who commits suicide does not get punished in heaven. There is no hell for humans, except the hell in their own minds that force them into taking such an action. God is love and compassion. That is what meets them when they step through the door between this lifetime and the next. It frustrates me so much when people wish hell on others, because they are wishing it on themselves. They do not understand the Love that is the Creator, nor the healing that comes within the energy of that Love. Do not fear for your brother, because he is safe in the arms of Love.

As to Limbo, the place between this lifetime and heaven, yes, he might spend some time there. I know I did. But in the end he will answer to the voice constantly calling his name, constantly sending him love and healing, and he, too, will turn to the ‘Light’ and be drawn across the void and into the arms of those who love him best.

And yes, talking to those we love who have died really does help. Even ranting and raging, if that is what a living person wants to do as they come to terms with the loss of both the person and the hope of healing a rift that drove them apart.

Your brother does not need forgiveness, though you might give it to him, and yourself, if you harbour any anger towards him. Yes, he made a terrible choice, but sometimes, when a person is at their wits end, they do not think there is any other way.

Continue to do what you are doing, calling to him and talking to him in a loving way. If he is a lost soul, you can also ask the Michael angels to ‘find my brother (name) and take him into healing’ .. the find command allows the angel to ‘see’ someone who might think they are hidden, and the ‘take’ means that the angels touches the human spirit lightly and escorts them ‘home’. They don’t let go until they are both before whichever God they believe in, in any form.

Blessings on both of you.
Love & Peace

What did you mean by you’ve spent time in limbo also. Are you re-encarnated. Have you touched the hands of God.
I have alot of guilt for my brothers death. When we were growing up, he never wanted me around. He was 2 years older and i understand he didnt want little brother tagging along. My brother was a little wild when he was younger. But when he got married, he was forced to slow down. His single friends stopped calling him. He got into a rut and wanted more out of life. He tried several jobs, tried college, but nothing seemed to fit. I guess what really hurt him was when he got discharged from the marines for medical reasons.After he got married, he started to call me once in awhile. He would ask me to come over and hang out, but my pride said no. It wasnt long after that he died. I cant let it go. You dont have to tell me it wasnt my fault. Ive heard it all before. I prayed to arch angel tonite, for (jimmy) my brother to come into my dreams or to at least take him into the light. That is if he is not already there. Tom

Hi Tom,

I remember all my past lives and my ‘between’ lives. I have been reincarnated 54 times, and yes, I have touched the hands of God, which is one of the reasons why I continue to believe in a God, while all around me are people abandoning the faith in the name of religions that don’t really teach about the creator’s love for all its creations.

I am sorry you feel guilty about not wanting to hang around with your brother before he died. Perhaps, if life had been different, you would have eventually chosen to, but don’t think he’s angry at you for not wanting to be there. When you die, after you cross into whatever heaven you want to believe in, you forget petty human worries and fears. Surrounded by so much love, all our life choices are brought into alignment with our lives ‘master plan’, all is accepted and all is ‘forgiven’, though that is not really what is needed. Learning to accept our faults, and the faults of others, is a profoundly life changing experience, and if we cannot achieve it in each lifetime, we certainly do in the ‘between’ times. (I have told ‘the powers that be’ (my name for God) that I am having a long holiday before I come back to this planet. The last one was only a blink of the eye .. in spirit terms .. 17 years in human terms.)

Be happy, I am sure he is. If he isn’t, you wish and will that he be ‘rescued’ will soon make sure he is.

Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
I had a unique experience this morning around 3am. Im kind of a night owl. I guess that comes from working third shift jobs. Well i was watching a movie and realized i was not alone. I began to see shadows moving around me. At first i was uneasy and told them to leave me alone. But then it kind of changed. I asked them are you here to hurt me, i asked them are you an entity, i asked them are you my brother? I even asked them are you Jesus Christ? They did not reply. I asked them what do you want from me. Still no reply. I told them i do not know how to help you. I said if you are afraid or lost in your thoughts, just go into the light. I mentioned your name and where you live, and that maybe you could help them, as i dont have the experience on how to help you. I asked them not to be negative around me, i have enough negative thoughts of my own.
Again i asked them to move forward, and go where you feel the love. And that you would then be happy. I closed my eyes and then opened them. They were gone now. I hope i did the right thing. Will i now be visited by more beings trying to find there way. I dont think i have the kind of strength you have to deal with all of that.
On a different note, you told me to go and recite the Michael invocation at my nephews house because i believe in it. Truth is i did not initually believe in it until i performed it and then things got much more calmer around me. Now i know it works. Tom.

Hi Ama,
Havnt heard from you in a while. So i found this big black feather. Turns out its a bald eagles feather. Am told when finding a black feather it means that angels are watching over me. Do you support this belief.

On a different note, was talking with my neice and her husband and there ghostly encounters. They have seen in there home a old woman dressed in a flowing white gown, floating near the ceiling. My neice told me once while in her bed, that it felt like someone kept bumping the bed. A little harder each time. Her husband said he has been pushed a few times. And their 4 year old boy use to talk to a ghost in his room at night. The ghost with her boy got so bad it would keep him up all night. So my neice just sat in her boys room one night for hours and kept saying out loud to leave my boy alone you are scaring him. And it stopped. Any thoughts on all this. Tom.

Evening Tom,

Tiny, fluffy, white feathers were a sign of angels when I was in the industry. Black ones I am not sure of these days. Black ones meant fallen angels to me, bu the lines are blurred between the light and the dark now, so anything is possible. Are you watched over by angels .. oh yes, we all are. We all have a guardian angel from the group called Michael, who stand behind our right shoulders, and a variety of other angels around us all the times. The guard (Michael), guide and teach (Uriel), inspire creativity (Gabriel) and help us heal (Raphael), among a few others. The new age industry has given us a multitude of other names and activities, but I am happiest with the four that introduced themselves to me over 20 years ago, and the Jophiel, who works for peace in the world, who introduced itself a few years later. Smile, you are loved.

Have your niece and her husband used the Michael Invocation to clear their home, because I recommend it. I, too, told some ghosts to leave my kids alone before I learned to clear the house, and they usually did. It wasn’t until a man was almost strangled by a ghostly visitor that I finally realised that sometimes we need a little extra help, which is where the Michael Invocation developed from. It’s not magic, just a simple request for help, with a history of thousands of successful clearances behind it.

Love & Peace

You say that you have touched the hands of God. What did he look like. And since you know you have died over fifty times. What happened when you died. Did you see a light. Was god or angels calling to you. What can you tell me about when you die. The whole world would like to know. And finally, do we all re-encarnate. How would i know if i have been reborn or not? Tom.

My sister makes great tea, and we’re tell her all the time. So my son in law thought this basic tea was special, we say it’s not, the suddenly the teabage string and tag get pulled up away from the glass, straight up, then dropped into the glass, like the ghost wanted to see for themself, the type of tea. The of us witnessed this. My sister thinks she hears someone say hello when her phone rings at night. My aunt did just die and we were talking badly of her son…spooked

Hey Ama,
you still with this site. Anyway you said I was precognitive. How can I use it to get the lottery numbers, Lol. You said I may be not conscious of it. How can I get conscious of it. One time I was snorkeling, down in the carribean, and I felt as if I was in danger. It was like a great weight was on me. I moved back into more shallow water and the feeling went away. Was that just fear or something else. The next day I was snorkeling in the same area and a barracuda swam up to me, looked at me for a moment and then swam off. I remained calm. Maybe that is why it didn’t attack. My father tells me I can turn any bad situation so nobody gets upset. Maybe I should be a counselor.
Also no tugs or ghostly encounters at all. Weird how they all just stopped. Hope you’re doing well. Tom.

Are you ok, have you been effected by the fires there.i’m worried now about you, Hope all is well. Tom.

That’s it I’m flying to Australia. OK well I guess I can’t afford that. But I would if I could. Please say something, I still can’t let this go. Tom.

I have only felt it in the last year, at least a dozen times, when I’m outside my garage, or in it. Tugging at my hood or back of my shirt at my neck. Suuuuuper trippy. What is happening

Hi Tom. Ama is still doing well. I guess she decided to take a break from the site. I’m not sure

Hello Ama,
Im still here. Are you. Well for now anyway. Been having a lot of heart pains. So not sure how long I have. Felt a presence in my home. Recited the invocation, and then it was gone.
Sometimes I throw food scraps out my back kitchen window. I watched a fox eating it for a while. Later on a skunk came through, he then moved on. A couple hours went by. I peaked out and saw something move by the window very fast. All I saw was a white blurr. Not sure what it was. Just think it was too fast to be an animal, unless it was a white owl, I think it was ghostly. Tom.

It keeps happening and I’m beginning to think I’m losing my mind. I assumed it was muscle spasms at first but this is more than just a muscle twitching because it totally feels like someone is gently pulling the back of my shirt down, it’s not jerky like a spasm. Is it possible for them to come back? I haven’t had SP in a while and I don’t see activity like before.
Maybe it’s just my muscles relaxing. The only other thing is hearing something fall and not being able to figure out what it was. There are no connections that I can figure.
I’ve been really sad and overwhelmed with grief and feelings of extreme loss since my mom died in the hospital from covid but I this was happening for several months and she only died last month.

I’m going to burn some white sage. I dont think it’s them… can it be something else?

Thank you

So I’ve been having my shirt tugged by nothing there supposedly a spirit, I know the meaning behind it partially, but it’s non stop, I often feel my shirt being tugged to the point I started taking off my shirt 24/7 in my house, everytime it’s in my house, it’s not anywhere else. I find it weird that it’s happening more and more and I keep feeling tugs and I’m not scared in anyway it’s just annoying at this point. Can somome explain this 🤔

Pete ,

My son pass just Before his 12 th birthday …He had a rare genetic disease , anyway Before my Son Passed , we would have a monitor in the bedroom , so we can keep an eye on him when we’re not next to him.

One night his mother was showering, I was in the kitchen installing a handle on a small cabinet I had made for extra storage space, As I looked at the camera screen, I noticed three orbs just above my son’s head –

– I was like Wow! those are Angel’s , I did not feel threatened from the orbs. When his mother got out of the shower , I said to her look the orbs around our son – She panicked and said get in there , she was freaking out , so I went in there, she said that as I approached the orbs discepated.

Anyway about 2 years later my son passed, the next day of his passing , his mother was at the sink rinsing a dish, I saw standing to her right , My Son; it happen So fast like a blink of an eye, but I know what I seen…Fast-forward about 5 years later ,I’m washing a couple dishes and as I’m rinsing them off , to put into the dish rack , I felt two quick tugs on the back of my shirt tail to my right side.

The exact area were his mother was standing in front of the sink and to her right, is were I felt the two quick tugs on my right shirt tail.

I sense that this was my Son letting me know that he acknowledges me thinking of him…Because i was thinking of him more than. Usual that day.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him.

I have other grown kids. Adrian was our little boy who’s life was cut short, and I believe he is letting us know that the three Angels (Orbs) we seen that night are taking good care of him in heaven.