The Michael Invocation

The Michael Invocation is posted here by the courtesy of Ama Nazra.

Archangel Michael,
Remove all attachments from me,
All negative energy forms,
All negative thought forms,
All heavy energy forms.
All intruders and mischief makers,
All astral forces and dominants,

Archangel Michael

All small demons and large demons,
including succubus and incubus.
All living humans who try to steal my energy,
Or do me any other harm,
Find all humans in Spirit who are Lost around me,
and take them Home.
Remove all threads and bindings
All cords and ties
All chains and devices of any kind
All curses and hexes on any level
All karmic patterns which defeat my Self
And karmic links that are no longer needed
Return me to my perfect energy now please

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you.

Let me explain …

Where the Michael Invocation came from …

Archangel Michael

I’ve been using and adapting the Michael Invocation for the past fifteen years as a means of clearing people’s energy, and the energy of their homes and other buildings. The Invocation has changed over time, as the situations people have found themselves in have become more difficult to manage, or more complicated to understand. It has never failed to provide relief on many levels – though the relief will only continue if a person chooses not to repeat the old patterns of behaviour that first got them haunted.

As the world gets darker, and the struggles become stronger, the Invocation came to include the name of Jesus Christ. You do not have to use it if you do not want to, but if you are a Christian or believe in the Christ energy, which is the Golden Light Stream of Consciousness energy, then use it. Or you can add the Deity of your choice. This empowers it to a greater depth.

How the Michael Invocation works …

It changes the substructure of human energy, to gently release all energy ties, whether we created them ourselves, or something or someone connected them to us. It does not offer resistance of any kind, it is not forced, nor creates force. It releases patterns and allows change to flow through the person’s energy stream.

Why it works …

Archangel Michael

Every person has a guardian angel standing behind their right shoulder, the energy of Archangel Michael, specifically trained as a personal guardian ‘just for you’. This guardian is a protector of your spirit, and while it cannot stop things happening ‘to you’ because of your free will, it can act to help remove them when you start to seek healing.

Change happens for three reasons, the power of creativity with the person, the unending strength of the Michael at their shoulder, and the power of God in the person’s life, regardless of whether the person believes in a God, any God or no Gods. The only way this Invocation can be weakened is if the person weakens it themselves, through fear, denial or refusal to let it, or the angels, do their work.

If you will but take a moment’s faith (or choose to suspend doubt) and ‘try it anyway’, it may well teach you that there are protectors out there in Spirit watching our backs, loving us profoundly, and helping when we will allow it.

As one man said to me once “what is the worst that can happen? Nothing will change.” But for him, and thousands like him over the years, change happened.

When to use the Michael Invocation ..

Archangel Michael

Whenever you are feeling uncomfortable within yourself, in any location, at any time of day. It requires very little ritual, just a good memory, or a copy in your pocket. You can, by adapting it slightly (I’ll explain in a moment) use it to change the energy of a room you are in, or a space or a building. It could be an open field. It is up to you to decide the appropriate ‘when’.

How to adapt the Invocation –

It is very simple – the second line reads “remove all attachments from me”. Change it to read “remove all attachments from … this building, this room, my home, my office, my friend’s house (with their permission and giving the address of the location). It can reach across the world to do this, because the Michael angels are everywhere, and everywhen.

Archangel Michael Shield

Children – change the second line to read “remove all attachments from …” and give the full name of the child, if you know it, or you can say ‘my son’ or ‘my daughter’.

There is one proviso here – unless the child is mentally challenged, such as being disabled or having autism etc, after the age of thirteen years they must give permission for you to do this, or they can do it themselves. Perhaps, in a very challenging situation, the two of you can do it together?

The Michael Invocation in times of crisis …

Just because someone you love is older than the age of thirteen, and perhaps refuses to acknowledge any metaphysical help, this invocation can be said on their behalf, with the intention of allow any change that is possible to flow through. Their higher selves will be told of the request and action will be implemented with his/her permission.

We live in the age of wonders – and Invocations such as this one help to appreciate those wonders, if we allow it.

What if I don’t believe in angels?

Archangel Michael

Do it anyway. The Michael once told me “it does not matter if they (humanity) do not believe in us, because we believe in them”. Now that is LOVE.

What is an attachment?

Anything that has to connect to your energy to feed. They do this with tiny threads that ease their way into your aura and then into your chakra system. Allow them to remain for a long time, or invite them to do so, and they can imbed themselves deeply and fight to remain.

Once released you can ask your guardian angel to “FIND and TAKE into HEALING anything that is not there for your GREATER GOOD”. That will clear your energy field (aka your aura).

My thanks is also given to Stefan Grass in London for his work with the Invocation over the past 14 years.

The Michael Invocation is posted here by the courtesy of Ama Nazra and was originally published at

Heart of Fire – the second Michael Invocation

Ama Nazra – You may contact Ama via

Archangel Michael Statue

37 replies on “The Michael Invocation”

Hi Ama,

What beautiful words to use for a clearing. 🙂 It is very similar to techniques I (and others) use here in the US which also work very closely with Archangel Michael and his angels, as well as Raphael, Uriel & other angels and ascended masters.

I truly believe that when similar things show up around the world they are indeed gifts from the higher realms. 🙂

Namaste’ sister Ama and many blessings on you & your work!

Hello Melodie,

Thank you. I am glad we are all able to help those in need.

Forgive me for not answering before, but I never saw your comment until now.

Love & Peace

God bless you Ama, for the Michael Invocation information, we couldn’t of done it with out you and through our Lord Jesus Christ’s help!!!

Thanks a lot Ama for the help.I did the Michael Invocation even though I am not a chritian but still I feel relieved of all the negative energy around and I promise I will never ever use ouija boards in any form.I feel alright now besides on my persuation my dad did a havan in the house.Its a kind of ritual done to cleanse the house of negative energies in Hindu religion and I feel happy and relieved.
Once again thanks a lot for ur help.

The angels aren’t Christian either, Amisha. They were created before humanity, and before we created the various religion we now venerate.

As the angels would say ‘All thanks to Abba’ .. in other words ‘All thanks to God’ .. whichever God you and I hold most high. It’s all the same energy.

Love & Peace

hello Ama
Ama as myself an girlfreind walked into our house the hall mirror came off the wall landing at our feet,an in the last weak my girlfreinds makeup mirror broke out of its frame to.Was wondering could you shed any light on this..yours scincerly Paul..

Thank you so much Ama for sharing your wisdom. Sending you much love
and peace. 💐

Greetings and Salutations

I’m sorry to say,that’s not how angels work. I’m sorry to crash your party here, but there is nowhere in the Bible where it mentions “personal angels”. Yes, it is comforting to think that we have our own angel watching over us, but it should be even more comforting that there is a GOD who watches over us 24/7.

Even if you say it in the name of Jesus, doesn’t make it any better. Calling to an angel to protect you may seem all and well, but it should feel even better to call to God, who governs over all the angels.

By His Grace,
Dante Newman

Thank you for your opinion, Dante, but it does not match thousands of people’s experiences. In my experience, calling for help to the angels IS asking help from God. God created the angels, they are its (his) servants, given to humanity for our spiritual protection (and sometimes physical). God answers to many names, one of them is Micha-el.

Love & Peace

Another point I would like to make is the idea of Michael in regards to the “GOD” you refer to. You say that you can throw in whatever deity you want to, but if Michael is an archangel of the Christian GOD, why would it even work if it’s another GOD? And as a response to your response, no, GOD does not simply lay back in heaven and let angels do the work for him. He is with us wherever we go. Not as an angel, not as a spirit or ghost, but as the creator and savior of all the earth. If you can find one verse concerning the idea of “personal angels” or Michael coming down to protect us in the Bible, then I might consider your ideas, but you MUST consult the source material before you start making claims like a lazy, non-religious, god who makes angels take care of earth.

John 1:14
“the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Isaiah 6:3
They were calling out to each other, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!”

Hello Dante,

I love good Christians. I am also Christian, add in that I am a Theologian, so I study the bible closely, but have enough sense to realise that it was written by men and women nearly 2000 years ago, then it was edited by men who wanted to control their followers, and make them believe in certain specific ways, and not others, over the next almost 2000 years. That being said, I am also known as a Prophet and Visionary. And I can speak directly to angels, not just the Michael, but all others.

As to whether God interferes in human lives … if you believe that God loves us all unconditionally, that means you will understand that if God interferes in any of our choices (including harmful ones) that free will ‘he’ gave us is taken away .. so yes, God sits and watches us, in good times and struggles, because ‘he’ created us to learn and grow, and we learn best through trial and error. Then you will have to explain the Book of Job to me, where God is a monster that allows the devil to torment one man, and destroy many others … to what purpose, its (his) own Glory? That is not the God I have met, nor the nature of His Son, Jesus, who I have walked and talked with.

The Bible is not the unerring word of God, the God who goes by many names. The Jewish people say ‘he’ has 72 names. The Elohim call him El. Even Jesus called him ‘El’ from the cross – and yet he is worshiped as Jehovah in many of the bible’s ‘books’.

The Michael are one group of the many angels who serve God by taking care of humans, not because humans are God’s greatest creation, but because He loves us all. The angels were given to humanity for our protection, encouragement, learning and healing, after one angel fell and became our enemy. They are the Holy Spirit manifest into a form that humans will accept. They are not separate beings, but one being of like mind, divided into different actions, that define their roles eg. the Michael are the Soldiers of God.

I don’t ‘make’ claims, I share what millions of others know and have been taught and told. The angels go among us, as representatives of the Holy Spirit, which is the Christ energy .. and while they cannot interfere in our choices, they do guard and guide. It’s complicated, but since God arranged it all, I’ll leave it up to ‘him’.

As to your quotes .. I have no idea how they relate to this topic, but they are lovely.

Love & Peace

There is clearly a misunderstanding here, because (with all due respect) you are not a Theologian. If you even skim over Job you do not witness GOD as a “monster”, you witness GOD watching over Job. Throughout that story, Job goes through terrible things,yes, but he maintains that it is all part of GOD’s plan. And it was. Job receives 2x what he had before and is blessed for the rest of his life.

Lastly,I don’t mean to be rude, but you must rethink your faith. If you are truly a Christian, you would reject the idea that any other GOD could be added to this prayer (addressed to who/whatever). Believe whatever you want to, just make sure you know the basics for what you say you believe.

Haggai 1:13
“I am with you,” declares the Lord.

Haggai 2:4
For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.

Matthew 28:20
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

By His Grace,
Dante Newman

Hello Dante, equally with respect …

Just because I don’t believe the way you do does not mean I need to rethink my faith. I studied Theology at University, and continue to study the Bible now, with open eyes and an open mind. That was what we were taught to do by the Ministers and teachers at the school. In the first lesson, the head lecturer advised us ‘the study of theology will either make or break your faith’ because it asked us to set aside our religious opinions and really read closely all the books of the Bible, and the Apocrypha, and other books of writings that have been discovered over the last century, with the understanding that some would test our faith – because we had to look at not just what was written, but when it was, from what cultures, by people with opinions and beliefs that might not be our own. It never broke my faith, for me it just made God more real.

Job, which was a book about a man from Ur in Mesopotamia, not an Israelite, was written about a different ‘God’ than the one Jesus followed. The story itself came from the Oral history that was over 1000 years old when Jesus was alive. Many people have made the same reasoning that you do, that Job still honoured his God in his thinking .. and that makes everything that was done to him ok for everyone else? It also drove Job insane, and the god allowed the devil to kill probably hundreds of people, certainly Jobs whole family and their servants. But we are supposed to ignore that part? Why is that story in the Christian Bible? What Mesopotamian God, or demon, was it actually written about? The most important Gods of Ur were ‘sin’ (sun) and ‘Nanna’ (moon). Given its history, was that our God named ‘sin’ or was it a demon?

The Michael Invocation works for people from all religions because there is only one God who is known by many names, and because angels are part of every belief system, in one form or another. They were created before humanity, and given to humanity to take care of ALL of us, not just the people who believe in the Christian faith. No matter what you name them, they know who they are and what their tasks are.

While I love a good religious debate, this is not the website for it. If you would like to continue I’ll make a webpage on the site for you and we can debate as much as you like .. but not here. The Michael Invocation has proved itself for 1000’s of people, for the last 16 or so years its been on the internet. We are blessed to have it, and for those of us who have used it as a tool to help us, we know it.

Wishing you a good day,
Love & Peace
Ama Nazra

Dante Newman you are one of those narrow minded christians who NEVER read the new material found like the dead seas scrolls and such with the same narrow mindedness that has kept you blind and all you do is quoting scriptures and you think that is being chritian why did men were the ones to decide to removed certain books from the bible what give men the right to choose and pick here we are cheated of the true bible by the narrow mindedness of men back then who wanted to control the believers of the faith here you are throwing scriptures of a unfinished book yet you narrow mindedness won’t let you see or want to know or understand or want to learn what the rest of the bible truly is find out and learn the whole completed bible is first don’t go around throwing the scriptures and knocking down the good work of others who also working in the name of god regardless of what you think he goes by many names so it is god the one and only

Know this; Dante, although quite possibly closed minded, never the less, is connecting to God in his own way. Many Christians who follow the Bible strictly and rigidly, tend to be closed minded due to the strict structure of their teachings. It is much more difficult for these people to hear beliefs or points of view that differ from their own. It isn’t worth the argument to try and force them to see things differently, but to guide them little by little over time. They may begin to see your side or they may not, but none the less, his religious journey is just that, “his” as the spiritual or religious journey you are on is yours. We all must learn to give love and acceptance of others even when we feel it is not warranted or even asked for, for that is the greatest expression of the Love of our Creator that flows through us. I send both you and Dante blessings of Love, Light and Peace! Luna T

And Yvette you are right; religions are like different roads that lead to the same place! Regardless of how we get there, finding God IS the point! 😃

Hello Dante,

I don’t have any more comments from you to approve, and if you did write to the Michael Invocation page, I would not be approving them as I asked you to finish the conversation there. If I have time, tomorrow, I will create some sort of question, or you may start your own in the meantime, which Caretaker receives and must approve, and I will upload your answers there, as both LunaTerra and I enjoy a good biblical discussion.

Love & Peace

Hello all,

I have enjoyed reading the comments. I also believe in the one true God of the Universe who yes, has many names which most all include “El”… Interesting Ama, I never saw “El” in Micha-El. I believe he sent part of himself, to Earth, to become one of us but also God, and they called him Yehuvah, Hebrew. I believe He was a needed sacrifice for the sin that had taken over mankind.

I believe this God/ man sacrificed himself so that everyone can choose the spirit of the almighty Creator God and become one with that spirit, and that Spirit can reside in US and we can do the things that he did while he was on Earth. Even w/o this Spirit residing in a person, they can often perform spiritual things like Miracles, because the Creator gifted them at birth, hoping they would use the gifts to point people to the Creator and how good and loving yet just, he is.

“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” (death & resurrection)
JOHN 14:12 Amplified version

I believe that there is only one will, the Creator’s will, yet he gave all mankind free choice. I believe the bible is the written Word of God, but I also believe other books written in that time hold credibility to understanding, esp the Book of Enoch.

The MAIN reason I commented was to say that I believe WE, as mankind, having FREE CHOICE, cause things in our lives, I. E. God (being in charge, Creator) does not control us as puppets. Therefore, I feel Job in the Bible, brought on what happened to him, BC of the negative emotions in his soul, which manifested as neg events in his life (remember he WORRIED for his children & sacrificed for them ahead of time, just in case they sinned) See this verse :

“For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, And that of which I am afraid has come upon me. “I am not at ease, nor am I quiet, And I am not at rest, and yet trouble still comes [upon me].”
JOB 3:25‭-‬26 AMP

Bless you all & thank you for the invocation. I had a spiritual house cleansing at my house this year with help from 8 other like-minded ladies, I seen a major change since then.

Ama, I read and read and read and study and study and study.And i remember and remember and remember what I read. Ive read probably all you have typed on these boards under that Ama name. I have found that all the stuff you talk about comes from false gods. I do the will of god almighty living only unlike you and most others on earth who have really no clue what any of the collected books called scripture are telling us all. And I could care less is you post this or not. You better remeber this: God almighty living says no graven images for a reason. And Micheal . nor any other angel in earth will not help them at all as written. Maybe finding out what the holy spirit is might help you. But most likely was not told to you from your false god university. See you at trial.

Hello Living Soul,

It is my choice that your comment has been published, on a site where it really isn’t appropriate, mainly because you are my first critical message of the year. I am used to getting three or four, mostly privately, but, since you chose to comment here .. here’s my answer:

1 Corinthians 13
John 8:7

You have your way of viewing God and I have mine. You have all your reading, and if you have read everything I have written on the internet in the last 20 years, on this and a multitude of related topics, on many others, then you have been a busy person … the difference between us is that
1) I have my photo on this site, so people can see my face.
2) I use my legal name so that people can find me just by searching for it,
3) I am not criticizing others while hiding behind a pseudonym.
4) I have 30+ years experience to back up everything I have written about, not just book learning, even the ‘good book’ .. although I have studied the Bible for many years, and continue to now as I study towards becoming a Christian Minister.
5) I don’t mind that you could-N’T care less whether I post your message or not. I agree, you could choose to care less, but since you challenged me with those words, to publish you, I did.
6) The Michael, the billions of Michael, prove their worth, their service to God, every day all over this planet. I have thousands of emails and phone calls and personal experiences, of them doing exactly that. I am sorry you do not believe that God’s created servants help humanity, but thankfully, they actually do .. and if you ask them, they will tell you, as they have told me, and many like me who work ‘with’ them .. “All thanks to God our Father, Ama, not to us”. They do not exist as we understand existence, they are the servants of God, whom God gave to humanity to help protect us from those things you call ‘false Gods’. Actually, I have to agree with you that one point, there are being that describe themselves as ‘gods’, but they are empty vessels. They hate instead of loving. They criticise because it makes them feel powerful, but God taught ‘love one another’.

As to the comment about graven images? I am not sure how it relates. We create no images of God to worship on this site, nor should people worship angels .. again, if people speak with them, they will be told the same ‘All honour and worship to God, Ama’, they are merely the vessels of the Holy Spirit in a form humans can relate to.

As to the University being a false God, or harbouring one .. I guess wherever you go to church, they do not allow people to question the teachings in the bible, even the contradictory ones .. but I can quote you a webpage to explore http://www. 1001biblecontradictions. com/. You won’t like it, but its certainly an interesting site, just take out the spaces in the web address when you copy it into your browser.

The bible is a work of men, not God. It is full of wisdom, myth,
mystery and magic, also spaceships. You can find peace in it, and a ton of confusion, but I love that book, and a whole variety of other writings that didn’t get into it. Oh, and then there’s the webpages I found recently, that shows the many times that Paul either reinterpreted Jesus’ teachings, or just plain contradicted them. And who are we supposed to follow to reach God .. it wasn’t Paul.

So thanks, I just had a quiet rant, and may I not have to do it again this year. Please go and be happy in your life, and stay away from subjects that you really know nothing about. You see, the bible you read teaches you to stay away from the stuff you call ‘false’, so you are in trouble with God already, just by reading this site.

God loves you,
Love & Peace

Hello Ama,
Thank you for the wonderful words you write. I have read and reread all that I can on this site. We are all on our own path,at different stages of learning yet,how interesting some people feel they know best. I can not say I know anything more than the rest however, I can only say what I feel inside of me.
The reason I feel this world and the people in it are having an hard time or a good time is that this planet is a learning planet. We each have our own lives to discover who we are, what we are ,and why we are here. In a way I feel this planet is kind of hell or heaven depending which way you think. Source gave us a choice when we came here. Yes we have freedom to chose, but we tend to make it so hard for our selves. Source wanted us to be happy. Nothing more but live,learn,love, give freely, have gratitude,understanding of others. I could go on. But we have lost this in this world of man made rules and books, money, etc etc. Source does not want this for us. Yet we have to learn for our selves which path we will go on.
Angels are real. They help if we ask them. Might not be what you want but it certainly will be what you need at that moment in your life. We have a great brain yet we do not use it right some times. Being positive helps to start then move on to feeling good for a day. It’s hard I know I’m still trying but I believe if we stop trying to convince everyone that one religion or one way is the best because some one said it is, and try to go inside of your self and follow your own path as your inner soul is guiding you too, we will start on our right path for our selves. No one can teach you this but you. If you use your gut then start from there. Source or God is every where. You have to find him or her for your selves. As a learning planet. We are tested everyday, think,feel, and receive! We daydream don’t we. That’s ok but put feeling into what you day dream. Feel that love you so desperately need. To me I feel there is no religion only source! Man made religion. I’d rather feel that source is for all no matter what colour or creed. Love is the key to all happiness and I have to start there,just one thought. After all these wars, religions correcting, who wins ? Not you or I , but the silent person who started this and stands to create a fortune for him self! You see he believed in him self and what he was doing or is doing. Believe in you! Trust Source! Go on your path with love for yourself and everyone around you. Have gratitude and feel blessed that God gives you a different day each day you wake up to change you and everything around you for the better. Namaste

Hello Ama,
Firstly I want to say that your website is my place of refuge when I need advice. I have been silently using it for years now. I want to add that I was in an accident in 2015 and ended up in a coma for 1 month. I feel I was sent back, but I seen things there that will live with me for life. I felt I seen a demon. I may sound crazy but if you met me you would know this is all truth. He told me he would make me do anything he wanted. It was the eyes that scared me I could only see horrible red eyes. I seen dead bodies and smelt flesh it really was terrifying. After the coma I ended up on drugs. I have been clean 2 years now. But recently I have had some weird things happen. I have had 3 knocks on my door. And something tapped me really hard on my right shoulder 3 times as I was trying to sleep. I could feel the bony fingers of this thing and it was not a nice tap. I recently have been doing Tarot and spirit work and feel I have opened myself without protecting ( I now use your Micheal Invocation daily ! ) I just want to say that I feel much better these days with my sage and your help on this site. I feel like I am much stronger and able to understand more with your help. So this is really a thank you and if you have any advice I would be so very grateful. Yours faithfully, Kerry

Hello Ama,

I was just going through the net, trying to understand why I experience certain things and in my search I am across the The Michael Invocation. I said it slowly understanding each word and visualising each negative energy and thought that I want to be detached from. I will say it everyday and will come back to tell you if there is a change.

The reason I was looking up the net for answers is that since the last 3 days I get exactly at 2:30 am – I hear a female whisper my name in my ears. I get up with a start.
This has been happening off and on in my life. When I was younger about 2 decades back and living with my mother I would hear a man take my name in my ear, starting softly, then louder and then shout in my ear – SHEEN.Again at 2:30 am. I would get up terrified. This would happen off and on, and eventually it stopped.

Then I got married and moved to another city and home, again this would happen off and on and the same thing. At times on awakening I would feel some presence in the room as if staring at me. I would tell it that I’m not scared and I would keep my Bible near me and pretend to sleep. I must say I was always scared. At times I said why are you staring at me I’m not scared go away.
3 years back I moved into another house. Again at 2:30 am I felt I heard footsteps in my bedroom and then I felt someone staring at me. I jumped up and switched on the light. I grabbed my Bible from the cupboard and kept it on my chest and just kept sitting in a reclined position on the bed with my eyes open. I kept feeling that its staring at me. I didn’t sleep. I once said to it – you can keep staring at me and I will stare back at you if that’s what you want. At around 5:30 am that feeling of someone in the room vanished. I want to tell you I wasn’t dreaming nor was I hallucinating. I was wide awake. I got up and had my tea the moment I felt its left. This incident happened a few months back. ( This happened when my husband and kids had gone out for the weekend) So they don’t believe me and say I was alone and imagining.
Now again since the last 3 nights I getup with someone whispering in my ear. But this time its a female voice. It calls just once. It gives me the chills.
I have my husband next to me and wake him up and he just cuddles me and rubbishes it.
I will be saying The Michael Invocation and hope it helps.
I am a christian and I pray before I sleep.

Kind regards,

So I had a problem with nighttime disturbances – during the night I would feel something pressing down on the bed beside me first on one side then the other back and forth like something was standing over top of me. Now since I was struggling to wakeup it is sluggish and I want to leap up for seconds before I can actually get awake enough to move and growl. That is about the time it stops pressing down on the bed. I have been able to reach down and feel the impressions in my foam mattress cover in time.

So I know one of two things is happening – it is an involved nightmare or something IS pressing on my bed only to cease as I wake. I recently salted the threshold of my doors and windows because if its the first alternative ( nightmares) it cannot hurt. If it is the second alternative it might prevent it.

I am a Christian so whatever IT is cannot touch me – but I think it can touch my bed and disturb me and it is the one time where I am essentially paralyzed and then as I wake up it flits off to whence it came. Salting seems to have worked. I keep my Bible on my bed now. It is interesting to me more than anything else that something would choose to harass me for some cause or another. I try not to make a big production of it all hoping it will go harass someone else or go do whatever these things do in the next time zone.


I have been using the Michael Invocation for about a year now. It has helped so much. I am curious to know who is the original author of this invocation. I have other areas in my life that need a different type of invocation. Do you know of anyone who has different types that are just as effective as the Michael Invocation? And/Or do you know of anyone who can really good ones? Please email me with a reply. Ama mentioned Stehan Grass on her webpage. Is he the original author?

Hi Terri,

Stefan and I wrote it, based on a much simpler version, about 19 years ago. We then refined it over the years, through a multitude of experiences and interactions with unseen entities.

There is a second Michael Invocation, called Heart of Fire, that you can find on my webpages Victorian Paranormal Connection or just search for Ama Nazra Heart of Fire. I found it easily. It is designed to make you feel stronger and freer. Otherwise, an Invocation is easy enough to write, you then have to believe in it.

What do you need help with? You can answer here, or email me privately from my webpages or the link below ‘Sacred Gates’.

Love & Peace
Ama Nazra

Hi Ama,
With all the energy shifts I thought I lost this. Your website is not accessible. I would like the heart of fire prayer, please. I copied the one above and will save it in several places because I felt a sense of loss not having access to it. That might sound weird but it has helped my friends and I more than you can know. Thank you for posting this prayer! When I feel an encroachment in my dreams, I read this and life is good again! Thank you again for posting this prayer!! Blessings to you! Sara

I just want to thank for sharing this information with all the people who wants to canalize their angelical light and be protected by the blue light of saint Michael. I just want to share that I had performed an exorcism with the help of another enlightened friend to an acquaintance in an Angelic conference performed in one of the third biggest cities in Mexico. I would like to share my experience if you are interested in hearing it. Greetings and light for everybody.

Is it OK to post the “Heart of Fire” here? I have it from a bit of the Spirit Rescue course Ama Nazra was teaching me, but she disappeared and her websites too. Maybe there is something else going on other than the fires and Pandemic? I hope everything is ok with everyone here!

Also, thank you again for posting this. I have regained my faith and hope in Archangel Michael, and most importantly, humanity and myself, my family, and myself.

Heart of Fire

The second Michael Invocation

Archangel Michael, soldier and warrior of God.
Hear me and grant my request,
I, who recognise and acknowledge my faults,
request this day a Heart of Fire.
Reawaken in me the eternal heart of God
residing in a will of iron.
Let the Love of God fill my core and spread rapidly within me.
Let it expel from me
any and all entities that mean me harm.
Let the Heart of Fire burn from me
all cords and connections that go out into darkness.
Let it return to me all that I have lost
since the coming of the dark.
Let me remember who I am,
a true son/daughter of the Source of Light in the world,
And in that source let me find freedom.
In the name of Jesus Christ whose sacrifice freed all of humanity,
Let it free me now.
Thank you.

Where it came from …

Over the past five years I have watched the increase in negative energy forms, from simple entities such as balls of negative human emotion that we call ‘attachments’, to others such as sexual demons, known as incubus and succubus. During that time I have been asking God and Spirit for an Invocation to deal with these entities specifically, as often the Michael Invocation has failed to remove them. Spirit has taught me that incubus (male) and succubus (female) are an entity that attaches not only through base and sacral chakra, but also through the heart and mind of the person. It is not a simple connection. The healing must happen to all these parts of the human spirit and body to release the entity. The true nature of the human being must be restored – so the Heart of Fire is a restorative Invocation. It does not change what has happened, but reinforces the request for change, for freedom, and asks for help in allowing the person to regain what they have lost, of themselves, since the entity or entities arrived.

Why it works

The dark cannot exist where the Light shines forth. In asking to reawaken the eternal Flame of God within the Hearts of men and women, the Invocation re-ignites or feeds the flame, the Christ Light within each of us. Even if you do not believe in the Christ, the Light exists within each of us, given to us through the sacrifice of one man for many others. It will work regardless of what your beliefs, or lack of them are. It is not focused on your truth but on the Faith of Angels, specifically the Michael who recognise themselves as a child of the Source, which is God by the name they call it, Abba.

When to use it

Always with the Michael Invocation to remove all negativity from your and help to set you free. By itself when you are feeling frightened, disheartened, lacking in faith, and generally worn out. It raises the vibration of your energy to a higher point, and allows Light to heal all the wounds you will allow to be healed.

In times of crisis

Just because someone you love is older than the age of thirteen, and perhaps refuses to acknowledge any metaphysical help, this Invocation can be said on their behalf, with the intention of allowing any change that is possible to flow through. Their higher selves will be told of the request and action will be implemented with the person’s permission.

We live in the age of wonders – and Invocations such as this one help us to appreciate those wonders, if we allow it.

What happens if you don’t believe in angels

It really doesn’t matter, because they believe in us.