
What Does Satan Have Against Humans at Present?

What does Satan have against humans at present? How he can mislead or deceive a human? Does he speak to man? So why human is not able to hear his voice or notice his ordering and motivation? Also if someone does a guilt due to Satan’s motivation, who is responsible about lord? Satan or that guilty human?

Asked by Mans

26 replies on “What Does Satan Have Against Humans at Present?”

Hi Mans – good question!

Satan is against God. As we are creations of God, this means It is also against us. It gets back at God through us. It uses us as a tool to spite God.

Satan, by defininition, is the master of illusion and so can work ‘on’ or ‘through’ anyone who allows it to. There are some terrible things that humans do to each other in this world. There are those who seemingly have no conscience about their wrong-doings at all. So why don’t those people feel remose for what they do to others? Who is to say if it was truly just an evil person doing their evil thing, or whether that person was being influenced by the dark side in some way.



[quote]Also if someone does a guilt due to Satan’s motivation, who is responsible about lord? Satan or that guilty human?[unquote]

That’ll be the guilty person – we are all granted free-will so are ultimately responsible for our own actions. We are all taught the difference between right and wrong so it is down to us to judge ourselves as to whether our actions are right or wrong – not just in the eyes of the law but also in the eyes of God.


Good explanation A.J, I enjoyed such rationally and Comprehensive answer. But this replying bring two another questions up :

1- Isn’t Satan as a harmful and evildoer deceiver responsible against God about a tempted human that he does a wrong ?
2- Are all humans equal against god when they do a similar wrong?

Thank you Mans.

In answer to your questions:

1. Satan will try to entice a person to the ‘dark side’, but ultimately that person has a choice. They can either follow the dark lord and do bad things, or they can turn their back on It and look to God for guidance instead.

2. Humans are neither wholly good nor wholly evil. We are a bit of both and it is a life-long battle fur us to attain to be as pure of heart and spirit as God. Satan knows our weaknesses thus will tempt us away or trip us up at every opportunity. It doesn’t have to be big, nasty things either … as Bofferbings said further down this thread, it is also those little temptations that stop us from being ‘free of sin’ and flawless, spiritually. But does this make us equal against God to Satan?? No, I don’t think so. Not unless we are a truly evil person through and through which, fortunately most people are not.

Life is about learning, growing and hopefully becoming a better spirit at the end, than we were at the beginning. So long as we try our best to be good, kind people and do our best for our fellow man then God will be there for us at the end. He is a loving God after all.


Thank you again A.J, There is not so difference between what you said and what I believe herein but my question was this and may I couldn’t express it :

1- Does God punish Satan as a guilty he follows Satan’s temptation
2- are equal who does a sin knowingly and who does that same sign unknowingly against God ?

Hi guys, great conversation. 🙂 Can I join in?

I don’t think God punishes Satan at all, Mans. Satan is one of his creations too. God doesn’t punish us when we transgress .. truthfully, I don’t believe God intervenes in any experiences of any beings on this planet. We are here, as AJ says, to learn lessons .. and Satan is doing a service, in a strange way, of helping some people learn those lessons.

And people are not equal in their ‘sin’ when they make an mistake in innocence, in comparison to deliberately choosing to do harm. God would be a monster to punish someone equally strongly for an error, as for a malicious act.

Love & Peace

Welcome AMA
As you know in the every discussion there are different opinion and it is usual if sometime in a comment we don’t be agreed with an expression and be agreed with another.such nonagreements is not the sign of opposition but is a background to reveal which viewpoint is nearer to reality.
Anyhow, as I infer from your comment you deny ” punishment ” may I ask : so where is this word location in a society also judgment day ? and how the worst wicked enemy like Satan are free from what he has done in this world to god and humans ?

Hi Mans,

I don’t think we can measure ‘reality’ by other people’s opinions, but only by our own experiences. What is right for me might not be right for you, but that’s what makes the world, and energy, fascinating – that both you and I can live our lives in very different ‘realities’. They cross over each other in so many ways, and yet can be so different. 🙂

Satan (Samael – Satan is a misnomer (misnaming)) is not free of responsibility for what it creates .. but it is playing the role created for it by God. It is the Adversary. It is a mirror on which humanity can examine their lives, and make choices to change for the better. If we didn’t have an antagonist, a perfect evil to measure evil by, how would we know what was right or wrong? Since Samael is acting in the role given to it by God, is God going to punish it for doing what God asked? Here is the dilemma – but it is not our dilemma, or our choice, Mans .. the choice of what happens to Samael belongs to God. Do you want to be punished for doing what God told you to do? The Christians (and I call myself one) want to see Satan punished for its behaviour against them, and have an adversary gives them someone to hate, and someone to fear. When we do not live in a state of fear we can advance so much more quickly, spiritually, because fear binds us in time and place. It is not until we learn to transcend fear, that we finally begin to see the world differently, and understand roles such as Satan’s (Samael’s) in a different light.

Don’t get me wrong, if Samael turned up today I’d want to see it, and all its followers, locked up – but a fiery pit/lake, for eternity, makes the loving God I know into a hypocrit. Remember what Jesus said ‘do unto others as you would they do unto you’, and how about ‘turn the other cheek’. Where is the forgiveness that Jesus talked of?

Yes, I deny God will punish anyone, or anything. We punish ourselves. Do you believe in karma, Mans? How about reincarnation? Another bible semi-quote “we reap what we sow”. Since most karma is not instantaneous, we have to repay our past misdeeds sometime. So .. if not in this lifetime, how about the next? What is the point of karma at all, if God is going to take a quick glance at you after you are dead, and condemn you to hell (or send you to heaven)? Karma is what people should be wary of. It is the balancing of one deed against another.. one good for one evil, or visa versa. I think of it this way. Why do babies die? You know, the ones that are stillborn, or die within days of their birth. How does God judge them? What have they done to be judged .. might be a weird question, but the Christians believe that an unbaptised child went straight to hell .. is that God’s judgment or our own? Where karma is concerned, that brief moment of life could be life-changing (and usually is) for everyone connected with the baby. It can be used to balance all sorts of karma – and there’s no God involved there, just simple human choice.

I also don’t believe in Judgment Day or the Second Coming of Christ. In my opinion, Christ never left when Jesus died. He’s still here among us all, whether we consciously accept him/it or not. It is the fire within the soul of each person that strives to create good within the world, and their own lives. It is our own personal connection to God, by whatever name you wish to name our creator being.

As for Judgment Day .. it was created to give people something to fear. The vengeful God will sweep down, condemn the unworthy to torment (although the demons will actually be in the fiery pit by then .. so who does the punishing .. the loving angels? Can’t see that happening myself?), and give into heaven 144,000 Christians and an equal number of Jews. I guess the rest of the population of over seven billion people will be in hell. Might be more fun there? 🙂

So there you go .. 🙂
Wishing you a lovely day,
Love & Peace

AMA , I read your comment entirely and understood what is your opinion about. What you said is respectable for me because those are what you believe in, although here, my faith says else . I am worried you are not happy we continue this argue and if not I am interested continue
it, just for a good conversation in a paranormal aspect.Also I have to say you are a capable author which I have found many rationally opinions and advising in your writings but it doesn’t mean I am agree with all in every theme

I am not allowed do express love to women and if not I said :

I love you …..LOL….Of course I hope A.J.Rayder doesn’t see this sentence ….Hahahahahha….

Hi Mans,

I am sorry if you think I do not want to continue the conversation, because I love this stuff. I just write very bluntly (sharply?), I guess? This is a smiley face 🙂 .. (I can’t seem to work out the one that CareTaker gave us to use, but I use that one a lot.) And I certainly do not expect you to agree with me. It’s more fun to discuss why we don’t agree, in my opinion. Thank you for the other compliments, and I love you too. I love my friends, and I count you as one of them (and AJ too LOL).

Love & Peace

Satan is a bad being. There is not found in him except a great fire of enmity and animosity to god and human.That fire ignited because of jealousy and resentment, when human been created and god did choose him to all creatures.Satan was an angel but wasn’t from angel’s essence, he was from demon’s race so he was prepared to be upset due to his hidden irritably.Anyhow,afterward Satan got out from obeying ( not operatively but hearty) and requested god a respite to deceives and tempts human and drag him to hell . He wanted prove god human is not
a valuable being and will be tempted and tend to disobeying and sins. God accepted angry. He wanted prove to Satan and all angels human is not just earthy and capable to disobeying and doing sins. He can finds his
holy soul value by his wisdom ,gets out from forbidden wishing and action and return to god logically and amorous and proves, he is the nearest being to god.He can proves he is a mirror to show god’s aspect and morality ( as messengers and prophet among holy Marry and some of other great holy heavenly women which Christians don’t know them ).However, God irately allowed Satan does what he wish based on his hellish emotions but promised he will send some messengers and heavenly book to human by them and will enlighten human about himself and all other realities among his hardest enemies among Satan and own human’s ego. When human and Satan has been sent down to earth by god, it is what we see know. Satan has been become a horrible wicked enemy for human. He tries all the time to mislead human by deceiving and temptation and drag him to wrong ways to convey them to hell alone himself, beside, god is trying guides human toward his real identity and dignity, distance him from evil and vices so invite him toward heaven ( and over the heaven , toward his love ).Satan is drown in a great fire of jealousy, enmity, vice and rebellion,he never go back to god, therefore the anger of god nowise leave him so he and those humans that have followed him and have attended not to god’s guidance , warning and caution will be punished.

Hello Mans,

You said: “Satan was an angel but wasn’t from angel’s essence, he was from demon’s race so he was prepared to be upset due to his hidden irritably.”

There were not three creations in the beginning. There were angels and then there were humans. After the humans 1/3 of the angels fell and became what we call demons. They can never be angels again, but they are from the ‘angelic’ creation. There was no deliberate demonic third creation.

You: “Satan got out from obeying (not operatively but hearty) and requested god a respite to deceives and tempts human and drag him to hell”.

Requested a break in God’s plan so that he (Satan) could corrupt humanity? That’s a good interpretation of “Job” from the bible, but it wasn’t the whole of humanity, it was just that one man, and that legend is based in a Mesopotamian myth, it ‘became’ Christian after some adaption and ended up in the OT. And Job was never corrupted, which is more than we can say for a lot of humanity, of any religion, these days. 🙁

The problem with saying that God is guiding, is that there is no sign of this actual ‘guidance’. The ‘voice’ of the dark is getting louder and louder, or seems to be, given the way societies are falling apart these days. God’s voice, if anyone truly hears it, is very quiet and subtle (its known as the ‘still, quiet, voice’ and speaks through our hearts), but if a person’s heart is full of pain they seldom hear it, or worse, they get talked out of believing it by organised religion that says everything that isn’t in the bible is evil – so we must not talk to angels, or other unseen things. And look what the church ‘fathers’ did to people like Mary Magdalene .. turned her into a prostitue for many years .. just because she washed Jesus’ feet and dried them with her hair?

There are so many other lovely female voices that never made it into the bible, because they didn’t say exactly what the church wanted people to hear, but I’ll leave that subject alone.

Satan (Samael) came from God, and is still part of God, because God is ‘everything’, IMO, and you can’t separate ‘everything’ into ‘a bit of this’ and ‘none of that’. Satan will return to God, just like you and I do when we die, if we can get enough good people together, who love God and trust each other, we can fill the world with love and cut through the general corruption, but it takes time, energy and commitment, in a time of great struggle.

My angels have asked me for over a year now “Who do you become …?” .. who do I become .. from moment to moment? Do I live in fear of the dark, because I know the power of it in ways that others don’t, or will I walk in Light forever?

Love & Peace
Ama (Light-walker LOL)

I said Satan had an angel’s dignity but wasn’t from those. As I had said often, angels haven’t tendency to desires ,negative emotions and any contest- competition sense because, god had not created such stuffs in their heavenly soul ( messengers and prophets were so as well but in addition they had humanly desiring and emotion but such wishing was too much small and invaluable to their ” great radiant heavenly soul” and they never used those except a bit which in the god’s permission limit – for example, They ate to remain alive or married to have some descendant). Satan wasn’t as angel. He was as a wolf in the sheep’s hide because he wasn’t clear of desire and emotion as angel. In one word, he wasn’t an angel as we know.No problem Which a Christian thinks demons are those angels that been drove out from heaven and afterward changed to demons but as I explained angels couldn’t be as Satan as he couldn’t be as them. Also it is necessary to be said Satan wasn’t an ordinary angel. He was an archangel, a premier angel which stood further than other angels against lord during worshiping and praying.

God talks humans but not directly.God does talk prophets ( by Gabriel- Gabriel is called heaven messenger )and they convey the god’s massage to ordinary humans as us. it is like a principal imparts a statement to teachers and those teachers explain to students based on their understanding and knowledge degrees.I can’t comment this great subject now but may in another thread.

You said :” Satan (Samael) came from God, and is still part of God, because God is ‘everything’, IMO, and you can’t separate ‘everything’ into ‘a bit of this’ and ‘none of that’”
AMA, though, the friendship is a green garden which we walk on it and talk each other but god ‘s essence is not comparable with ” anything “.He is not alike a thing and a thing is not alike him.Everything has been created by him but is not from him and there is nothing to be created doesn’t diminished from him when he create a thing and when a thing has been created it doesn’t increase to him.This is what god has said to one of his loved one about ” himself” and ” things” : He (god) is with things but not to be that thing- and – is except that thing but not to be apart “. So we can’t find a thing to be from god or to be alike god , specially an unclean and so great wicked and viced enemy as Satan.

wish good days for you

Hello Mans,

This is a great discussion, and I am enjoying it, 🙂 and so I want to comment on a few things you said.

You said, in the first paragraph, that Satan is not an angel, then called him an archangel .. which leads me to wonder what you think an arch’angel’ is? It is the premier angel in a family (group) of angels, as you said. As I said earlier, Satan, if we are talking about the head demon, and not some lesser being (a demon by that name exists but is not the ‘top’ demon), has been misnamed. It is actually named ‘Samael’ and was the Angel of Illumination before it fell, and I had a number of interaction with it many years ago when I first wrote my book about the falling of the angels.

Angels are energy beings, they do not eat. They do not consume energy of any form, because they are direct manifestations of God’s will, and do not require sustenance.

I know its a discussion about your belief system and mine, Mans, but how much interaction have you actually had with angels directly .. to get your information?

I agree that God speaks through Gabriel (angels of the Gabriel group) but He/It also speaks through the Michael, Uriel, Raphael and angels of the other houses, depending on what information He wishes to impart to the listener. Gabriel was given to humanity to inspire them to seek God in creative ways, the rest also have their roles. It’s a very interesting topic.

You said: “AMA, though, the friendship is a green garden which we walk on it and talk each other but god‘s essence is not comparable with ”anything“. He is not alike a thing and a thing is not alike him. Everything has been created by him but is not from him and there is nothing to be created him. It doesn’t diminished from him when he create a thing and when a thing has been created it doesn’t increase to him. This is what god has said to one of his loved one about ”himself” and ”things” : He (god) is with things but not to be that thing – and – is except that thing but not to be apart“.

Me: Very interesting, also very confusing. God creates something, but isn’t the creation, and yet is the creation, because he created it. It is no wonder that people get confused by our ‘good’ books.

In the meantime, is it your opinion that everything is outside God, no matter what it is? To me, everything is ‘inside’ God, no matter what it is. God created everything “within itself” to “understand itself”. It is in being separated from ‘God’, which we do to ourselves, that we become lost souls. Samael tried to separate itself from God, to be better than God, but ended up failing .. and falling into the darkness .. but Mans, Hell, where the dark dwells, apart from this planet, but also part of this planet, is not separated from God either. A part of hell exists inside each living person, just as a part of heaven (Christ energy (Christian version) by whatever name) also exists within us. We are not separated from God, for we have ‘God within’, but we can try and live that way, if we choose.

That is why, IMO, when a person returns to God, through their chosen belief system (religion .. whichever one) they have this sense of being ‘born again’ (that’s the Christian wording), or ‘re-awakened’, because they have, in a way, been reconnected (or taken down the barrier they put up between them) to God (whichever God they choose to follow by whatever name).

You said: “So we can’t find a thing to be from god or to be alike god , specially an unclean and so great wicked and viced enemy as Satan.”

Me: Each group of angels have a specific name. The Michael name means “who is like God”. They did not name themselves, Mans, God named them. Each of the groups of angels ‘is like God’ specific to their calling. God is said heal people, He/It sends Raphaels to do that work. God protects people (sends Michael to do that). It teaches people (Uriel’s task, among others). They are all ‘like God’ in some way or form. They are also ‘from’ God, and part of God.

I know the human bible teaches us that the dark (fallen angels etc) will not be accepted back into the Light, but that is not my experience. I have crossed fallen angels into heaven, Mans. I haven’t done it just once, but many times over the year, by myself, and in group situations which have startled the members of the group who were empathic enough to feel the strangeness of the energy. We did not cross them from hell into hell .. we crossed them into the same place of LOVE where all of us go to when we die.

When I write about these subjects, I try to do so from direct experience, not just from the various bibles I own. I know they are written by men, and women, from their belief systems – beliefs that are over 2000 years old now. I think that Christ coming back into the world changed so much for all of us .. only we built our books of ‘fact’ on mythology from times far before when they were first written. It would be good to update them in information, but not just rewrite them (which we are discussing on another QA page), but to do that we have to cut through so much ‘new age’ psychobabble – because people are still receiving messages from God, without being prophets, but also from a whole bunch of other entities – that when you analyse the message, are all saying ‘nothing much in a great many words’. But that’s another topic again.

Wishing you a gorgeous day .. we have the first sunshine in a week, and this is my first, deliberately chosen, day off in months. LOL

Love & Peace

wish good days for you

If I told Satan was an angel my purpose was that he was an angel in job and responsibility and If I told he hadn’t been an angel it does mean he wasn’t as angels in creation.
You discussed about Satan’s name. I called him Satan because he has been called so in English (or Latin ) Whiles His name is “Eblise”. Of course “ Eblise” is a title which God has given him because of his ability to change his aspect and hides beyond various masks . I have heard when he was an angel his real name had been “ Azazil “ .
You asked me : “Mans, but how much interaction have you actually had with angels directly .. to get your information?” I have to say , plus to What I have taken from the Quran and some quotes from “Islam messenger” and his holy responsible family successors , there are many mysteries which I can’t explain for you and even I can’t explain those to common Muslims. No , I haven’t seen Satan at all and just have seen some of the angels in the shape of humans in the dream but sometimes I feel them in the holy Islamic places. Usually god doesn’t permit any human see his angels except a group of his nearest friends as prophets and their top followers. I say really , I am not an important servant of tremendous God but “MAY” I can see some ordinary angels If I request god by some particular prays ( by his accepting and permission and due to his merciful ) , but I Haven’t wished such seeing yet .
About God’s creation and his relation with things , It is too plenty mystery than human or angel or even prophets can attain to its ultimate realities. We can’t question : “ what is god? “ ( What is or how is his unknown essence). We can just question : “ who is god ?” ( Understand him that how is his attributes , moralities)
. So it is wrong which most people think about god’s essence quality and his plenty great mysteries. Those are not possible and searchable. It is said : ” individual god’s mysteries are a great and unknown ocean, don’t go into it , and if not you will lose ( drawn ) forever. “ Also I didn’t say everything was outside god, outside , inside , beside and such phrase use for things which are included by place and time. It does mean materially locations are meaningless about god.
You said : “ I think that Christ coming back into the world changed so much for all of us….. “ – This is what I believe in it surely. He will appear someday soon or late. So it is not just a thought but is a certain truth because he is alive now and been never killed but I can’t express it easy because of respecting to Christian’s belief about “ Jesus sacrifice”.
“Wishing you a gorgeous day .. We have the first sunshine in a week, and this is my first, deliberately chosen, day off in months. “
Thank you very much AMA , although I couldn’t interpret and find out what was the meaning of your last sentence. I don’t know when my English would get better enough and when I would become a professional in English phrases, Idioms and proverbs …. [ Smile]

Hi all

I know the human bible teaches us that the dark (fallen angels etc) will not be accepted back into the Light, but that is not my experience. I have crossed fallen angels into heaven

I concure with this. I have also sent the fallen back into the light. Indeed, the first time it happened it took me completely by surprise … my Uriel worked overtime after that, explaining the whole ‘process’ to me. Fascinating, but totally mind-blowing at the time.

What I have taken from the Quran and some quotes from “Islam messenger” and his holy responsible family successors , there are many mysteries which I can’t explain for you and even I can’t explain those to common Muslims.

As one of the Six Articles of Faith, the Quran is an excellent place to gain a different perspective of angels. I particularly love reading the stories of the Mohamed’s ‘tour’ of heaven and hell.

Personally, I think anyone interested in angels should give Islam’s teaching on the subject some house-room. I may not personally agree with everything said and taught, but I do think there’s still a lot to be learned from Islamic belief on the matter.


LOL! Some how the “quotes” didn’t come up on the above reply so now it reads like I’m a schizo – hahaha!

The first quote was from Ama:
I know the human bible teaches us that the dark (fallen angels etc) will not be accepted back into the Light, but that is not my experience. I have crossed fallen angels into heaven

The second quote was from Mans:
What I have taken from the Quran and some quotes from “Islam messenger” and his holy responsible family successors , there are many mysteries which I can’t explain for you and even I can’t explain those to common Muslims.

Sorry about that … dunno what happened there!!!??!?


Hello again Mans,

Yes, Samael has many names, mainly because human beings all give it different names, depending on their culture and beliefs. I wonder if God thinks of us by our names .. thought, to me, its unlikely, given that a ‘name’ is attached to personality, rather than to the ‘spirit’ of the person. Mind you, changing your name can be a powerful experience for many people, including some in my family. I don’t think we should try to identify the dark by a name (which is why I call it ‘the dark’ .. ) because when someone calls your name, don’t you turn towards the sound and answer? I know I do. We don’t need to attract that sort of attention. (I have heard of both Eblise and Azazil .. but they are both demon names, not the head demon, in my understanding).

You said: No , I haven’t seen Satan at all and just have seen some of the angels in the shape of humans in the dream but sometimes I feel them in the holy Islamic places.

That’s lovely. I have seen them and felt them in holy places and ugly ones, and with people, simply walking in the street. We are surrounded by angels, mostly light ones … sometimes the dark ones too.

You said: Usually god doesn’t permit any human see his angels except a group of his nearest friends as prophets and their top followers. I say really , I am not an important servant of tremendous God but “MAY” I can see some ordinary angels If I request god by some particular prays ( by his accepting and permission and due to his merciful ) , but I Haven’t wished such seeing yet .

It happens for good reasons, Mans, not for ‘our’ reasons, and not by our wishes – but I don’t think its because God ‘doesn’t permit’, but rather that we are too frightened of the ununsual, or unbelieving, or simply do not need to ‘see’ them. They are there to assist us, not to distract us from daily life – and they would be a good distraction, for a while .. but because humans get used to thing, and then can ignore, angels keep their importance for us by being ‘unseen’ – otherwise we might become complacent and forget their wonder and beauty.

You said: About God’s creation and his relation with things , It is too plenty mystery than human or angel or even prophets can attain to its ultimate realities. We can’t question : “ what is god? “ ( What is or how is his unknown essence). We can just question : “ who is god ?” ( Understand him that how is his attributes , moralities)

I think we might not be able to answer ‘what is God’ or ‘who’, but we were created to ask those questions. If we do not question, but accept blindly, how does our reality grow, for the better. It is by turning our back and deciding to ignore things that cause us trouble (or are hard to answer) that we generally end up drawing that trouble to us (or being forced to confront it in some way). It is in asking God ‘who’ it is, that we begin to find ourselves .. our spiritual selves, which is the more important aspect of our physical journey (life).

You said: So it is wrong which most people think about god’s essence quality and his plenty great mysteries.

That’s true .. and why is it wrong? Because we don’t say ‘that doesn’t make sense’ when someone feeds us information we are told we HAVE TO believe. Oh dear, the number of ministers of churches I have upset with my difficult questions. The answer “god works in mysterious ways’ is an evasion, in my opinion.

You said: Those are not possible and searchable. It is said : ” individual god’s mysteries are a great and unknown ocean, don’t go into it , and if not you will lose ( drawn ) forever.

Mans .. what is wrong with being drawn into God’s ocean (mystery) forever? I live within it, even learned to swim .. I am not lost. No, this is another answer like the ‘God works in mysterious ways’. It means the person who said this doesnt’ want to admit they don’t know the answer .. or worse, they don’t want to know, to delve that deep into our ‘written word’ (bibles, yours and mine) and find all the contradictions in it. Sigh

You said: Also I didn’t say everything was outside god, outside , inside , beside and such phrase use for things which are included by place and time. It does mean materially locations are meaningless about god.

Are they really? The way I see it, God is everywhere, all the time, in every location .. giving each meaning. Without God everything is empty .. and ceases to exist, if it existed at all.

You said : “ I think that Christ coming back into the world changed so much for all of us….. “ – This is what I believe in it surely. He will appear someday soon or late. So it is not just a thought but is a certain truth because he is alive now and been never killed but I can’t express it easy because of respecting to Christian’s belief about “ Jesus sacrifice”.

I think you expressed that very well. 🙂

You said: Thank you very much AMA , although I couldn’t interpret and find out what was the meaning of your last sentence. I don’t know when my English would get better enough and when I would become a professional in English phrases, Idioms and proverbs …. [ Smile]

We moved house at the end of July, Mans, to a new town. The house is old and needs renovating (like big leaks in the roof, that are now fixed, and lots of repainting of the concrete walls). The house is about 70 years old and will look lovely when its finished, but right now .. it needs work. I have been working nonstop, each day, for the month and have totally exhausted myself .. so, I had a day off, and today I am having off .. and probably tomorrow, but on Saturday we are back to the other house (a 4 hour drive away) to collect more of my mother’s pots from the garden). We drive 4 hours to the house, spend 4 or 5 hours loading trailers with stuff, then drive home again. It makes a very long and tiring day.

Wishing you a lovely productive one,
Love & Peace

I didn’t say we must not research about god, when God himself has explained about himself and invited us to know him more. What you say is about a blockhead , bigoted and ignorant group of Muslims in prime Islam history which went out of Islam logic and aims. They believed a Muslim just allowed read Quran (blindly) and he is not allowed question about the Quran or god and if a Muslim did such he is an apostate and must be killed. They killed some of the innocent Muslims at that time , because they had opined some right matter about god. ( Such foolish and devious groups are existed now too. Taliban is a sample of those . They set bombs in the populous Muslim people places in Iraq and kill them without any guilt. They have done many similar crimes to Muslims in recent years ). They even prepare for a war against saint Mohamed’s surrogate , “Imam Ali”. Before they start attacking, Imam went to them in the battlefield. He advised them rationally and gave them sermons based on Quran and god’s Quote but they didn’t accept and persisted for war. The Imam did warn them again and invited them to the real Islamic way but they just said to him ” be prepared for fight “. Imam tried to prevent that blackheads from war and enlightened them via science and wisdom but it was like he is hammering a nail into a hard rock. When Imam knew they so persist for war and his attempting is ineffectual, got anger and yelled : ” If you don’t desist war and continue killing the innocent people, it will not remain alive from you except nine person “. It was the wonderful prophecy . They were defeated in that war and as the Imam had said them all was killed except nine persons could escape from that field.
Anyhow I didn’t mean we must don’t research about god. There are many theology books in Islam which I can’t count or mention those and even don’t aware about some of those. What I did caution was that people must don’t go to find what is the god’s essence. ( This wrong question which he has been made from what ? ).
You said : Are they really? The way I see it, God is everywhere, all the time, in every location .. Giving each meaning. Without God everything is empty .. And ceases to exist, if it existed at all.
Yes , God is everywhere but absolutely is not relative to “ place “ . “Everywhere” is a phrase which is used in the universe but god is not Confined to the universe or the universe is not a boundary for good . When we say god is everywhere , that ” everywhere “ is used for human not to god.

I wish again you enjoy your new beautiful house for years

Good morning Mans,

You were also describing the blockhead Christians, in all their various sects and versions of that religion, who would rather hate someone who is different, or believes different things, or has different skin colour .. and then name themselves things like ‘the new Templar Knights’ .. than accept that God created all of us, and genetics and environment provided the adaptions to our hair, skin, eyes and stature etc, just to start with, and then we add in the varieties of beliefs. My new ‘question’ is ‘why do people love instead of hating’? It takes so much more energy to hate something than it does to accept it and allow it to just ‘be’ what it is, or who it is.

I agree that God is far bigger, and far more complex, than the boundaries we place on him with our simple languages and understandings of this world and the spiritual planes. I wonder what the ‘white’ folk would do if ‘God’ turned up with a lovely dark skin colour? After all, Jesus was a Jew.

We have so much to learn!

Love & Peace (just to start with)

Hello Mans,

Satan (or the devil) hates humanity because it believes that God loves humanity more than God loved him. It’s all about ego. He wanted to be the greatest in God’s sight, but in the end was expelled from heaven for arrogance, and left because of pride.

How can he deceive humans – by pretending to be an angel and enticing them into trouble. By giving humanity exactly what it wants, rather than what it needs – there’s a huge difference between the two. By being the best liar ever and filling people’s heads with garbage, and promises, that will never be fulfilled. By satisfying their physical demands .. thinking sex here and the number of men who have written tome over the years wanting me to find them a succubus (sexual demon) to have sex with. Again, its all ego driven.

Which human can’t hear his voice? There are far more humans than demons, but plenty of people having problems with demons right now. They ‘can’ hear the voices just fine. I think people should be grateful they don’t. As for following demon orders .. who would want to? Demons usually go for the lost and lonely, or those who have given their lives over to Christ. They like to twist and destroy, and harm God, or try to, in doing so.

I agree with AJ in that we are responsible for what we choose to do, not God, nor Satan. The dark might provide the motivation, but we always have the right, and hopefully the commense sense and decency, to say NO.

Great questions!
Love & Peace

I agree. We have been given free choice, and it is up to us to decide what is right and what is wrong. Not only the big things, like illicit sex and murders and things like that, but the small things too. If they give you too much change back when making a purchase, or a so-called white lie that can benefit you and possibly hurt someone else, small things like that. Its still under the devil’s influence and in God’s eyes its a sin and puts a black mark next to your name, no matter how big or how small. No one is perfect, me less than some others, but I think effort counts and when the last trump is called the ones who have honestly tried to keep the Commandments will end up in the good place. If we are condemned for every small sin we have all committed, Heaven would be a pretty empty place. I cant put it as eloquently as some, but this has always been my opinion for what its worth.

Dear AMA and A.J RYDER, I had written a preface at the first of my last article but sorrily it deleted unwanted when i was copying and pasting it from Microsoft world to Paranormal question and I didn’t notice.
In that introduction i had appreciated you and A.J RYDER for some matters

Morning Mans,

Thank you. It’s frustrating when what we have spent so long writing somehow vanishes .. particularly when my internet connection does something odd when I hit the ‘send’ button .. so now, if I remember, I take a copy of whatever I am writing before I click send! 🙂

Thanks for the fascinating discussion …

Love & Peace