This question arises from the discussions we are having on another site here.
Why is it that some people only see Apocalytic or biblical type visions (Judgment day), while other people are seeing visions of a bright happy future, sometimes supported by channelled messages from entities such as the Galatic Federation (ascension), while others again see visions that seem more related to science fiction, such as aliens descending upon us all (invasion)?
Love & Peace Ama Nazra
10 replies on “Apocalytic Visions or Ascension Visions?”
Good question, Ama
I think it is as much to do with the ‘state of mind’ of the seer, or receiver of the visons, as anything else. In fact, it happens in all walks of life, not just with visions; the same scenario played out, but ‘interpreted’ differently by different people. Some see change as a good thing, whilst for others it is a bad thing (mainly because they fear the unknown).
Also, there is the question of being able to understand the message being given. Some may feel more comfortable with the concept of aliens than with angels – or vice versa.
There is also the problem of being too literal with visions. For me, the message being given is rarely exactly as it is played in the vision. For me, the vision is about what the scene or scenario means to me on a personal level, not a global (physical) one. For example, I often get the vision of a key floating right in front of my face. It can happen at any time of day or night, lasts for around 15 seconds and the key is as solid to look at, as a real key. In fact, I have tried to reach out and grab it, it looks so real – lol! But this does not mean I have to literally go find a physical key. To me, a key is a symbol of freedom (unlocking a door in order to go through it) and adventure (exploring what is the other side of that door.) The key usually appears when I am nearing the end of a ‘lesson’.
So, for the apocolyptic interpretations, I really do feel that who ever had them may have taken the visual aspect of their visons too literally. Or, if they didn’t, those who subsequently read and believe those visions, do take it too literally.
Complicated things, visions – lol!
Hi guys
Ama, you said “I see things differently. I was taught that we are always given visions that we can interpret at our level of understanding, rather than have to struggle over.”
And Luna, you said “Everything in that dream/vision was representing something else. The only thing that wasn’t was me. For days, I couldn’t figure out what, exactly the message was that I was given, and asking someone else to interpret it really didn’t help. The message was about a personal decision I was making and I was the one to disipher the symbolism.”
First off, I’m rubbish at puzzles! It often takes time to decipher what I have been given and often, other examples are also presented at the same time to underline the meaning.
So, Luna, I have the same problems as you did in understanding it straight away. But what I will say is this, the important part (the message) of what is given in a vision, always plays on my mind. Specific images will keep popping back into my head, over and over. Or, ‘examples’ around me in the physical world keep ‘jumping out’ at me, that fit the concept of the vision imagery like a jigsaw puzzle. So I tend to end up building a profile, like a detective, to get to the root of it. LOL! Maybe you’re quite literal-minded like I am Luna, so need to give yourself more time to step back from it, before you are able to decipher it?
I agree, Ama, that we are given what we can understand. Although some of us, me for example, can be a bit thick when it comes to deciphering visions straight away. I would prefer to take my time, and maybe get more confirmation, before I admit to understanding it. It took me ages to realise what that key meant! LOl! It was only when it had happened a number of times, and I’d made the connection of exacly when it happened in relation to everything else, that I got its meaning. As I said, I’m not quick on the uptake.
This is a great subject and I’m really enjoying it.
Morning AJ,
I love the key vision you get. What a lovely way of saying you are on the right path.
One lady wrote to me privately today, from this site, and said ‘because we are at end times’. I think I need to re-write the question. LOL
Why do some people see bibilically based visions .. like angels and demons and ‘end times’ scenarios .. (which is frightening for most) ..
While others see ‘the world and some of its inhabitants are ascending to the next dimension’ .. (which is a good thing, but what happens to the people who are not capable of ascending?) ..
And others are waiting for the Greys or Reptilians, or Acturians, or Pleaidians, and the rest of the Galatic Federation, to arrive .. (which could go either way depending on who gets to us first?) ..
Is humanity in a three way tug-of-war?
That being said, according to Christian religious belief, we have been in ‘end times’ since just after Revelation was written nearly 2000 years ago. I know there is no ‘time’ on the spiritual planes, but why the delay in either blessing us or condemning us? If it is true, then my personal belief is that humanity is going to hell, simply because none of us actually keep all the commandments, nor most the kosher laws. If one transgression, as the bible teaches, is enough to damn us .. we are all damned, and this is probably hell (which is not an usual thought either, as many people believe we are actually in hell).
I was born with a fascination for the Christian belief system. I have been reading the bible since I was old enough to not be put off by the size of the writing (my first bible being very small, and very fat and you needed a magnifying glass to read it), but I have been seeing demons longer than that, and ghosts etc. I work with angels now. If I was someone else, without that biblical focus perhaps they would look like aliens instead? Is what we ‘see’, and how we ‘see’, based solely in our beliefs, which, of course, puts boundaries around what our minds are prepared to accept? To me that’s a yes.
And then who provides the original symbolism? I think we do it for ourselves, because of the lessons we are learning in each lifetime. Certainly a certain set of beliefs will keep a person going back and forth from their place of knowledge (church people to churches, ascensionists to whomever their guru is etc). To change track completely becomes an act of abandonment, and usually only chosen in times of great trial (thinking of born-again Christians, or abandoning Christianity for some other entity who is more about love?)
Would those people then receive visions that reflect their new state of beliefs .. or not?
And then there are the messangers – Back at the beginning of the 19th century channelled messages came through from beings like ‘the Tibetan’ and quite a few american indians who were supposed to be more advanced. Over time the names changed becoming more alien and people kept making pilgrimages to ‘sacred sites’ in hopes the aliens would arrive and take them off the planet. They have been disappointed, but quickly learned to change the dates of their ‘rescues’.
Then we have the harbringers of the second coming, who also keep changing the dates (but not giving people back their donations). Are the messages any different, or is it only the faces that have changed? I wonder if anything has changed at all, and its all the work of entities that are having fun messing with human minds and beliefs? But that’s another story.
Oh well, the next exciting date to look forward to is December 21st this year. I’ll be going on a picnic on the 22nd, everyone is welcome to join me, in spirit or not. LOL
Love & Peace
Hi Ama
“I love the key vision you get. What a lovely way of saying you are on the right path.”
I think its lovely too. And it is great to have confirmation that you’ve actually made the right choice or ‘translation’ about something!
“Is humanity in a three way tug-of-war?”
I personally think all three are one. They are the same thing. It is us humans who make the barriers, not the doom v liberation v alien concept of the visions.
“That being said, according to Christian religious belief, we have been in ‘end times’ since just after Revelation was written nearly 2000 years ago”
I actually agree. It is about us ‘waking up’ and realising what it is really al lactually about. That does not mean doom nor gloom though, but rather being able to re-connect to our origininal state. the answer to the question: Why we are here and what life is all about. Jesus was the catalyst that started it off, which has been underlined by the likes of the Prophet Mohammed etc since Jesus’ time. The only thing holding us back is the fear of change.
“but why the delay in either blessing us or condemning us?”
Oh! We are definitely to be blessed, not condemned. To be released from the shackles that bind us is a joyous day, don’t you think?
“I was born with a fascination for the Christian belief system.”
Why is that, do you think? Obsessions can be both healthy and obstrusted but, either way, it means there are questions you hold close to your heart that you can not seem to find the answers for.
“If I was someone else, without that biblical focus perhaps they would look like aliens instead?”
I would agree with that because, well, I ‘see’ things in many different ways because I don’t follow a specific religious belief. Religous teaching can bind or blind us, as much as set us free. And yes, I have had visions of aliens to show me things, as much as angels to show me things. But then, I PM’d you my visions of the aliens about a year or so ago! I know I’m OT but, I have always adopted the ‘out of the box’ or ‘not to be fashionable’ concepts. My past has taught me to be ‘true to you’ not ‘the world’.I have turned my back of privilage and a set of beliefsI was supposed to follow, because my heart told me it was a falsehood. I have been tortured and burned for standing up for my beliefs in the face of adversery. I have been outcast because of my beliefs. Thankfully, humanitity is generally more tolerant in this day and age. But one should always be true to ones heart, if one wants to truly know God. No matter what that belief or path is.
“Is what we ‘see’, and how we ‘see’, based solely in our beliefs”
As far as my visions are concerned, it is all about familiarity. We see what we understand. We see things that make some sort of sense. If they don’t make sense in the first instance, then – what is the point of them? We all need a starting point, right? And visions are complicated and multi-layered enough without the starting point being a mystery.
“And then who provides the original symbolism?”
In my view, it is always God. The wisdom. That which knows the answers. That which helps us seek the answers.
“I wonder if anything has changed at all, and its all the work of entities that are having fun messing with human minds and beliefs?”
Oooo! Interesting. TBH I have pondered over this for some time too. I think that the messages are the same, just ‘told’ in a different way to each person. But you have to remember, visions are a two way steet. We are given something, but have to have the wisdom to be able to work it out. An exchange of energy, if you like. This leaves room for many errors, in my view. The key, I feel, is to always rely on your gut. If it doesn’t feel right then, usually, it isn’t. If the vision raises more questions than answers, then maybe it is being viewed in the wrong way.
“Oh well, the next exciting date to look forward to is December 21st this year.”
LOL! I doubt anything will happen – but looking forward to sharing some cucumber sandwiches with you, on 22nd!
This is a really great through-provoking topic. Thanks!
Morning AJ,
You said: “Oh! We are definitely to be blessed, not condemned. To be released from the shackles that bind us is a joyous day, don’t you think?”
Definitely! I don’t understand why people have to be so focused on the doom and gloom. I want people to come back to focusing on love, and not their fear of the future.
Why the fascination with Christianity .. you know, I think it was so I could take it apart? I’ve never doubted the existence of God, and have various memories of past lives, between lives, and before life memories to draw on to give me an understanding of what God does for humanity, or doesn’t do. The Love of God is the foundation of my life, and I can remember arguing with ministers of various churches in their insistance that God only loved Christians when I was nine years old. I had a reading with a lady, many years ago, who channelled someone who told me I had to ‘rewrite the bible’ .. huge task back then, I thought impossible, and yet I have a blog where I’m questioning the foundations of the book already. Maybe I’ll do it before I die? Not planning that anytime soon .. the dying part, that is .. and I always keep coming back to that book. I have 3 copies of it on my desk right now. LOL It’s not an obsession because I can leave it alone to do a multitude of other projects, for months at a time, on many different subjects. As far as questions without answers .. its more I have have answers to other people’s questions, because I am always doing just that .. answering questions for people on sites like this one, and those who write to me from my webpages.
You said: “We are given something, but have to have the wisdom to be able to work it out. An exchange of energy, if you like. This leaves room for many errors, in my view.”
I see things differently. I was taught that we are always given visions that we can interpret at our level of understanding, rather than have to struggle over. If there is a struggle, if something doesn’t make sense, then question where the vision came from, and whether the message is for you, about you, or just some entity playing games.
As you said, we have to go with our ‘gut feeling’, which is our intuition. Spirit does not seek to confuse or confound, it seeks to enlighten us, but .. everything we ‘see’ goes through our personal belief system, so yes, we can misinterpret things, or simply refuse to accept something that goes against what we ‘want’ to believe, rather than what is actually happening.
So, if a vision raises more questions than answers, then perhaps we need to stop and look at why we are refusing to change the way we view the world, or the spiritual planes? Or discard the message completely. If its important, Spirit will give it to us again, in a way we can accept – like out of the mouth of a friend, someone we trust.
Cucumber sandwiches are nice.
Love & Peace
Hi Ama
“if a vision raises more questions than answers, then perhaps we need to stop and look at why we are refusing to change the way we view the world, or the spiritual planes?”
I know I’ve sort of covered this already with my previous post but, I wanted to say that, yes I agree that if something doesn’t make sense then we need to stop and look. I gave my reasons why I do just that earlier. But this is the crux of it; some folk don’t do that but rather take the vision at face value which, in my view, is where the doom-mongerers ‘end of the world’, mass distruction stuff comes in.
I really appreciate the way Spirit gently re-enforce things to help me understand. But I guess for some people, either through their arrogance or ego, stop looking further once they’ve had the vision. They ignore any subsequent message given to them to try to get them back on track. To mis-interpret when it’s to do with personal matters is one thing but, to mis-interpret then go out into the world to preach it to the masses is quite another.
Morning AJ,
You said: “some folk don’t do that but rather take the vision at face value which, in my view, is where the doom-mongerers ‘end of the world’, mass distruction stuff comes in” and “They ignore any subsequent message given to them to try to get them back on track” ..
What happens if there isn’t a further message? Some people just get the first vision, and no follow up. If the first vision scares the blazes out of them, and/or augments their own fears .. I could understand them shutting down to any others, but sometimes a vision is given to someone to scare them, by some unfriendly entity, who enjoys the ‘result’ and then wanders off (or we hope they move on). How can a person check up what is real and what isn’t? … hmm.. they might go hunting the internet and find others suffering the same way, or believing the same things, or go and visit their local priest .. who advises psychiatric care?
Worse, as you mentioned, they might then decide to tell the whole world about it .. and that is one way of getting radical religions?
That is why I believe that a vision should be simple and the message clear (Spirit works on the KISS principle), rather than truly complicated and having to be explained through subsequent visions, or clairaudient messages, or however people receive them. To me it doesn’t make sense to accept a vision that can be truly frightening because people will shut down and not allow other messages through, which totally defeats the purpose of giving people visions in the first place. Spirit seeks to enlighten .. as I said earlier, not to terrify.
Love & Peace
Hmmm…. I like this topic!!
For me, visions are usually a personal message for the receiver and are almost always symbolic. I tend to agree with Aj that too many people who have had visions take those visions too literally sometimes. I think you have to find the meaning or symbolism behind them. I’ve had, at least one very vivd vision or dream and it was all symbolism. Everything in that dream/vision was representing something else. The only thing that wasn’t was me. For days, I couldn’t figure out what, exactly the message was that I was given, and asking someone else to interpret it really didn’t help. The message was about a personal decision I was making and I was the one to disipher the symbolism. Problem is, a good number of people take the vision at face value and don’t bother interpreting it’s meaning. I also think, Ama, that it definitely has a lot to do with a person’s Spiritual/religious beliefs or lack thereof at the time of the vision, too. As AJ said, we need a starting point or the message is lost. For me, it is possible that all these doomsday visions, etc.. may mean the end of one era and the beginning of a new. The “end times’ could actually be the end of the reign of Satan and all beings returning to Source; becoming one again. It’s all just in how it’s interpreted.
Amen to that, Luna
Amen from me too .. the end of the negativity would be lovely, but it would also mean the end of humanity, because without an adversary humans become complacent and then stagnant .. and we were created to grow and learn, not sit on our butts smiling at the flowers all day. LOL And, I would like to think that all of creation returns to the Creator, and not some fiery pit … if some people’s visions are true.
Love & Peace