General Questions

Could Spirits That So Many Experience Be Not What They Seem to Be?

Greetings all

First off, please forgive me CT if this is in the wrong post forum, but I have a thought. I’ve been poking around and reading this and that and it dawned on me, how do we really know if a ghost is a ghost, a demon is a demon and so on… which brings me to this. ET’s of another life form, could they take on different shapes and control our thoughts and minds?

I believe in God, I know our world and the human race didn’t just happen, MHO only :)… just like a Christian comedian, Mark Lowery said, suppose you took a Timex watch and put it in a bag and smashed it all to pieces, then waited around a 1000 years and shook it out of the bag, it would still be in pieces. So I do think that there is a greater one out there.

So, what if this was possible, could the spirits that so many experience are really not what they seem to be?

Asked by Lisa (Fawnna)

8 replies on “Could Spirits That So Many Experience Be Not What They Seem to Be?”

Hi Lisa

Great question!!

“how do we really know if a ghost is a ghost, a demon is a demon and so on… “

It really is down to energy. They feel different. They give off different kinds of energy. They have their own little ‘quirks’. And although one kind could mimic another kind there are subtleties the ‘catch them out’ so they can be identified.

“ET’s of another life form, could they take on different shapes and control our thoughts and minds?”

Oh! Absolutely! Provided time is slightly mis-aligned (so we can’t detect them) they can walk amongst us and could influence us – for better of for worse. Quantum Physics is a fascinating science and, one theory is that time does not exist except for our own reality. In fact, theoretical time machines have been on the agenda for years. Imagine – if we, in the future, were able to distort time then someone could return to any time they wanted (say, the here and now) and observe us in our time. Imagine also, for the sake of discretion, that machine could misalign the visitors time by a nano-second to our own. They could observe what we were doing a fraction of a second before our own reality. The result? We would be totally unaware of their existence, but they would be fully aware of ours. They could, in theory, even communicate with us. But we, in our time (a nano-second in front of them) would be non-the wiser. Curious hypotheses, isn’t it?

Equally, other alien life forms could do the same – maybe they already do?

“I believe in God, I know our world and the human race didn’t just happen”

I totally agree. God, in my view, is an alien life form in its own right. We are the bi-product of God.

“So, what if this was possible, could the spirits that so many experience are really not what they seem to be?”

These entities are currently generalised by the term ‘elemental’ or ‘daemon’. They are not a part of God’s energy. They are different kinds of ‘alien’ intelligence. Different races, if you like! I am always perplexed by the ‘shadow people’ references. I have never experienced one myself but, my theory based on what I’ve read about them is these are a different kind of alien to that of God. They originate from somewhere else. It would be interesting to be able to feel their energy because, to me, that is how I am able to better understand what kind of entity I am dealing with and what generalised group they originate from.

That was a great question, Lisa – thanks!


Great answer AJ.

A couple of spots where I differ – to me God is the all encompassing whole of everything, and not just another ‘alien’ (which means ‘foreign to this place’), but who knows? Humanity may well have been seeded by another culture from another planet, and they could be watching us even now .. would explain some of the spaceship pictures people get.

Daemon, to me, are human (or demon/fallen angel) created entities, through willpower and choice. I don’t see them as ‘alien’ to this planet, because we aren’t. However, I do believe in different people’s living on different planets, and that we all share at least some part of our DNA with each other. I believe we all (universally) began as one ‘species’, one creation, the angels were a totally different creation.

Having said that ..

Lisa, if you’d ever touched the energy of a demon you would know there’s a huge difference between it and someone who used to have a human body. Demons are just simply twisted, and they can’t hide it. I know that many churches teach that all spirits are evil, but even the Christian bible says they aren’t, otherwise why would Saul have called Samuel to help him? He was already in trouble with God, doing that would have just made it all so much worse. And then there were the ‘risen saints’ wandering the streets after Jesus resurrection?

Are ET’s ghosts .. not in my experience .. with ghosts. I’ve never had a waking experience with an ET (nor a sleeping one that I know of :-)) .. except for the Pleidian lady and her sister-in-spirit. The sister had blue skin. The living lady was the same colour as me, she just ‘knew’ she came from another planet. That was a very interesting talk. 🙂

A simple way to work out whether you are dealing with a ghost or a spirit is energy and attitude – a ghost ‘takes’, a spirit ‘gives’. You get exhausted around ghosts, who stay far too long, but spirits are here only long enough to be noticed, pass on the message .. and then they go. Test everything. “Do you come in the name of Jesus Christ”, or ..

AJ what is the one you use?

They answer “Yes, I come in the name of Jesus Christ” .. or AJ’s version. If they try and answer any other way .. get the angels to clear your house, and you.

Love & Peace

Hi all

[quote]AJ what is the one you use? [/unquote]

Q. Do you represent God’s Light?

The answer should be in full;

A. Yes! I represent God’s Light. (not just a simple ‘Yes!’ or ‘Yes! I do’.)

I got tricked once whilst using the “Christ’s Light” version, so no longer use it.

Interestingly, self-constructed daemons have actually been known to responded by saying “No! I do not represent God’s Light.” That took the wind out my sails the first time it happened – lol!!


[quote]Daemon, to me, are human (or demon/fallen angel) created entities, through willpower and choice. I don’t see them as ‘alien’ to this planet, because we aren’t.[unquote]

Daemons, to me, are ‘earth’ energy – either self-constructed or natural elementals. That could include humanoid aliens, if they are ‘born’ of the same stuff we and our earth are – ie carbon-based life forms? Shadows, on the other hand, do not appear to possess that kind of energy – based on what I’ve read about them.

I think there’ a whole different kind of ‘something’ out there that we don’t understand about yet … and due to the energy thing, I’m remaining openminded as to whether or not it is either one of God’s creations, or a bi-product of God’s creation.


Hey Guys!!! 😀
My understanding is, each being has it’s own energy signature and if one is a sensitive or is in tuned to others energy, you can tell them apart that way. I can sense some energy, when I ghost is around, there is a bit of an acceleration of heart rate and I feel a bit of what seems like fear, because ghosts are on a higher frequency than us, and we need to “speed up” in order to communicate with them. When a “shadow being” is around, the energy is very different. I do not sense a threat. I have actually asked the being to leave my home, that it was scaring my daughter, and it did! So, again, another very different energy signature. Some of us are very attuned to these different varying energies, and others are either not, or the have blocked out the ability for whatever reason. As Ama and AJ have said, it’s about the energy.

If by “shadow people” you mean the tall, dark (yet transparent) shapes that move very quickly, then I have seen many of them. I don’t find them as frightening as other types of apparitions I have witnessed.

Usually ‘flat’ (one dimensional) beings, like ‘shadows’ we see of ourselves in the sun. Some ghosts can look like shadows too, but they tend to have 3-dimensions.

I think I saw my first shadow person the other night. I was standing in the hall, just opening my bedroom door .. where the light was already on .. saw movement out of my left eye, turned that way just in time to see a ‘shadow’, darker than the dark hall, flit from my mother’s bedroom door across the hall and through the wall. We all know that spot near her door is very ‘active’, we get ghostly visitors arriving there quite often .. so I was not surprised, just interested.

I, too, don’t find them scary Christine. I am curious to know what they are, but I’ve learned its better not to try and make the unknown talk to us .. makes it too easy for them to latch onto our energy and take what they want. It’s ok to ‘give’ energy, but having taken (stolen) is a whole different ballgame.

Love & Peace