Shadows Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis, Orbs And Shadow Men

I had my first sleep paralysis experience with visuals at around 15 years old. When it began I heard a loud vibrating hum. I became paralyzed and had a great feeling of dread or a doom feeling.

I should mention that I had a very small room at the time, only about 8 x 8 and when you walked up the stairs to get to my room… it was right there, no wall or hallway or door… and my stepdad and mom and sister had to walk through my room to get to their rooms.

So anyways after I was paralyzed I could see my ceiling open up to the brightest, white light, it was light like no light I have ever seen before. The humming continued, I felt pressed against the bed and I was blinded by this white light. As I lay there I felt like I was looking through cellophane. That is when I noticed my stereo at the end of my bed (against the wall) was turned on and the dial was moving back and forth, back and forth. I felt fear like never before and felt like I was totally helpless because of not being able to move or scream out.

I don’t remember falling back asleep but the next morning I told my mother (who was extremely religious (Pentecostal sunday school teacher) and she called our church and had someone sent there waiting for me after school… that person told me it was the devil trying to take my soul.

Now this house we lived in was “haunted” I believe. Which is another story… but we moved in when I was 8 years old and I was very sensitive to the fact that I felt an evil presence right away in the downstairs bathroom area and never liked to go back there. Many other things of a paranormal nature happened at this house but I will stick with the sleep paralysis experiences here…

Now moving ahead to when I was 24 years old and living in Ann Arbor Michigan… I had another very memorable sleep paralysis with visuals. It was afternoon and I was fully awake and dressed and was cleaning around my apartment when I became very tired all of a sudden. I went into the bedroom and laid down on my side at the end of the bed (with no covering myself with blankets). INSTANTLY I was in sleep paralysis and I saw right away 3 brightest white EVER, tadpole shape “beings” about a foot in length each. The feeling you get when you see these visuals is TOTAL amazement and shock at what you are seeing… and I knew immediately that these were real and living things. They were flying in a circle above my head toward the ceiling in a perfect circle and I WAS not afraid of these things. They just flew round and round and it was a beautiful thing to see.

Some years later while living in Chesterfield, Mi I had an out of body experience where I flew around my house and was suddenly yanked very hard and fast by my ankles backwards… I wooshed backwards and was thrown to the ground and then all of a sudden I was back upstairs sitting on my bed with my back to one of the outside walls. A presence came through the wall and I felt it was enormous, I began to lift of the bed and float because of this presence picking me up. It then began someone putting energy into my body through my skin. It was the most amazing thing I have EVER felt in my life. It was somehow putting energy through my skin all over my body and I could feel it everywhere going in… It is so hard to describe in human words. I felt an over whelming desire for whatever this “being” was at this point and I kept trying to turn and look at it but it was impossible for me to do so… Like a force was keeping me from turning to look… And then just like that it wooshed back through the wall it came through. I could actually feel the woooshiing when it came and went…

A few years after that I was living in a condo in Sterling Heights, Mi and I went into sleep paralysis and this is my most frightening experience yet… I began feeling a very evil presence and then two beings that looked like shadow men came through my wall into my bedroom and were moving in extremely fast motion (their motion was so creepy and fast, they moved liked no human being) they were without any light whatsoever and so that is why I refer to them as shadow men. They both had hands raised with what I believe were knives that were as black as they were. And they stabbed me through my chest. Then they swooshed back through my wall. This woke me up out of my very panicked state and I actually sat up in bed.

I was so scared with such a presence of evil that I thought I would never fall back asleep but oddly enough I slipped right back into sleep paralysis. These two things then came back through my wall two more times and did the same thing to me… with me waking up again twice out of sleep paralysis and feeling such terror… my heart racing and the thought coming forth in my head of “these things are REAL and they wait for that moment of sleep to come forth” (I’ll never forget my thoughts at that instant) I know these things really happened WITH NO DOUBT because of the effect they have on you… YOU can NOT stop thinking about it and it feels like it was just yesterday that they happened… so fresh SO VIVID and nothing you could ever imagine on your own…

But now for the validation! because you see I never told my children about this stuff happening to me and a few years ago two of my daughters came to me (who are of age and out of the house now) and they told me that one of them saw TWO shadow men at that same apartment where I saw them in Sterling Heights. She said she saw them pass through coming back from my bedroom and going through the wall that leads out to the public hallway.

My other daughter, who is older than her, has moved back into my childhood home (the one where my sleep paralysis began and that is haunted) and she told me that she has seen things there since she was small (when she used to spend the night there) and use to tell my mother (who never told me) and that she sees things NOW. She went on to tell me that she sees TWO shadow men there who come out from the back bedroom (would have been my mom and stepdads room back when I was a kid) and when they come out they just linger on one of the walls and never come past it. She then went on to tell me that she also sees glowing white “tadpole” things flying up toward the ceiling in that back bedroom!

I never ever told my daughters about my experiences and the fact that she sees TWO shadow men and sees what she describes as “tadpole” glowing white things flying around the room is just so much of a coincidence! She still lives there now and see’s these things and just the other night she said my 78 year old stepdad (who would talk to me about what I would experience and would just say they were demons) is now telling her he sees orbs of light coming down the stairs and wondering through the house.

Now I have to say this… back when these things happened when I was a kid and young adult I DID NOT have a computer and did not know about orbs or shadow people or aliens. I only refer to these names now because of research done by me in the last 10 years or so and seeing and reading the descriptions of Shadow men and orbs and comparing them to what I saw and experienced. I feel with no doubt that what I have experienced is NOT dreaming or hallucinations that it is a VERY real phenomenon that we just don’t understand YET.


Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Problems

Since an early age, I had sleeping problems, just a few times a year, maybe more since I got older. The facts are here.

I am asleep, and I feel I woke up, its all in black and white, I see things in the dark, which is unreal, and see everything in the room. I know the whole room was dark, because it was night time. I felt something, like holding me down, and trying to enter my body, I felt something which is unreal, but with hands, with sharp or rough fingers, long, and huge, and the weight of the thing on top of me… then I try to scream, and I can hear my brain shouting “help me,” then the thing started to talk to me… then I awoke… I had that since the age of 4 or 6 year old, I am now 41 years old, and still have them, on and off!

Any ideas, or advice on matter… I know that some people have them, only a few…

Asked by Darkco(SG)

Sleep Paralysis

Bad Sleep Problems

I was in a bad car wreck broke my back in two places, lacerated liver, knocked teeth out, and broke my collar bone, and all around butt kicking from getting ejected from a car at sixty mph.

I have been on pain meds since the wreck whitch has been for eight years or so. Now I have to take much more a day to ease the pain than I did eight years ago. Now when I try to sleep after taking my meds all day it is the most scariest thing since the crash I get stuck or paralyzed or something, I’m awake but cant move. Sometimes I can move my toes and my girlfriend knows to get me and help me.

What is happening to me and can anybody help me? I’m really worried.

Asked by William

Featured Sleep Paralysis

What Is It Called When You Feel Like Something Is Holding You Down While You Are Sleeping?

I can’t remember the name of it, but it has to do with the feeling of being held down in your bed and you can’t break loose or scream.

That happened to me last night and it is a terrifying experience.

I remember waking up and looking at my bedroom clock at three in the morning. I heard foot steps going across the floor and a bumping against the bedroom door. All of a sudden something was on me and pressing me down, but nothing was there. I tried to yell, but nothing would come out, or it seemed not to.

The next thing I knew I woke up screaming and realized it was a dream, but it was so real and it was so scary!

Asked by Nancy Abbott

Related Questions & Answers About Sleep Paralysis:

Learn How to Stop Sleep Paralysis

3 Loud Knocks Now Sleep Paralysis

Possibly Sleep Paralysis Or Paranormal Experience

Sleep Paralysis, Orbs And Shadow Men

Questions About Sleep Paralysis And Vibrating Sensations

Is It Possible For Pain Medication To Trigger Sleep Paralysis?

Confused For Real Dreams Is It Sleep Paralysis?

Waking Up And Cannot Move And Something Touching Me

Paralysis Shadowy Figures And Weird Things

More Information About Sleep Paralysis:

Sleep paralysis – Wikipedia

Sleep paralysis is when, during awakening or falling asleep, a person is aware but unable to move.

During an episode, one may hear, feel, or see things that are not there.

Sleep paralysis often results in fear.

Episodes generally last less than a couple of minutes.

Sleep Paralysis – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move.

It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.

During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes.

Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking.

Books About Sleep Paralysis:

Sleep Paralysis: A Guide to Hypnagogic Visions and Visitors of the Night

Sleep Paralysis: What It Is and How To Stop It

Sleep Paralysis: Night-mares, Nocebos, and the Mind-Body Connection (Studies in Medical Anthropology)

Sleep Paralysis: Learn How to Stop Sleep Paralysis and What Causes It To Begin With (Sleep Paralysis Treatment)

Dark Intrusions: An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences

Video About Sleep Paralysis

Watch Alien Abduction or Sleep Paralysis? on Amazon.

Sleep Paralysis

What Is Happening To Me And How Can I Make It Stop?

Over the last 6 weeks I have been experiencing a very unpleasant entity in my home, I have never come across anything so scary in my life. Firstly I would like to say I am a very strong empath and I also have the abilities to see and communicate with spirits, I’m very used to feeling and seeing things in my home and although I have experienced some hostile and not so friendly encounters nothing has ever come close to what is happening now.

A few weeks ago I went upstairs to my room followed by my ever faithful dog, who for three years has slept on the floor under my bed. When I got to my bedroom I knew instantly something wasn’t right I can’t explain what it was, my dog must of felt the same as she decided not to come in and head downstairs. Walking through my room to the bathroom there was a strange chill but other than an feeling uneasy I sensed nothing no other feelings or hostility.

After getting ready for bed I returned to the bedroom within seconds the light bulb had blown, I climbed into bed. I felt like I was being watched so got up opened the bathroom door and turned on the light, I climbed back into bed. My head had barely touched the pillow and the bathroom door closed, my head started spinning, I couldn’t move, I felt sheer panic like I was suffocating, I tried calling out for my son but couldn’t.

After what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes I started saying the lords pray over and over in my head, out the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a shadow waving its arms and the bathroom door open, I could move again. I jumped up and shouted, my son came in and as I explained what had happened he pointed out that I had red marks over my chest and neck.

This has happened several times since. I dread bedtime I’ve even tried grounding myself and praying before getting in bed. I was very much awake when this happened to me it wasn’t a nightmare. I wasn’t over tired and apart from normal stresses of day to day life there is no dramas or trauma in my life.

I just like to add that during these experiences I don’t feel like I’m been strangled and I hear no voices. I have tried cleansing my house completely and I have even had a medium friend round who sensed nothing. Has anyone experienced anything at all like this? How can make it stop and most importantly does anyone know what it is and why it would come here? Why me?

Asked by kitty

Sleep Paralysis

Questions About Sleep Paralysis And Vibrating Sensations

I’ve been a sufferer of sleep paralysis off and on for a number of years. I’ve never experienced visual hallucinations, nor heard voice. Sometimes, however, I feel a strong vibrating sensation and can hear a low frequency, pulsating sound. In December I had a particularly strong episode. It actually frightened me. The vibrating sensation was actually painful to me. When it finally subsided, I got out of bed and watched TV the next until morning.

Since then, some things have happened that have made me question myself, more than once. I began on occasion noticing what looks similar to the effect of gas fumes around certain peoples’ bodies, not including my own. Certain electrical devices radiate the same effect.

My questions are, whether or not I’m mental, could this be paranormal? It’s not my eyesight, I have excellent vision. Also, if this is possibly paranormal, who should I try to contact to learn more?

Asked by Travis

Sleep Paralysis

Is It Possible For Pain Medication To Trigger Sleep Paralysis?

Hello everyone! I love reading the questions and replies here though I have never made a comment myself. I treid thinking of a question but never could until now.

For quite awhile I have been experiencing what they call sleep paralysis. This only started happening after my accident (car wreck – which requires me to take medication every day for pain). I was talking to a friend about it and how I thought it was so strange that I had never had anythinhg happen like that at all until after the wreck. Well, she told me that it was probably the medication that was the cause of it. I havent talked with my doctor or pharmacist yet but I do plan to.

Asked by anonymous