Since an early age, I had sleeping problems, just a few times a year, maybe more since I got older. The facts are here.
I am asleep, and I feel I woke up, its all in black and white, I see things in the dark, which is unreal, and see everything in the room. I know the whole room was dark, because it was night time. I felt something, like holding me down, and trying to enter my body, I felt something which is unreal, but with hands, with sharp or rough fingers, long, and huge, and the weight of the thing on top of me… then I try to scream, and I can hear my brain shouting “help me,” then the thing started to talk to me… then I awoke… I had that since the age of 4 or 6 year old, I am now 41 years old, and still have them, on and off!
Any ideas, or advice on matter… I know that some people have them, only a few…
Asked by Darkco(SG)
2 replies on “Sleep Problems”
…hey yooh…
…i have a theory…since yooh had this from such an early age, i’m sure yooh have done a lot of research about possabilities which range from emotional problems to spirit visits all the way to demon problems…
…but have yooh ever considered looking at it from the inside-out instead of the outside-in?…i know there are some individuals that since as young as they can remember had always felt that they don’t belong to this world…these individuals belong to society as it is on the outside (meaning being human),but on the inside (meaning the soul)they are actually from another place…
…so maybe what yooh might be experiencing is astral traveling in your true form…and upon re-entering your body (the human form) your conscious human mind is having a conflict accepting an “unknown” entity trying to overtake yooh so your human mind automatically takes the defencive and thinks the worst and panics…but in reality its juss your inner self trying to get back into your outer self…
…i know that was a long winded sentance…lol..sorry…but i hope yooh get the jist of what i’m saying…
…dark blessings…
Hello Darkco ..
The first thing I would do is clear your energy with the Michael Invocation listed below, then I would study up on ‘sleep paralysis’, claws or not, you might be experiencing your own spirit returning to your body, not someone else’s trying to invade.
Do you ever actually hear what is being said?
Love & Peace