Ghosts And The Spirit World

Can Ghosts Appear To People When They Are Remembered Through Photos Or Stories?

I have a Great Great Uncle who died at Pearl Harbor in 1941 on Dec. 7th.

I recently got a bunch of photos of him and a letter and some other things he sent home when he was in the service. Sometimes when I think about him or look at photos of him or read his letter, or write something about him, sometimes I feel like I’m being watched and I think I see a black figure out of the corner of my eye, but I never look directly at it. I’m not sure if its my Uncle or something else, I was hoping you would know?

Asked by Molly Baumann

13 replies on “Can Ghosts Appear To People When They Are Remembered Through Photos Or Stories?”

Hello Molly,

It’s a bit hard to say who the shadow is from your description. Had you noticed a feeling of being watching, or the shadow, before you got the documents, or did it arrive only when they did, or afterwards? It might be that your uncle was attached to something he had written, or one of the other articles you had, but its hard to tell without actually handling the items.

Your thoughts might draw a spirit or ghost towards, particularly if there are very strong emotions involved, but that doesn’t mean the figure you see is the man you think it might be. So I have two thoughts here .. if it is him, ask him to appear to you in dreams to give you a message, or some definite sign that it is him .. leave that a few days and see the result. Then, because the black figure might be just about any lost soul, at the bottom of this page is a link to the Michael Invocation which removes negative energy from around living people. I suggest you do this Invocation for yourself and if your uncle is a ghost, he will be crossed over and then be able to come back and visit in a clearer, and more obvious fashion, if its important to him, or you .. and if its just some wandering spook attracted to your emotions .. it won’t be there to bother you anymore.

Having ghosts hanging around us is not good for our health, because they draw our life energy from us to feed themselves. Spirits, who are people who have crossed over, don’t do this, visits only for moments, and never do us any harm.

Love & Peace
Ama Nazra

I also dedicated a facebook page to his memory, i don’t know if that’s another reason i get these feelings? I will try to do what you said, thank you for the advice 🙂 If it is a lost spirit or ghost i hope its a nice one, i kinda hope its my uncle though, but i wonder why a random ghost would appear whenever i looked at my uncle’s things or thought of him? these feelings and sightings happened after i started researching him and saving his photos and some articles of him to my computer and recently visisted some relvatives who told me about him, and sent me some things of his, like his letter and his highschool diploma, stuff like that. could he be there becuase i think about him or look at his things?

Random ghosts appear when we are feeling over emotional. You obviously have a strong affection for your uncle, and those emotions, sadness etc, are ghost food.

Yes, your uncle might be there because of your focus on who he was, but if he is, he’s a ghost (a lost soul), because spirits (people who have crossed into heaven) are not particularly attached to who they used to be, although they still love their families very much.

The Michael Invocation will cross him into heaven, and then perhaps he might visit you in your dreams and tell you why the written stuff is important to him.

Love & Peace

I had a strange dream about my older brother sleeping in my bed…I think I turned around and he was there sleeping I was kind of creeped out does this mean something? I don’t like dreams they are just strange

What does your older brother represent for you .. someone who makes you feel safe? Someone protective? A problem person? Did you guys used to sometimes sleep in the same bed when you were kids – my kids did when the need arose? What else was in the dream apart from him being there?

Love & Peace

You think your uncle sent you the dream about your brother? I doubt it very much. Unless you sleep with your brother a lot, I doubt your uncle will really care. He’s more focused on himself than you. Have you done the Invocation yet?

Love & Peace

I’m gonna do it to tomorrow I have also noticed that I see this figure whenever I am thinking about my uncle

You said you saw the figure when you thought of your uncle before .. but that doesn’t guarantee it is your uncle. It could be someone else entirely. Don’t make the mistake of trying to turn the figure into the person you ‘want’ it to be. It hasn’t proved it is him or not .. better to be cautious and believe its not him until proven otherwise.

But then I’ll say ‘don’t look for proof’. Do the Invocation and clear your energy. If it is your uncle he might appear in your dreams and thank you for setting him free. Ghosts are ‘trapped’ between heaven and earth, and really do need help to cross to where they are supposed to be.

Love & Peace

If it gives him energy when he’s hungry, yes. That you love him and remember’ him, of course he’ll be happy, but I don’t think he’ll want you tangling up too much of your life in remembering who he was. You have a whole life to live yourself, and its best to focus on that.

Love & Peace