General Questions

Why Do I Wake With A Static Electricity Feeling?

Why am I waking up in the early morning hours with a static electricity feeling over my whole body?

It lasts for only a couple of minutes and gradually goes away.

Asked by Faye

2 replies on “Why Do I Wake With A Static Electricity Feeling?”

…hey faye…

…yooh did not provide to much info bout your experience…and without asking yooh a page full of questions i will proceed to assume on some matters…so my first assumption is that yooh know that this is not a medical matter cause yooh are asking the question on a paranormal site…and because yooh are asking this on a paranormal site then im assuming that yooh are an open minded person…so here is my one and only question to yooh…are yooh an empath?…

…here is my theory…and the reason i have a theory on this matter is because i have a similar experience that happens within my life…my ‘electrical buzz’ happens to me when i enter into sleep…but mine lastes for quite some time and i usually have to physically awaken my entire self to get control of it…there is no rhyme or reason when mine occures…it juss does…

…so my theory is…since i am an empath…im thinking that there are times that my energies seem to vibrate at a higher rate than is usual than normal for me…an empaths energy light glowes brighter than non-empaths energy light and that is why spirits are attracted to us…and maybe when this ‘electrical buzz’ happens its because we are picking up on something thats vibrating at a higher rate thats trying to get our attention…

…an empath needs to examine and get to know their own ‘self’ inside and out…so to speak…the reason for this is so we dont get so overloaded with picking up on everything else that is surrounding us…but unfortunatly…im thinking that sometimes we cant always control what gets in or when it happens and when it does i think thats when the shift in energy vibration starts…and causes the over sensitivity feeling throught out the body…

…anyways…not sure if this was of any help to yooh faye…but its juss my theory to do with my experiences…maybe it will help yooh…

…dark blessings faye…

Is it more of a pin prickly feeling going through your body? Do you know how it feels like when you cut off the circulation to your leg, for example, and then when you let the blood flow back normally, it feels pin prickly? That might be what you are experiencing. I am guessing there, I normally don’t wake up with electricity feelings.
I am also thinking it may be connected to where you go or what you do while astral traveling at night. Maybe. Also, it could be your astral body/spirit settling itself into your body after astral traveling at night. You might have to ground yourself in the morning to feel back to normal faster. To ground yourself, imagine sending out roots from your legs and feet and anchor them into the Earth/ground. Or you can get a grounding crystal like black tourmaline or obsidian and keep it close to your bed.