Death and Life

Is There Any Way I Could Talk To My Friend?

I lost my friend 3 months back. He committed Suicide. I knew that he was undergoing pain and torture in his married life and I was helping him through out to bring him up whenever he feels down. He called me just 15 minutes before he committed suicide and unknowingly I couldn’t talk to him at that time. But I never thought of him doing suicide.

And now everyone says that I could have avoided his loss if I had attended the call. This guilty feeling makes me really really bad. And I couldn’t go normally. Nothing could convenience me on this except getting a answer from my friend.

Is there any way I could talk to my friend. Please help.

Asked by Shankalp

3 replies on “Is There Any Way I Could Talk To My Friend?”

Hello Shankalp

Your friend probably called to say goodbye. A person who commits suicide has already made the decision long before he or she calls you. You are not responsible for his choice.

I cannot promise anything, but if you would like to contact me by email, I can check his energy and see how he is, to make sure he’s not a ghost, but has found peace.

You will find a link to my website (Sacred Gates – Ama Nazra) under Friends at the bottom of this webpage. You can email me from there.

Love & Peace

I was needing to know if there is any way to contact my son. I had read that you might be able to help someone else who wanted to contact a friend so I was hoping that you might be able to help me?

Hi Rhonda,

If you follow the same instructions as my previous answer, and write to me privately, I can check to see if your son has passed over into heaven.

Love & Peace