White Light Shields is posted here by the courtesy of Ama Nazra.
Why do we need shields?
White Light Shields
Everyone is sensitive to ‘energy’ to some degree. Some people can be psychic ‘doorknobs’ (not my phrase, just one I read somewhere which made me smile), but truthfully, I don’t think there are many people like that anymore. We all react to the energy of people around us, of the places we walk into such as the supermarket, or our work place, or our homes. We want to live in a space that is comfortable and feels safe. We all need a place we can retreat to when we are tired and frustrated and unhappy, and equally when we are happy. We need a place to ‘regroup’ when we have been incredibly busy. We need a place to be able to express ourselves freely, without fear, in a sense a ‘sanctuary’.
The human body and spirit was created to be a walking sanctuary, but these days, through our own choices, we undermine our natural protection – our auras – we choose not to look after our bodies: the food we eat is often unhealthy, we might drink too much of things that are not good for us, we can choose to smoke various substances, and we might take drugs of various sorts. All of these things disrupt the natural flow of our energy through our chakras and into our auric field. And then there is the emotional and physical abuse that we go through, from the smallest to the largest source of pain, add in mental abuse .. these might be something we receive from others, or it could be something that we do to ourselves with our own thoughts, fears, beliefs, phobias .. that can develop into mental illnesses etc. Can you see what I am saying – we all need a little extra help.
Spirit provided that help, and has for centuries. It taught us about energy, it asked us to become ‘energy aware’ and from that request developed Empaths and Spiritual Healers.
Empaths are people who can feel or ‘share’ what someone else is experiencing emotionally. It is a ‘gift’ but it is a gift that can bite. We have to learn to control our abilities, and not let them control us. It is good to be able to know when someone else is suffering, and to help them find peace, it is not healthy for us to also suffer from their suffering – to the point where we are frightened to go out of the house because of what we ‘might’ end up feeling during the day. We do not need to become depressed because we do not know how to let go of all the emotions we ‘collected’ from other people. Empaths, when they are out of balance, become psychic sponges. They absorb other people’s negativity and can become ill from it – mentally and physically. There has to be a solution, and as usual it is something simple. It’s called a ‘white light shield’ and its very effective.
Remember: “Energy follows thought”.
Angels see humans as a rainbow that reflects who we are as a person and how far we have developed in our spiritual journey. A rainbow is created when you shine Light through a prism, and our souls are the prism that shows our true selves. Our auras are created by energy of our chakras and reflect the balance we have in those chakras, so sometimes they can be very strong and protective, and sometimes they can look like Swiss cheese and be full of holes. A white light shield develops around the outside edge of our auras and expands and contracts as we command it to .. (if you don’t like the word ‘command’ it just means ‘tell it what to do’). Now, we can do that on a conscious level, or we can do it on a subconscious level. One of the things Spirit reminds me of constantly is to be aware of what my mind is thinking, of what my emotions are doing to my thoughts – both conscious and subconscious. There is a good reason why we need to get to know ourselves very well – its for our own protection, if nothing else.
A white light shield is very easy to create. It does not cut out all of the emotions that people broadcast unwittingly, it protects the wearer from the overload created by absorbing other people’s energy. For those empaths that do not understand their gift, nor have the ability to control, it gives them a safe haven to exist in until they do. It works for people who can visualize it being created, and equally well for those who cannot visualize anything to save their life.
You can ‘decide’ to have it, and it is just as effective.
You can wear a shield all the time if you feel comfortable doing so, or choose to only put one around you when you come upon circumstances that challenge you. It is the ‘thought of a moment’ that creates it. It does not separate us from others, and certainly not from those people that need our help.
Remember: You cannot help another person if you are overwhelmed by what ‘they’ are feeling.
KISS: Creating the shield for the first time ..
Imagine an egg. If you can’t imagine one go and get one out of the fridge. Put the egg pointy end down in your hand and look at it. Now, in your mind, make the egg bigger, huge, large enough to surround your whole body and even bigger. Can you imagine it filling the room you are in? That big egg is created from White Light, the energy of creation, which is the energy of Love, the most protective force in the Universe. See the egg right in front of you. On the side of it is a door, imagine yourself reaching out and opening the door – step inside and close it behind you. Does the doorway then vanish?
You are now inside a protective shield which extends far above your head and right into the earth under your feet. That is all you need.
This shield is good because it allows you to ‘feel, see, and act’ within it without limiting your perception. What it does not allow is for you to receive other’s negative emotions nor any attaching energy lines they might want to give you so that they can drain your energy. And ghosts, unless they are already anchored into your energy, have to stay on the outside of the shield.
A Little Added Protection ..
If you do not feel safe enough inside your White Light Shield, I suggest adding a moving stream of Rainbow Coloured Light to the outside. Some of us who do very heavy energy work, very negative, have tested this and we find it certainly adds more protection.
On the outside of the shield imagine a wide band of rainbow coloured energy constantly moving all around the egg. The moving band of energy is stronger than simple White Light, the energy of the separated different colours, and the different frequency created by the blending of the edge colours, cuts attachments and other entities from the auric field, and will also protect a house if someone feels they need it.
And that is it .. now for your house …
A protective shield for your home ..
A protection for my house? Hmm… good idea. As much as I can enjoy ghosts, I do not want to constantly be haunted. It is not good for anyone for physical and mental health reasons.
We just much the same principles as before. Start simply. Using your imagination create (or decide there is one) a white light pyramid that comes down over the whole house block .. not just the house but the whole yard no matter how large or small it is, including apartment buildings.
You now have a BIG pyramid of protection over your house. Let’s add more.
Do the same to create another pyramid, upside down that comes up through the earth and connects and attaches to the first.
You are now inside a diamond.
Ask your guardian angels, Archangel Michael is the head of all guardian angels and spirits, or you may ask your favourite deity, to clear all the energy INSIDE the diamond, to take Home (to Heaven, or whatever you believe in – or to take into ‘healing’) any ghosts who need to go and any other negative energy.
I usually say something like –
“Archangel Michael, please take into healing anyone who ‘needs’ to go Home, anyone who ‘wants’ to go Home, and anyone who wants to argue.” And, believe me, some of the ghosts will argue. They were human, after all.
Leave it there all day if you like, or mine vanishes with the sunrise. You can request that it remain for a certain time period. I find 72 hours (3 days) to be very good. I have found this shield to be absolutely brilliant, and very pretty to look at from the outside.
The White Light Shields was originally published on Sacred-Gates.com
Ama Nazra – You may contact Ama via http://www.paranormalqa.com/contact-ama-nazra/
15 replies on “White Light Shields”
The white light is a tool I have been using for years and it works. I also ask for the white light to surround my home and ask for it to surround certain loved ones. My question for you on this is where have you heard about the angels seeing our energy like the colors of the rainbow. I like that idea its just its the first time I’ve heard of this. Thank you
Hello Cindy,
The information came direct from Source .. basically what happened was I got curious and asked the Michael that I work with ‘how’ they saw me. They gave me a visual, not of me as a person, but me created from the energy of my chakras .. in other words, who I am ‘written’ in my aura, past (past lives and current life), present and future. They called me a rainbow, and I was. It was very pretty. That is ‘how’ they see us, and ‘know’ who we are.
Love & Peace
Hi Ama
That’s interesting about the rainbow. How lovely they see you that way.
When I asked the same question once, the information given to me from source about how they saw me resulted in my energy looking more like the surface of the sun (the best way to describe it), but soft and gentle on the eye like warm embers, rather than blindingly bright.
But then, we’re made of different energy so guess that would make sense.
I have been able to see and speak to spirits all my life. I see things before they happen. I have done well dealing with these things but had no one to guide me. In 2012 I moved to a house down the street things got really bad. My disabled daughter was attacted and we almost lost her. I moved back to my home. But what ever it was came with me. It continues to go after her.cuts,bruises,bites, illness. I have been having strange things happening,bruises,cuts, but the latest I dreamed I was running all night,in the morning I had red clay on my feet, my night gown,my bed where my feet would be.last night I dreamed spirit wanted me to know something but I couldn’t find out what they wanted I wake up and red clay is around my neck,shoulders ,pjs,pillow,and sheets under my pillow. let me just say there is no red clay in our start. I wish I knew what is happening and how to stop it.
Hello J,
Start by going to the link on the bottom of this page called the Michael Invocation. The instructions on how to use it are on the page. Use it to clear your home, then yourself, then your daughter. Other people who live there too can use it as well. It’s a good idea to clear everyone.
Then .. white light shields. If your daughter is mentally disabled, not physically, you will be able to create shields for her no matter what her physical age. Create them with your mind, wrapped around her, and then let go. Do the same for yourself, to stop whatever is having a go at you. If she is over the age of 13 she can create them herself, if she is only physically disabled. Perhaps you can create them together each night, if that is an option.
The red clay could be a physical manifestation of your astral travelling. I would occasionally come back with cuts and bruises, until I learned the shielding. Wrap it around you at night, to help keep your physical body safe. Your spirit is just fine.
As to whatever spirit/ghost wanted you to know something, it could have just been someone haunting you. The house shield will keep them out of the house – you can wrap it around before saying the Michael Invocation, and renew it each night, just to make yourself feel safe.
Any questions, you know where to find me,
Love & Peace
Ama Nazra
I am the one who needed help with the “nasty spirit” I communicated with during EVP sessions. You have no idea how much this has helped me. I am certainly an Empath and as you stated, “It is a ‘gift’ but it is a gift that can bite”, you are absolutely right! I have so much to say to you in regards to your answer for helping me with my “nasty spirit” experience as I just cannot thank you enough. This really worked so well for me, I am constantly heavy with emotions and have lived too long feeling others emotions and even mistaking them for my own. I felt a huge weight lifted off of me when I did this. I plan to do this every day and whenever I start feeling those crazy, overwhelming emotions of others. I feel like God really sent you to me, as I prayed and prayed for help and I am so much more at peace because of you. You are a Godsend, thank you so much and God bless you!
Thank you Kim, that is lovely.
Love & Peace
Pray the Holy Rosary, the most potent/powerful tool against all negatives/failures/evils. Nothing else is required. Read book by St. Louis Montford titled “The Secrets of Holy Rosary.”
Except being a good Catholic … but then Buddhists also have ‘rosary beads’ only they are called prayer beads and are to focus the user’s attention. Works as well.
Love & Peace
I had been visited at night by a ghost briefly floating over my bed a few months ago (woke me up my blowing in my ear), and it was around the time my grandmother had passed. It didn’t look anything like her, but thought it was a strange coincidence.
Yesterday I was walking down the hall and I felt a puff of air by my right ear and it scared me. Was probably nothing, but I decided to do the invocation and white light shields just to clear things out. (Thanks for posting these instructions.)
Now I’m wondering the typical protocol for minor intrusions like that. Is it typical to create new white shields every day, or every 72 hours? Or does one just let typically the shields fade and not rebuild them? It all sounds very repetitive to keep building them up constantly. Can’t I just build a shield that will last a lot longer? 🙂
In all seriousness,
Hi Rich,
I don’t live in shields, though we often have ghosts in our home. I create them ‘as needed’, for myself and others, but its more logical to deal with the problem rather than hiding your energy from it. If a person feels constantly haunted, they should clear their energy rather than shielding all the time. Or use it to help themselves let go of unwanted negative emotions, such as anger, by wrapping the shield around themselves, having a blast (losing your temper loudly) and then dumping the energy into the ground for healing, before dropping the shield again.
But no, you can’t just build a shield and forget it and expect it to stay up forever. There’s an old saying ‘energy follows thought’ and the moment you think you are vulnerable, your shield will drop and you will be vulnerable. Better to build it for no longer than 72 hours, because you are less likely to forget it’s there and ‘let your guard drop’. These catchphrases actually do have metaphysical foundations .. we’ve just forgotten what they are. Before the 72 hours is up, renew the shield, if you think you need it .. and its not just for ghosts, they also protect us from the negative energy of living people .. when we allow it.
Love & Peace
Hi Ama, I also wanted to add that in the book “The Shack” the Holy Spirit referred to our chakara as a Garden or “FRACTUAL” it is all the colors of our life shown as flowers in a garden that represents our life, and she referred to it as a beautiful mess! This is the reference as no life is perfect and we all give off colors so she related it to a Garden or fractual of colors as flowers in a garden and called it beautiful! I choose to relate to the rainbow or fractual of colors in my garden for comfort as God too referred to the rainbow as he promised Noaha he would never flood the entire earth again! I love this sence of protection and my Fractual or garden of colors are my protection when I call on the Holy Spirit!I see the rainbow as my light of protection and the flowers as my colors of my life!
And ghosts, unless they are already anchored into your energy, have to stay on the outside of the shield.Ama I read this in your reply in creating the egg shield.I feel an energy between my shoulders and neck…I have headaches every day of my live…stiff neck…and so many other things.I created my shields and say my Michael prayer when I touch my back there is a tinteling feeling throughout my body and my neck comes “alive”…I want this energy draining gone(I am always tired,struggle to concentrate and remember)to go…my headache just got worser..
I once went out for prayer at my church as I could not lift my arms….i didnt say what was wrong with me…the young lady walked up to me and grabbed at my neck as if pulling something of and demanded “it”to leave in the Name of Jesus…I fell to the ground and felt free as a bird….the other time was when we moved, for the first month it was as if I was free….the presence was gone …no heaaches…and then it started again…it is like when I go away…no matter if in a another town or bed…there is always something attacking me in my sleep….You would not believe if I tell you all that I have gone through.
Now I sleep better after the prayer and holy salt.
Hi Jeannette,
Lovely comment, thank you.
Love & Peace
I am so sorry that you have suffered in this way Lorna. Yes, entities can attach to us when we are not shielded, but if you shield regularly and keep using the Michael Invocation (under Pages on this webpage), you should remain clear.
Also, I recommend that you have a physical examination with a doctor, if you have not already done so. Some of our vulnerabilities will manifest into physical illnesses, that, if corrected, will also help heal weaknesses in our auras.
Love & Peace