So about a year ago, I decided to grow a flower garden in a wooden box. A few months later some flowers had grown when I checked the box. That wasn’t the only thing there, however. In the middle of the box, a knife was stabbed into the dirt. I thought it was the coolest thing that someone had just given me a knife. It was pretty rusty with a wooden handle.
It didn’t say anything special on it though. I saw it and thought, “Cool!” It’s not everyday you get a free knife (I love knives) So I took it inside and told my family what I found. No one really cared.
Fast forward to today. I found a new knife. It’s silver with a silver handle. It appeared by my bedside. No one in the house knows anything nor do they care. The last people in the house over the past few months don’t own knives. Please tell me what you think is going on.
Asked by Kat N.