General Questions

Is There Something Paranormal Following Me?

Hello. My name is Jace, and I always get random scratches all over my neck and back. They’re much like cat scratches – yet I don’t have a cat. They appear sporadically and in no particular pattern. I usually find them when I wake up in the morning, as the fresh scratches will sting.

I also often hear a voice, whispering my name, and hear quiet conversations when no one is home, and all the television sets are off. At least more than ten times, lights have burst or gone out as I was beneath them.

I’m honestly a bit concerned. And I know it isn’t my home, as these occurrences happen anywhere – aside from in public.

Asked by Jace


Demonic Scratches On My Sister?

Mysterious Scratches And Other Marks

What Could Cause Me To Wake Up With Scratches?


General Questions

Mysterious Scratches And Other Marks

This did not happen to me or my child but, my sister asked me to look into this for her. So here is what happened.

My sister was visiting a home she was looking to buy. Her 10 year old daughter went with her. They went to the attic to look around and her daughter complained of a burning on her back. She said to her knowledge she did bump anything or even touch anything that could leave marks.

She told me she checked her back and there were two scratches, what looked like several pinch marks, and what also looked like a couple of bite marks. She told me they were there for about an hour and when they left the house the marks had gone away.

She was going to take pictures to show me. Her husband wants to take the girl back to see if it happens again, but I told her I would be very careful.

I do believe in ghosts and I believe they have the ability to influence you mentally and physically. My fear is that is she goes back something much worse could happen or something can attach to her. The bad part is everything else about this house is everything they are looking for in a home.

Asked by Natasha

General Questions

Why Do I Have Mysterious Scratches On My Body When Waking Up?

I woke up today and seen some fresh scratches on my forearm on a downward position 3 scratches. And I was wondering if you could please help me?

Thank you in advance

Asked by James