General Questions

What Do You Know About Reapers?

Not really sure how to go about this, but I was wondering what you know about reapers? I would love any info you could share about them, for I’ve been dealing with two for the last 16 years of my life. I’m getting tired and I’m only 32 years old.

They have made it feel like I have been wondering these states for hundreds of years. Anything you can tell me, I would appreciate.

thank you,
purple black

Death and Life

Are There Such Things As Reapers?

Hey, just one of many thoughts that always intrigue me. Since there’s God and the devil with the paranormal then Death himself must be involved in a way.

I heard stories of people who witnessed a silhouette of a tall man in a cloak, sometimes with a scythe.

One thing is “Does death exist as an actual being and is there more just like him, like how there’s more than one angel or demon.”

Asked by Alex