I know someone who works with natural daemons, both in our dimension as well as on the astral planes during meditation etc.
Whenever this person is working ‘in spirit’ with natural daemons, they always turn into a dragon. This person does not do it consciously, and has even deliberately tried to resist changing their human appearance but, nevertheless, they always – without exception – metamorphosis into a dragon when working with earth spirits.
This person tells me the elementals have say the change is because that is how the spirit is seen. Daemons recognize the person’s energy in that form and that is why the visual representation of the person’s energy is ‘turned’ into something that represents a dragon.
Does anyone know why this might be? Or have any theories as to why it happens? Is it the same as say, how we recognize something by familiarity because of what we know of them – ie angels appear differently to different people, dependent upon their beliefs etc.?
Asked by A.J. Ryder