Has anyone else heard this line from a lot of people? I swear, almost anyone I meet (that’s new) says they have seen me before. Even interviews and I used to work at a blockbuster and a lot of customers would swear they either went to school with me (in a school I didn’t attend) or one guy came in and swore I looked like his niece in Ireland… he seemed almost spooked, but I guess she was older than me. Has any of you had this experience?
Asked by Lisa
13 replies on “Hey I Know You I’ve seen You Before”
Yes, yes…in fact, it seems to be happening with greater frequency. 🙂
I apparently look just like the shy kid from American Beauty (Ricky Fitts). Though, I don’t think I look like him anymore….but when I put on a skull cap, and carried a plastic bag and video camera for Halloween 2 years ago…..well….everyone got it, rather quickly.
I am starting to notice it more. I can tell by how many awkward encounters I’ve had over the last 10 years. “Oh hey, Bill! Bill? Bill, it’s……oh! oops….you are not Bill. sorry, dude!”.
“You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile”
-Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
All jokes aside. My working theory comes from an exhaustive dream world. I see lots of folks there that I see in reality (for the “first time”) later. In my little world, it makes for compelling evidence of reincarnation. But as always…humble opinion and all that.
Good question!!!
Yes, I have had that happen to me. My husband has it happen to him constantly. Most of the people that my husband gets compared to though look nothing like him. I guess that means we all look different to different people!
Hi Lisa
Great question and yes, it happens to me all the time. But I have a theory that when people ‘recognise’ me, it is not so much the physical me they recall having met before, but the energy / metaphysical / spirit / soul that is a part of me. This theory would fit in well with Siddle’s dream / astral plane theory.
I have since had some great discussions about this with quite a few folk who ‘knew me already’ upon our first ever meeting. The pattern seems to be, upon their reflexion, that I reminded them of someone else, but that I looked nothing like that other person. It was most likely more of a personally / mannerism thing? I am rather eccentric, after all – lol! However, at that first encounter they were convinced we’d met before, some people even go through a whole list of possible places where we might have bumped into each other previously or people we might mutually know. And few take ‘No!’ for an answer, they are that convinced they’ve met me before ….. maybe in a past life, but certainly not in this one – lol!
One of the funniest experiences I had was last year at Midnight Mass (was ‘forced’ to go, to keep Dad company! Sigh!) As we stepped inside the church the clergy were there to greet the congrigation. Upon setting eyes on me, not only the Vicar but also her ‘possee’ of 2 helpers physically took a step backwards and looked ‘shocked’ as I approached them. The exact same thing happened as we left the church at the end of the service. It was as if they had forgotten they’d greeted me coming into the Church so, the reaction I got from them was the same on the way out as it was on the way in. I would have loved to have asked them why I startled them so when they set eyes upon me, but unfortunatelly it was so busy that night, there was no time. It puzzles me to this day – after all, I wasn’t the only non-church goer there, there were lots of folk who didn’t attend Church on a regular basis, who were at Mass. I have certainly never met any of them before and the Church was miles away from where I live, so it is not as if there was any reason for them to know me – not even recognising my face. Wierd!
Hi guys,
I like Siddle’s theory too, AJ. With yours .. I am wondering if you reminded that ‘gang of three’ of someone who had died? That might explain the ‘shocked’ look? Hmm.. we know you are a bit ‘interesting’, but ‘walking dead’? (LOL)
This happens only occasionally to me, which is fine. What fascinates me, at the moment, is how many people I am ‘seeing’ in this new town I live near, that remind me of people from the period of my life when I had the healing centres (I am considering repeating history and opening a new one??). I’m doing the ‘double-look’ thing right now??
Love & Peace
Hi Ama
I know that people insist I change appearance before their eyes! I was at this party once where this woman insisted my face kept changing into that of Jesus!!! Yeah! Right! Like she knew what Jesus looked like!!!! Anyhow, I was so embarrassed by the whole thing because she keeping pointing at me and declaring what she had seen too all and sundry at that party (most of which were strangers to me)! I just wanted the floor to swallow me up, if truth were known. I was there to party after all, not to be the evenings entertainment as a trance medium, giving people messages from beyond the grave.
I suspect that particular woman needed some sort of comfort in her life (I’d never met her before and certainly did not know her circumstances.) But maybe, it was her guide, or a relative that had passed over, who was showing her something that she could connect with to say “It’s all right!” She certainly seemed thrilled to see ‘Jesus’. I, however, was not so thrilled at playing ‘Jesus’. – hahaha!
As for the ‘Trinity of Clergy’ – I had suspected exactly the same as you state, Ama – I ‘became’ someone they knew (visually, that is) for a split second. That would explain their shock at seeing [insert name here] the first time but, why the same shocked expression the second time around? It was as if the first meeting at been erased from their memory!!!! Very odd! But then, God in all His wonderous glory is; ‘odd’ (in the loveliest kind of way). Maybe our paths crossing helped them to come to terms with something of a spiritual nature – even if it went straight into their sub-conscious minds.
All this stuff really is fascinating …….. just wish I wasn’t the one who face is morphing every five minutes – lol!
PS I think openning a new healing centre would be a great idea. Here’s hoping you find a way.
I’ve been pondering over all this ‘face-changing’ thing since writing my previous post.
TBH I’m more inclined to think that I am, somehow and subconsciously, tapping into the other persons thoughts and fears and then using my own energy to ‘show’ them something that might help them overcome those fears or answer those questions.
The reason I say this is because, upon refection of those incidents mentioned, I did not feel spirit enter me on either of those occasions. I was not put into some kind of trance state nor did I feel my energy change in any way. So, the only other explanation for the morphing face thing would be my using my own energy to distort their vision for a purpose – a bit like creating daemons, I suppose? Might even be the same thing? Only, the energy is contained rather than externalised.
Hmm … a curious notion!! But why would I do that without knowledge of it nor conscious act of applying it???
Off for more pondering …..
Do we become the mirror the person sees themselves in?
We are all mirrors for each other, to reflect the best or worst in us, in any given situation. When we become angry that anger touches another’s energy, and either they let it pass through, or throw it back at us by becoming angry too.
Jesus is that brown haired bloke people keep seeing on pieces of toast or pizzas (and bathroom walls) .. or was that his mother? Or both? Anyone with a Christian bent has some vague idea of what they think Jesus would look like, depending on the tv and preconceived programming since childhood. If he turned out to be black (Nubian)(where is my time machine?) .. hmm.. could you imagine the reaction? 🙂
So I agree with your thoughts AJ, that the lady was seeing in you what she was looking for in herself. Her guides, and yours, brought it, perhaps, to a crisis point, using your energy to activate something within her. I wonder what she did afterwards, because the experience would have stayed with her for a long time. I am sure it helped.
Your trinity gang .. the first time can be passed off as imagination, but have it happen a second time, and they have to be wondering what the heck was happening!!!
I agree God is odd .. we know this because we are all odd too .. and made in ‘his/her’ likeness. LOL
Love & Peace
HI Ama
Arh! Yes! That is a very good way of looking at it (excuse the pun – lol!). Maybe, this is what is meant by being ‘a messenger’?? It is not about words, but about something much deeper. But, being creatures that use our eyes above all other senses, it gets translated in our heads to mean they’ve literally seen that person before.
I can’t remember ever being convinced I’ve met someone before, when all logic tells me I haven’t. I’ve met people and recognised (or pick up on) something within their aura, but it has never meant that I have physically been in their presence before. Again, this might all be the same thing, just that the brain deals with the information received differently with me, than with those who’ve ‘recognised’ me.
It is a real shame I never got the opportunity to discuss the matter with the clergy. I would have loved to have known what it was they saw or felt. I hope the end result was a positive one for them though.
Amen, to that – lol!
OK! So my previous message left out the quoted parts – pssst!
Here it is again, this time with quotes (sigh) …
AMA: Do we become the mirror the person sees themselves in?
Arh! Yes! That is a very good way of looking at it (excuse the pun – lol!). Maybe, this is what is meant by being ‘a messenger’?? It is not about words, but about something much deeper. But, being creatures that use our eyes above all other senses, it gets translated in our heads to mean they’ve literally seen that person before.
I can’t remember ever being convinced I’ve met someone before, when all logic tells me I haven’t. I’ve met people and recognised (or pick up on) something within their aura, but it has never meant that I have physically been in their presence before. Again, this might all be the same thing, just that the brain deals with the information received differently with me, than with those who’ve ‘recognised’ me.
It is a real shame I never got the opportunity to discuss the matter with the clergy. I would have loved to have known what it was they saw or felt. I hope the end result was a positive one for them though.
AMA: I agree God is odd .. we know this because we are all odd too .. and made in ‘his/her’ likeness. LOL
Amen, to that – lol!
Morning AJ,
I think a message can be passed on in many different forms, such as ‘visual’, so the person’s face might stir up memories in the mind of the viewer, or viewers, who saw it. With those memories come emotions, and we need to deal with our emotions, let the painful ones pass through us, rather than holding onto them as tightly as we often do.
Meeting people before .. I know I’ve done it once or twice. I forget faces very easily .. what I don’t forget is a person’s energy signature. So to me the sense of meeting someone again, is because their energy signature registers somewhere in my mind, and when I meet someone with a similar energy signature .. I do a double-take and wonder where I might have met them before. It doesn’t happen very often. There’s also something I read many years ago about their only being a limited number of face shapes, eye shapes, nose shapes etc in the world and that we often put the ‘shapes’ together in our minds, rather than the person’s actual features, and then get a feeling we have met that person before because the combination of features/shapes matches our visual memory? I think that’s more likely what happens with me, including body shapes, when I think I recognise someone from the past in the street of this new town.
I would have liked to know what the clergy experienced too .. would have been very interesting.
Wishing you a lovely day,
Love & Peace
This happens to me ALL THE TIME! I would love to know what it means. I’ve got to the point where I just accept it, but that I do feel there is some connection on a spiritual level. I guess we will never know. 🙂
This happens to me ALL THE TIME too. Just today it happened 3 times within 2 hours! Would love to know what is happening! It never occurred to me to ask the person what they see or what they feel when they are asking me. Will do this for the next time. There most definitely must be a spiritual connection. I asked an energy healer this today. She said, when they say “I’ve met you before”, respond with “Yes, in a different lifetime.”
I’m a couple of years late to this party. Forgive me for barging in so late. The thing that is happening with more and more frequency for me is that I am “seeing” people who I am certain I have seen before. Sometimes it is just a random person that I feel deeply that I have met before. It is almost painful how strong the sense is. And then I begin to obsess about where, when, or how I saw this person and in what capacity. It’s almost as if I am supposed to connect with them somehow. A trivial example is that I watched a show with an actress whose work I really like. Problem is, I have never seen her before this particular show. I have the strong feeling of memory with nothing to attach it to. To be clear, this isn’t like when people think Christian Slater looks like a young Jack Nicholson. Love any insight y’all might have.