Pets and Animals

Pet Ghost?

My cat often plays behind the couch, she jumps up and bats at you while your sitting. One night she had been doing this, but came out from behind the couch.

My husband sat down and I stood up talking when we both saw what looked like her paw come up from behind the couch. My cat and my dog were right next to me and no where near the couch.

There was nothing behind the couch, nothing had fallen off the back of it. I did have a dog pass away 2 yrs ago and I have seen him a couple of times since. But she is the only cat I’ve ever owned.

Any ideas on what it was? We both saw it. I’m at a loss.

Asked by Diana

Pets and Animals

Is It Possible My Cat Comes Back To Visit Me?

I wanted to ask if it’s possible that my cat who passed last year who was my partner and best friend for all most 16 years could be coming back to visit me. I’m asking because I hear him meow now and then and I know it’s him because he had a distinct sound.

Also I’m pretty sure my daughter’s male cat can see him because my Max was a big spoiled cat that never went outside so when my daughter’s cat who’s an outside cat saw Max he would get very scared and run away well.

Since my Max’s passing her cats been coming into the house and he loves to come and lay on my bed but lately he’s been acting strange like he wants in my room so I’ll open the door and he starts in and all of a sudden he will freeze and be looking on my bed and turn around and run like his tails on fire.

I sure miss my baby I’d really like to know if it could be him, thanks

Asked by Nancy

Pets and Animals

Is My Cat Seeing A Ghost?

My mom has claimed our house is haunted before we even got cats but I haven’t seen any proof of that until recently.

A little while ago, my mom burnt sage in the house because she saw someone go into the bathroom when I was in my room and my sister was in her room.

A couple of days after that incident, my black cat has been acting a little strange occasionally. Twice in the span of a week, she has meowed outside my door (something she does when she wants to come in) and when I open it, she’s just staring at my sister’s door. Even when I pick her up and put her in my room, she stares at my sister’s room’s direction.

Not too long ago she was meowing again so I open my door but I find her walking into the living room and staring at something near our front door, then she walks closer and just sits there staring. She has also been occasionally afraid of my sister’s room for some reason. Sometimes my tabby cat will stare with her.

So is she seeing a ghost?

Asked by Max

Dream Of Missing Cat

Is My Cat Seeing A Ghost?

Dreams That My Cat Is Missing

Dreaming About Passed Away Dog And Ran Away Cat

Dream Of Lost Cat

Cat Seeing Things

Cats Strange Behavior

People who have spent a lifetime observing and interacting with cats will say that these amazing animals seem to possess powers – supernatural, psychic, or otherwise – that we can only begin to comprehend. But are they able to return from the grave as well?

Ghost Cats

Pets and Animals

Hooting Owls And Knocks

For the past three or four nights in a row I have heard an hooting several; times several times. The owl is always in a different area outside it’s never the same area.

I made a conscious decision to disregarded and not believe the myths about owls hooting signifying death.

I was working on my computer about 12:45 AM my husband was asleep next to me and I heard three Knocks. I jumped up and I woke him and told him it was someone was knocking we got up walked all around look out all the windows there was no one we live in a gated property.

What Can this signify?

Asked by Donna

Pets and Animals

Is My Grandma’s Dog Seeing A Ghost?

Well my grandmas husband recently died to heart problems and so shes been pretty lonely all by herself so I stay with her on the weekends and her house is probably around 80 years old.

Every night in between 3 am I wake up to my grandmas dog barking at the front door and if you try and call his name or touch him he doesn’t do anything he just keeps barking at nothing.

I searched it up and it said dogs can see ghosts and they tend to bark at them and its freaking me out and this is coming from a 13 year old little girl so of course I’ll be scared but its creepy thinking there is ghosts staring at me when I don’t know it.

I just want to know if what I am thinking is true.

Asked by Emily

Pets and Animals

My Dogs Spirit Or A Dream?

Hi last week I took my dear beautiful dog to the vet only to be told he needed to be put to sleep, I came home so upset couldn’t wait to get through the door to cry, as I fumbled for my keys I noticed my front door was shaking and the net curtain was moving on the door, I stared at it doing this for a good half minute.

The next day I took my dog to be put to sleep, the grief has hit me very hard, I decided to have him cremated, and got his ashes back yesterday and sobbed but felt happy he was home, but last night I don’t know whether I was dreaming or not but felt my hair being pulled but not hard just gently enough to pull my head back and it didn’t hurt, then felt like something sat on the bed.

Am I suffering really bad grief and dreamed this or did it really happen?

Asked by Sandra

Pets and Animals

Can Dogs Be Desensitized To The Presence Of A Spirit?

Can dogs be desensitized to the presence of a spirit? I’ve been having a lot of activity in my house as of late (more that what I was used to) and my one dog only really ‘did’ anything the other night when things were going on in my room.

We’ve only lived in this house for about 6 years now and we got him while we were living here.

Is it possible that he’s just been used to this something being here that he just doesn’t care anymore?

If anyone could please help me out.

Asked by Maura

Pets and Animals

Cats Strange Behavior

Every time I go to the bathroom my 3 cats RUSH in the bathroom as if they are trying to get there first. My newest cat now a year old has done this as well within about a coupler of months of getting him. I make sure they have water in their dishes so its not wanting fresh water from the toilet they don’t drink from it. They all three act like they are getting something from it. What is going on? This is weird. If I close the door completely they scratch at the door and meow and even fight over who gets there first.

I have a problem with depression and my house is a mess and I rarely pick up my guitar and play and sing. I don’t write poetry like I used to and all around inside I don’t want to do anything.

I’ve tried changing my medicine and its helps for about a month but I go right back to unhappy. But this thing with the cats has escalated. What is it?

Asked by Bivouaco

Pets and Animals Shadows

The Black Cat

Sometimes I see a big black cat and sometimes I see only it’s shadow. In the corner of my eye I see movement and then when I turn I catch a glimpse of a large black cat before it disappears in to thin air.

In the small amount of time I get to see it I see that it has no eyes.

Black Cat

One of my other experiences seeing this cat is when I was sitting in the lounge room and I saw the tail and legs of a large dark cat walking in to my room.

I knew it wasn’t any of my cat because my cat was sitting on my lap.

I have no idea of the cat’s intentions or why it is in my house.

I am looking to see if anyone knows of a book or internet article that might give me some clues and/or answers or maybe even a similar experience.

Asked by Samantha

Related Question & Answers About Cats:

Dream Of Missing Cat

Is My Cat Seeing A Ghost?

Dreams That My Cat Is Missing

Dreaming About Passed Away Dog And Ran Away Cat

Dream Of Lost Cat

Cat Seeing Things

Cats Strange Behavior

People who have spent a lifetime observing and interacting with cats will say that these amazing animals seem to possess powers – supernatural, psychic, or otherwise – that we can only begin to comprehend. But are they able to return from the grave as well?

Ghost Cats

Ouija Boards Pets and Animals

Unexplained Dog Barking

My dog runs around same time of night barking at doors with nothing there, I even go outside and look around but there is nothing there. I have belief we do have paranormal activity.

We played a Ouija Board in my house and then we violated and disrespected it.

Asked by Shea