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What Is Figure That Stands Outside Closet At Night?

A figure stands outside the closet at night, what is this?

Hello, I have never really used one of these sites before, but my boyfriend has an issue at hand, and we both want to know what this is and if we should be worried.

When he sleeps at night alone, he says around 3 in the morning, there is a figure that stands in the middle of the room, facing his closet. He just happens to wake up and sees this thing there. The way he describes it, it appears to be male, with a dark aura around the bottom half, but he can see the top half of it’s back. It’s pale, it has horns, its bald, and it has writing on it’s back of some sort.

If my boyfriend shuffles while its there, it turns his head, but my boyfriend just turns around so he doesn’t have to look at the face.

What’s really freaking him out is how it just stares at the closet, and the corner the closet is near is filled with this darkness that slowly spreads out.

My boyfriend has had weird experiences with his closet before, but this just started happening a month ago when his younger brother moved out of his room and he’s alone. It has been becoming more frequent as of late, and for now, he’s staying with me.

I realize this may sound out there, but I’m honestly just concerned for him and his family, if anyone has any idea what it might be, the help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Asked by Samantha

General Questions


Two years back, one ordinary day, I felt anxious, scared and depressed for no reason, I was restless. Few months later, I had one of the worst experiences when I got brutally negative remarks on my presentation. Cried all my way to home at 8pm. A year later, couple of days before a very important test, I had the same uneasy feeling & I cried. I thought probably it was exam stress. about 3 days before my exam I find out that I don’t have a proper ID card to appear in the exam and the money I paid could not be refunded. With that my dream to study abroad ended there. It was tragic. (of course it was carelessness on my part)

So after few more of these panicky random days, what I have learned is that whenever I have these days, sooner or later, I would have to go through something very bad. Its like a premonition. just few days back during my exams, I had a meltdown, thought it must be exam stress (though I rarely have exam meltdowns). So at the back of my mind I was cautious about something bad happening. My immediate thought was if I was going to spoil my exam the following day, but it went smooth. But little did I know that I would do my last exam paper so bad. I don’t want even to think about it 🙁

So, is it a premonition? and I should be thankful for such warnings? or is it something else?

Asked by Shreesa